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Nintendo Achievement awards
Cool Hey everyone. Here's something I've been fulling around with for a little while now. You know how Sony and X-box have achievement awards for meeting certain conditions in a game and make it so that you have to collect all of them to make the game more re-playable? Well now that the WII U is coming out I think it's time Nintendo tried this formula as well. Just for kicks I'm going to post my fictional achievement awards for various games and I want you all to contribute any ideas you have. From time to time I will feature different games. Today's awards will be for LOZSurpriseOT. If any of you feel inspired(or really, really bored Unimpressed ) feel free to post your ideas. Here we go:


Legendary Hero: Obtain all other achievement awards.

Hammered: Obtain the Megaton Hammer.
Shadow Puppet: Defeat Shadow Link.
Enter the Dragon: Defeat Volvegia.
Ship Wrecked: Survive a sinking ship.
Feeling Well: Explore the bottom of the well.
Musician: Learn all Ocarina songs.
Archer: Obtain all arrow upgrades.
Swordsman: Learn all Sword-fighting techniques.
Ranch Hand: Complete all optional side-quests on Lon Lon Ranch.
Tree-mendous: Explore the Great Deku Tree.
Fired-up: Obtain Din's fire.
Winded: Obtain Farrori's wind.
Spread the Love: Obtain Naru's love.
Seeking the Truth: Obtain the Lens of Truth.
Prison Break: Escape the holding cell in Gerudo Valley.
Well-Rounded: Activate the Merry-Go-Round.
Magician: Increase magic bar to maximum length.
Scuba Gear: Obtain the water tunic.
Hero of Time: Gain access into the Temple of Time.
One for the Sages: Obtain all Sage medals.
Heart Throb: Obtain all Heart Containers.
Hide and Sheik: Encounter Sheik for the first time.
Hidden Trophy-Hitting the Bottle: Defeat Ganondorf using a milk bottle.
Make it Rain: Learn the Song of Storms.
Nap Time: Learn Zelda's Lullaby.
Horsing-Around: Learn Epona's Song.
Mobbed: Survive the Moblin attack in the forest for the first time.
In too Deep: Fully explore and conquer the water temple.
A Grave Error: Explore the graveyard.

Whew! That's all I got. Anyone else want to add some I didn't think of? Be creative and have fun! Smile
Video Games are bad for you? Surprise That's what they said about Rock and Roll! Big Grin
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This would probably go in Gaming Discussion. Not sure though??
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Rat! MOD please move this topic to the appropriate spot because I'm interested hearing people's ideas. Feel free to share as well.
Video Games are bad for you? Surprise That's what they said about Rock and Roll! Big Grin
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Bling Bling: Obtain all Medallions.
You're a chicken: Run away from a Cucco attack.
Rumor Mill Talk to a Gossip Stone.
Ladies Man: Befriend the Gerudo`s.
Mash "A": Listen to all of Kaepora Gaebora speeches.

Man, I suck at this.
Thanked by: Makermatic21
From the comments on my DA I know that them kids are all the rage about achievements and overtly happy when they get them all. However, I personally don't like the concept.
I prefer the good old days where you'd get alternate costumes, a new cart, unlock artwork, well, actually get something for completing such side-tasks.
Yeah I don't understand achievements... Do you get rewards of some kind for doing them?

Thanked by: Baegal
Achievements are a (shallow) way to compensate the lack of reward in newer games imo. It's much more rewarding if your 'achievements' were actual, in-game progress such as discovering a hidden room, unlocking stuff, optional bosses, different endings etc.
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(08-08-2012, 05:37 AM)Koopaul Wrote: Yeah I don't understand achievements... Do you get rewards of some kid for doing them?

360 owners get gamerpoints or whatever they're called. I don't think the points have any actual function though.

Quote:Tree-mendous: Explore the Great Deku Tree.

Beating the first level of a game is not a real achievement. Neither is finding a required item that wasn't even hidden in the first place.
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On X-Box and PS3, you get points for doing so. Possibly just rep, or points used for a game in the future.

