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Hey, I was wondering if anyone has used / bought an acekard before???

I've been thinking about getting one but I have no idea how to use it or what are the extent of its capabilities. But I really really really want to play on all the stuff I missed out during the golden days of the DS!!! Embarassed

Also I hope this is appropriate discussion for here lol
[Image: cooltinysdm.png]
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I was thinking about getting an acekard for awhile, but eventually settled on an R4
R4 just seemed more reliable and not as sketchy.
[Image: cKfiI0F.png]
Thinking of you, 
wherever you are.
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Don't think a lot of people here know about DS flash carts (or would support your questionable intentions for it), so I'd say check out DS-Scene. They're pretty knowledgable about flash carts and homebrew and all that jazz and will probably be able to tell you about Acekards or any other brand.
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I had some generic copy cart named E7 (or something to that effect). Doesn't work for the DSi.

Despite what you may think though, I only bought it to replace the 8 or so DS games I lost like 5 years ago! Though the NES/Gameboy emulators and music player are a handy bonus Big Grin
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I have an Acekard 2i and it's great.

Just make sure you update to the AKAIO firmware or a lot of games won't play correctly, if at all
Pretty sure it won't work in the 3ds though

Edit- guys discussing roms and stuff is allowed here
You seem to forget that this is a forum about ripping graphics from roms in the first place :p
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
Thanked by: Cobalt Blue, Maxpphire
I hvae an r4,
but thoses things attract viruses like flies...
itll probabaly last a few months before it breaks or dosnt work anymore...
thats how long mine lasted.
But these are actually great when they are still alive...
Love : Previous(2)(3), Trollerskates(2), Nicktendo DS(2), Hiynastrike, ShadeDBZ(2), Recolorme, Sevenstitch, SupaBuddie,

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I actually have an old cycloDS evolution for my ds lite, and its never given me any real problems.

Well, mine is about 6 or 7 years old now, so getting the ds to recognize it every time I take it in and
out of the ds is pretty common.

I don't know where you'd get a cyclo at now though, I've read that the team disappeared, so production
is probably kaput.
[Image: 22610_s.gif]

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I have a bootleg R4.

yep, piracy of the piracy.
Thanked by: Previous, Kriven, Maxpphire
So I went with an Ak2i, it should be here next week. I'll let you all know how it goes.

Also, let's just say I have physical copies of every game I intend to play. Smile

(Besides, there's always the issue of portability with all these cartridges everywhere anyways)
[Image: cooltinysdm.png]
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I really dont give a damn though. acekards and R4s are mostly required to play newer games that do have piracy protections, like PKMN black and white and so on.

but then, 80%+ of the DS library lacks this protection and runs perfectly fine on your bootleg, cheaper version of your "standard" flashcart. and even then, only 10% on that earlier 85% is actually something worth of anyone's time, seeing the DS's library is cluttered with horrible amounts of shovelware.
Thanked by: Sevenstitch

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