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Viper Birthday
Viper's the legal drinking age everybody run

Happy birthday nerd, have a good one and all that
[Image: sxv5uJR.gif]
Thanked by: Vipershark
Happy birthday Viper, have a radulartastic day!
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
Thanked by: Vipershark
Happy Birthday!

I'll let everyone else make the jokes.
Thanked by: Zadaben, Vipershark
he will now buy alcohol for the lucky star cast so they can start a new season of them being just fucking wasted constantly
Thanked by: Vipershark
From Diapershark to Vipershark: The Birth and Internet Life of one tSR Moderator

Happy vaginal escape day!
[Image: 332arg3.jpg]
Kilgore Trout Wrote:I let her touch my PSP once, and she was all "where are the a and b buttons" ;3;
Thanked by: Vipershark
yo, I'll make you a b-day gift

and don't refuse it because I'll make it anyway

I made it but it's a secret, ehuehuehueuheuhe
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If you like my C+C, please rate me up. It helps me know I'm helping!
[Image: deT1vCJ.png]
Thanked by: Zadaben, Ploaj, Vipershark
hb nooblord

wow 21 wtf
Thanked by: Vipershark
Happy birthday Vipernerd, have a great day!
Thanked by: Vipershark
Hbd Vipershark!!

[Image: scaled.php?server=42&]
Hey! Happy Birthday Viperstreetshark! Hope your day is pretty sweet.

(also, I think this is the first time I've ever posted in a birthday thread on time! I guess you should... feel proud or something?)
Thanked by: Vipershark

Happy Birthday dude!
Thanked by: Vipershark
Happy B-Day Viper. Have a good one Big Grin
[Image: QUmE6.gif]
Thanked by: Vipershark
Felicitous Birthday, Viper! Y'know, if you lived in New Zealand you could have started drinking 3 years ago. Like, right out of highschool though.
Thanked by: Vipershark
happy birthday, mr. reptilefish!

okay that one was pretty bad, i apologize. here, have a beat 'em up.

[Image: asPLi.gif]

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