Pilotwings 64 Achievements

Engine Block: Get Gold on all Gyrocopter Levels
Gust Rider: Get Gold on all Hang Glider Levels
Rocketeer: Get Gold on all Rocket Belt Levels
Marksman: Get Gold on all Cannonball Levels
Jumbler: Get Gold on all Jumble Hopper Levels
Sky Surfing: Get Gold on all Skydiving Levels
Gilded Wings: Find all the Hidden Stars
The Real McCoy: Defeat Mecha Hawk as Hawk
Sculptor: Shoot Mario's Head in Little States

F-Zero X Achievements:

Royal Flush: Get Gold Medal on All Face Value Cups on all difficulties except Master
Wild Card: Get Gold Medal on X Cup on all difficulties except Master
Master of Racing: Get Gold Medal on All Cups on Master Difficulty
Grim Reaper: Complete Death Race
True Reaper: Complete Death Race with all machines
Speedy Reaper: Complete Death Race within 120 seconds
Sonic Boom: Break 1223 km

Zelda Ocarina of Time Achievements: (More Feasible ones)
Magician: Find all the Great Fairies
Supreme Smith: Get the Biggoron's Sword
Thirsty?: Find all Bottles
Legendary Fish: Catch the Hylian Loach as Adult Link
Bald as a Bean: Steal the Fisherman's Hat as Adult Link
Tip-Top Shape: Find all Heart Pieces
Thanked by: Makermatic21
Honestly I think achievements make a game lose more re-playability in a game instead of making more out of it.

Because once you've done everyone one of them it feels like you've done everything you could do in the game, and that just makes you want to move on to a new game faster. Not that there's anything wrong with that but I would at least want my games to last.
Discord is Dioshiba#9513
Thanked by: Gors
(08-08-2012, 06:19 AM)Rλy Wrote: 360 owners get gamerpoints or whatever they're called. I don't think the points have any actual function though.

That's what it's all about. Hey look, I have tripe the number of Gamerscore than you do. You wimpy loser. Check out my 1337 64/\/\1|\|6 5|<|115
Getting all everything, making progress etc are all lazy achievements. If you complete the game you're going to get them anyway.
However on the flip side doing things JUST for said achievement is too forced, or I'm too lazy to do as you don't get anything for them, and makes my 6/20 Trophy count look really crap even if I 101% the game.

Basically I don't like them.
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I agree with Previous in the sense that games were cooler when you got stuff for doing bonuses. Like in Link's Awakening DX you'd get a new shirt for completing the Colour Dungeon, or in The Minish Cap Kinstone fusions actually made you want to do them because you always got something.

That said, I don't dislike achievements that much. Sure, they're not as good as the above, but if the game doesn't have them anyway there's no harm. As far as I'm concerned achievements add replayability, especially with initially shallow games. For example in Renegade Ops, there are optional missions that you might not complete. However on Steam each optional mission has an achievement for completing it, which personally gives me more reason to go back and try to complete it.

I can see Diogalesu's logic, but well thought up achievements should cover that. Either you make achievements for all the extras, or only make a few for the extremely difficult/unique ones. If the former, you'll try to get them all, and if the latter, you'll probably discover the little extras by yourself and know that the achievements don't include all the game's extras.
Thanked by: Phantom Killah
On the PS3, you get no real bonus if you get all the trophies other than a higher ranking level and some games have platinum trophies.

If done right, they extend the game by getting things to do that you normally don't do. Many games however don't whether either it gets towards the point of grinding like in Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit where you can complete the Cop side of game in a Bounty of about 14 (out of 20) but you have to get the rank of 17,19 and 20, then you have to get the distinction (gold) medals, then you have to do weird events that you can't tell whether you got it or not (like there's a mission called Porsche Patrol where you have to hit a certain Porsche to get an achievement/trophy but since the cars sort of lookalike...) or they are so easy that it shouldn't be on there like Sly Cooper 1 where you get all the trophies just by playing the game normally.

There's also the problem of multiplayer achievements/trophies in that if the online server gets switched off, it means that you can't get the last of them. Some games e.g. Mortal Kombat, nearly all EA games have more multiplayer achievements/trophies than single player ones to the point of even being 70% multiplayer/30% single player.

To be honest I'm sort of 50/50 regarding these. While I prefer if they were unlockable bonuses or hidden features (cheats too), sometimes it gives an insentive to play the game but I don't go all out just to get them. At least I'm not someone who refusing to play games that don't have them like many people out there.
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Achievements are pretty neat... sometimes. There's really ridiculous achievements like pretty much all of the ones in the original post which are unlocked for mandatory shit, which don't really feel like Achievements as much as they do "hey you're this far in the game now" checkpoints. This was one of my main problems with Achievements in the recent Batman Arkham games, since you get at least a quarter of the Achievements just playing the game normally. Stuff like getting a combo up to a certain number, or clearing a difficult level without powerups or whatever, that's the kind of thing that's Achievement worthy.

Though I would prefer it if Achievements came with unlockable extras, like the checklists in Kirby's Air Ride. Not all of them would have to, as KAR only had a handful of Achievements with unlockables but at least even the non-prize ones built up to a larger prize in the end. Even Team Fortress 2 does this, where after unlocking a bunch of class Achievements you get an item. If Gamerscore actually did something, I wouldn't mind so much, but I really would like something better for my efforts than a few numbers and icons.
[Image: StickerStageItems.png]
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