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Banjo-Kazooie Sprite Project!
(07-09-2012, 12:51 AM)Star Wrote: Freakin a, that Blobbelda is spot on.
I know how much hell it is working with such small dimensions. Good job!

Idk why, but something about Humba Wumba's shade for her skin seems off to me. I think it's too saturated or something.

Yeah, especially with cramming small details like eyes lol, thanks

[Image: p68S7.png]

I tried tweaking a few things with the palette and shading on Humba, took the skin from the game portrait. Tried looking at what Ton said too and figured changing up the shading might fix the giant face look a bit without having to shorten it. Look any better?
Thanked by: Garamonde, Star
"Hur, hur, break needed from missstresssesss family. Sssprite Klungo inssstead."

[Image: 93UAB.png]

This is good practice, I'm enjoying it
Hey I've been messing around with the sprites... please tell me if you think I've made them worse.

[Image: banjonewie.png]

Changes I made:
Banjo's Backpack is more deeper blue.
Changed Grunty's face so she's looking forward... kinda looks weird?
Made scarf two colors.
Changes Mumbo's eye's so he's looking forward.
Small adjustments to Jamjars.
Greatly shrunk Humba so eye level is that of Grunty's... face and skin need fixing.

So yeah, I don't know guys... what do you have to say?

Gruntilda: I like the adjustments to Gruntilda, she looks great

Banjo-Kazooie: Idk why, but..their eyes seem out of style now. Same goes for Tooty.
As for the backpack, try to find a balance between the hue you used before and the one you're using now.

Mumbo: His eyes..bother me for some reason. I can't put my finger on it : /

Bottles: He looks like he is in mid-animation now about to scratch his belly. I think that other arm doesn't need to show up that much if you're leaving him like that.
Maybe that's just me.

JamJar: I like the adjustments!
[Image: 9fryz.gif] [Image: QUmE6.gif]
[Image: XwNYE.gif]
[Image: qjGOacY.png]

Click the link below to view the New Super Mario Kart Project! [Seizure Warning]

Thanked by: -Bwar-, Garamonde
I think the older skin tones on Humba worked better, but for the sake of a simplified pallette I can see why the changes were necessary. Downsizing here also sort of made her look too young features wise but the body downsizing looks excellent. Perhaps a slightly edited old head alongside the new body?

I don't think removing the shading on the eyes that utilize it is a good thing, it takes away from the style and gives their gaze a bit of imbalance

Grunty looks good but I made a few small pixel changes like giving her back the lazy eye. Dunno if that works or not.

Mumbo's eyes were good how they were imo, the repositioning of his right eye makes the white area disproportionate to the other eye

Jamjars looks alright aside from the editing of the neck area. in-game his model seems to be more relaxed and his shoulders aren't as stiff.

From the side we can sort of see he's slimmer than the sprite I made so I think that's my bad on that. Perhaps using the old neck/shoulders and slimming him up in the front might help?

Here's what I tried out. Gave my other sprites the new pallette as well and made Dingpot

[Image: WkzMx.png]

Scrapped Brentilda for now though, i'm gonna redo her later but my sprite was just too filled with little messes
Thanked by: Garamonde, ~DrakoRero~
Here's some minor edits to Mingella! Surprise
[Image: OTWRK.png]
So the points of importance are:
[Image: puwLM.png]
-Here arms are super thing. Probably literal sticks!
-Her nose is pretty pointy. I think it could use some more fiddling than I did in my edit.
-Her face is looong. I didn't try yet but maybe dropping her jaw could improve her.
-She has a mild overbite. I tried to add that in.
-her hat rim is huge; it's a good contrast to her stick like nature.
I almost forgot about this thread! Sprites are still looking good!
[Image: 27348983yu7.png]
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x0_000 is like a legendary ninja that comes out of nowhere, drops off something of miraculous greatness, and then goes back into the shadows.

Also, I'm curious as to how the backgrounds will look like..since this is a platformer style.
[Image: 9fryz.gif] [Image: QUmE6.gif]
[Image: XwNYE.gif]
[Image: qjGOacY.png]

Click the link below to view the New Super Mario Kart Project! [Seizure Warning]

He definitely is an inspiration, I would have never thought of fixing it like that. Looks amazing now, great job

If we did maps it would be an interesting challenge to make them platformer oriented yet non-linear like the levels themselves. There's some old fangame I remember somewhere for BK that had a good example of that, I'll see if I can dig it up sometime.

I tried to implement the jaw editing x0_000 suggested, seemed to turn out good to me. Also did Jinjos, the Jinjonator, and King Jingaling.

[Image: eg4Nf.png]

Since Jinjos vary in some colors throughout the games, I tried to give them each the best I could belly wise
These sprites look awesome. Excellent work.
Character Reference: 1 2
Love: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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Oh hey, it's the Jinjos. Love those little bastards, nice work.

Fun (but useless) fact: Like Majora's Mask and other game's I played other N64 game's at a cousin's house. Heh.
Thanked by: Garamonde
I got an outdated sheet to make edits, welp

but i have tried to improve their readability be doing away with banding and stuff. I also changed some of the coloring and gave Humba a facelift because her skin tone was melting with her yellow dress, also removed a ton of broken shading.

[Image: uSgDr.png]
Spriter Gors】【Bandcamp】【Twitter】【YouTube】【Tumblr】【Portifolio
If you like my C+C, please rate me up. It helps me know I'm helping!
[Image: deT1vCJ.png]
I've been conducting horrible experiments on these sprites. I tried making it so that all the sprites were looking in the same direction... It didn't come out too pretty...

[Image: banjonewietooie.png]

I also changed the snouts on the moles, and a lot of Klungo.

Thanked by: Star, Iceman404
i didn't like it, it looks like they're forcing their eyes (it doesn't look like they're looking FORWARD, but rather to the SIDE).

also i didn't edit the fairy, but her face is all pillowshaded

the tip is, only use anti-alias for CURVES. parts that are sharp, such as witches' chin, doesn't need a lot of AA.

also don't AA diagonal lines a lot, it will look like banding.

(why are you using light gray instead of white, may i ask?)
Spriter Gors】【Bandcamp】【Twitter】【YouTube】【Tumblr】【Portifolio
If you like my C+C, please rate me up. It helps me know I'm helping!
[Image: deT1vCJ.png]
Thanked by: Garamonde, Star
Because people keep using white for the background which makes it hard to observe the sprites I do that too actually, probably to keep the palette as original as possible and not feel like you're using any "default" colors, if you know what I mean, or that it was too bright to fit with the other colors.
[Image: sweet-capn-cakes-deltarune.gif]
Thanked by: Gaia

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