03-09-2012, 11:58 PM
So I have some extensively annoying collisions in my game (not due to GM, though, but to my inability to well-ly program this stuff
) and I've posted this on two forums and haven't found a solution. 
It's a minigame, and four players are bouncing around on a spring mushroom thingy, and I want them to bounce off of each other. The thing is it's horrendously bugged, and they get stuck. A lot. They typically don't get stuck in the air, but they occasionally get spontaneously stuck to each other on the bouncer, and sometimes even 3-4 people get stuck simultaneously.
Anyone know how I can fix this?
info for player 1:
Player 2 is practically exactly the same, except a few AI discrepancies are thrown in. Players 3 and 4 are just child objects of player 2.
I have tried dozens of things, making them solid, unchecking precise collision checking, doing a circular mask, and nothing for me is working.

It's a minigame, and four players are bouncing around on a spring mushroom thingy, and I want them to bounce off of each other. The thing is it's horrendously bugged, and they get stuck. A lot. They typically don't get stuck in the air, but they occasionally get spontaneously stuck to each other on the bouncer, and sometimes even 3-4 people get stuck simultaneously.
Anyone know how I can fix this?
info for player 1:
Information about object: objP1Bounce
Sprite: sprMarioBounce
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Parent: <no parent>
Mask: sprPlayersBounceMask
Create Event:
execute code:
Step Event:
execute code:
if keyboard_check(vk_right) && hspeed>-global.bouncemaxspeed && place_free(x-hspeed,y)
if keyboard_check(vk_left ) && hspeed<+global.bouncemaxspeed && place_free(x+hspeed,y)
if place_free(x,y+1)
if hspeed>global.bouncemaxspeed
if hspeed<-global.bouncemaxspeed
if !(speed=0) {image_angle+=global.bouncespinspeed}
if vspeed>25{vspeed=25}
if vspeed<-25{vspeed=-25}
Collision Event with object objBouncer:
execute code:
//bounce off
if !place_free( x+0,y+1)
//double vspeed because it's a trampoline
Collision Event with object objP2Bounce:
execute code:
Collision Event with object objBouncerBlock:
execute code:
Other Event: Outside Room:
execute code:
Player 2 is practically exactly the same, except a few AI discrepancies are thrown in. Players 3 and 4 are just child objects of player 2.
I have tried dozens of things, making them solid, unchecking precise collision checking, doing a circular mask, and nothing for me is working.