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Kid Icarus Uprising
So like why has nobody been talking about this amazing game here?

It's absolutely phenomenal piece of software for the 3DS from beginning to end.

Its got as much replay value as a Smash bros. title, and even has its own little trophies to collect.

It also has online battles and whole bunch of other shit too.

and *late game spoilers*

[Image: JSW7XoM.png][Image: M9AUckK.png]
Thanked by: Crappy Blue Luigi, Shade
Oh boy... Watch there be a shit ton of Uprising items, stages, and more in the next Smash Bros.

Sakurai has Kid Icarus fresh in his mind so expect to be overwhelmed.
Thanked by: Ploaj
I think I may be the only one who... well... doesn't really like this game...
I mean it's fun to play and all but I felt it was lacking and boring...

I beat the game in like and hour and I really didn't feel like replaying the eight levels just to get all the weapons and unlockables...
All the weapons seemed the same to me.. just some more powerful than others (I like the claws and bows the most)
Pit's voice actor got on my nerves he always had this emotional level to it that I personally didn't like I could only bear threw it because of Tara's enjoyable voice.
The control scheme was kind of uncomfortable and awkward and I didn't like the camera when you were on the ground I'm used to a button that auto adjusts it.

I did kinda like multiplayer. It is fun but not something I'll play for years and the wifi can be laggy at times and reduces framerate..

Although I'm a quite bias about not liking it because I usually don't enjoy shooters but I thought maybe I should give it a try... but no I didn't enjoy it please respect my opinion and don't kill me...
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(04-04-2012, 12:23 AM)Ploaj Wrote: I beat the game in like and hour and I really didn't feel like replaying the eight levels just to get all the weapons and unlockables...
Wow you beat all the levels in an...

(04-04-2012, 12:23 AM)Ploaj Wrote: the eight levels

Thanked by: Ploaj, Zadaben
Well this is embarrassing...
I must have got bored and stopped playing after 8 chapters lol Shy
It's not fair for me to judge a game before I've beaten it so once I beat then I'll give my true opinion
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[Image: QUmE6.gif]
My Game Maker games (Dropbox download links):

Thanked by: Ploaj
(04-04-2012, 01:08 AM)Ploaj Wrote: Well this is embarrassing...
I must have got bored and stopped playing after 8 chapters lol Shy
It's not fair for me to judge a game before I've beaten it so once I beat then I'll give my true opinion

Trust me once you beat Chapter 9 you'll probably think this game is Hamazzzing.
[Image: JSW7XoM.png][Image: M9AUckK.png]
Thanked by: Chaoxys, Ploaj
Really great game Smile my favorite weapon would be the Twinbellows Cannon such a badass cannon XD

and the characters really made me laugh, awesome story as well
What Rips am i doing next not sure?
[Image: giphy.webp]
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(04-03-2012, 11:34 PM)Koopaul Wrote: Oh boy... Watch there be a shit ton of Uprising items, stages, and more in the next Smash Bros.

Sakurai has Kid Icarus fresh in his mind so expect to be overwhelmed.
Well, to be fair, it does offer up a lot that would fit well into the game. Personally, I'd like to see Magnus as a playable character or an AT (Or the Eggplant Wizard as an AT).

Also, I wouldn't mind any of the songs in KI:U being used in the next SSB since all the songs are hamazing.
Thanked by: Ploaj, Gwen
Played it, love it. Favorite 3DS game now.

Everything about this is awesome, the music is really good and the levels are amazing.

Chapter 5 was pretty sweet, especially the space part.
I was really worried about the 3DS sales but this might have saved it. Just my personal take on it.
[Image: 582217063e.png][Image: RWDCRik.png]

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Can you actually play this game without stylus controls and be able to set the options to play with buttons only? I'm only asking this because I heard this game is harder to play if you're a lefty like myself.
[Image: 27348983yu7.png]
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The game is compatible with the Circle Pad Pro which allows easier controls for lefties that want to play with and without stylus controls.

Righties are a bit more restricted in the controls in that there are no dual analog controls, so righties are stuck using the touch screen or using the face buttons (A, B, X, and Y) for aiming.
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I'm at chapter 20 now and I do admit when you get past some of the annoyances it's really enjoyable. I still don't think it's a game I will play for years to come but for now I do think it's one of my favorites for the 3ds (since most 3ds games right now are really boring)
My favorite thing about the game was how they referenced previous games and even other franchises.
Another thing really appealing was they had some really good and popular voice actors which I really loved but I still don't particularly like pit's voice.

All in all I think this is the only shooter I've even come close to completely and liking. I can't wait for the next Kid Icarus game Big Grin
Thanked by: Omega
Incase anyone is interested in some AMAZING dialogue, beat the final boss and idle for about 2 minutes on on the "The End" screen.

For those who don't own it/don't want to fight the boss again, here it is:
I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish. There's a certain charm this game has that I haven't seen in a Nintendo title for quite a while.

Also, I noticed that there's a lack of the final boss picture references circulating so I took the time to get some average quality screen-grabs of them.
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