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It looks like the far wing is shorter. I'd lower the edges and draw the edge all the way down.
Also, you have some banding issues. You should avoid following the outline with your 'shading'.
Mighjt I suggest moving the eyes upward so he doesn't stare sadly at the floor?
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06-07-2012, 10:57 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-07-2012, 11:25 AM by Sevenstitch.)
I'm having a tough time finding a way to shade him without losing his shape.
I know there is banding, but could anyone give me a rough idea as how to get
rid of it without the body losing its bowling pin shape?
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When I said bending, I mostly meant that dark green line all along the outline of his belly.
I preferred the old eyes (moved up).
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Another pass.
I really have no idea how to get rid of that green line. Its literally the edge of the belly,
and its on the unlit side of the belly. I really do not want to introduce any more colors into
it either, so bright or dark are my only options. If this last pass is still inadequate, could
someone post a visual suggestion on how to fix this? All other C&C is appreciated as well.
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I just wouldn't put it there at all. Don't use detail if it doesn't work, it's not that important ;-)
Besides it makes it look as if the body was turned too much towards the viewer.
I did some tiny things (I thing).
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Yeah, I tried to fight it, but you're right. That line didn't need to be there after all.
I took most of your advice, and I detailed the fish-tie some more. I'm thinking this
is probably satisfactory, as I am quite happy with it overall. C&C is still appriciated,
If you spot anything that needs improvement.
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So, I'm happy with the overall sprite, but what about the palette choice? Is green
a bad color for him?
The TFR palette has a lot of options, but most of them don't really mesh with the
yellow-orange ramp i have. So I guess what I'm asking is, do I stay with Green,
or move to blue?
i think your guy looks fine in either color, really.
if you're worried about the tFR palette but could swing either way, then take a look at the characters that are finished, near finished, or currently being worked on. how many blue characters are there vs. green characters? go with whatever makes your penguin dude stand out more.
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Looks off-balanced. Moves his right foot (our left) a few pixels back.
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Kepp it green :-)
Blue can still be a TFR Alternate Palette (Chris2Balls made some, too), if such a thing will exist.
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There, moved the right (his right) foot just a hair. I'm happy with it.
I've decided to stay with green. Just because It was my first choice when I started making
him, and so his name can stay "Greenguin."
Thanks to everyone for their advice and critique, with special mention to Previous, who helped
out the most. Not that Its a competition or anything.  My ref will now be in the Love thread as
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Alright, so I've been playing with this idea for a little while, and I'm not sure
where to go with it.
I call him FrankenSurfer. I can see that things are off with him, but I can't
nail them down myself. I guess I've just looked at it too long.
I insist on C&C. I know the anatomy is a little.. wonky? I'm not sure how
to get around that. As for the clothing choices, I meant to give him clown
shoes; they made me chuckle when i made them, so they are probably gonna stay.
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Well there is too much of the inside of the short's legs; you probably wouldn't be able to see that much at this angle. Also, I'd suggest making his nipples the same height, as his chest is looking a bit messed up (unless you're going for that effect with Frankenstein's monster and all  )
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Your shading is foollowing the linearto too much. The whole abdominal area doesn't make sense. Is that line supposed to be a scar? It doesn't really look like one. Right now, you have a lot of thick lines everywhere.
The green coor ramp could use more contrast and some hue shifting. The blue, too.
I'd also suggest to work on a more neutral background, the one you've got is rather dark.
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So yeah, this last attempt was riddled with problems, so I scrapped it and started over.
I'm not really sure If I've went a step forward or back though.
I know there are errors here, but I'm really under the weather right now, so I
can't really nail them down. C&C please.