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10-14-2012, 02:26 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-17-2012, 02:52 PM by Kamoe.)
Original Post
Hey there ppl  ! Pretty new to this forum, though have known Spriters Recource for a while.
So uhm...first post and I kinda have to introduce myself since I couldn't find the introduction topic  ...
Some of you MAY know me (if you don' problem I'm not famous XD) as:
- Happy Sharingan
- Kamoe
No time to lose, let's get to the topic theme.
I bet that lots of you know " Mighty Final Fight" or at least the " Final Fight" series  . Some days ago, I was searching for a certain sprite and found " MFF" instead. Got pretty happy, cuz it is one of my most fav. games of all times  ! Since I'm a BIG fan of remakes and retro 2D GFX, I made some sprites quickly:
NOTE: I re-sprited Guy and Cody! The Mugshots are from SNK vs CAPCOM Card Game (though I edited those a bit)
I do NOT promise that I will continue spriting those characters, though it might happen if I have some free time.
Greetz, your Kamoe  ____________________________________________________________
Super Mighty Final Fight!
Since I found some ppl, who would like to work on a fan "remake" of Mighty Final Fight, I'll continue working on sprites (mostly outlines).
Before I start showing stuff, I'd like to say some words about the game:
- MFF has a chibi/comic style and since we're by far the "new generation", SMFF should have the same BUT look slightly different!
- the black outline is intended, though there is no outline inside the sprite... confusing... I mean that the only outline is the one outside of the sprite
- both animation and shading have to be as simple as possible!
---- animation should be about 4-6 frames per move
---- shading should be simplified and have as less detail as possible
- SMFF will not only be a simple remake, there will be twists and bonuses the MFF never had (like more moves, stages etc.)
- since it's a remake, it will contain ALL of the MFF content (plus more lol)
---- main story follows through Final Fight 1,2 & 3 (MAYBE "Streetwise" too)
---- side storys will cover up some before unseen content (like Guy training in Japan)
---- LVUP! function, though with more than 5 Levels
---- with certain LV you gain new combos or specials
---- completing chapters or special bonuses, unlocks new outfits
---- story mode is playable with certain characters, though you can hit free mode or arena for challanges with new/unlocked characters
and more  !
Here are some of the characters:
Ark 1 - Final Fight (2 characters)
![[Image: codyanimstand.gif]]( ![[Image: guyanimstand.gif]](
Ark 2 - Final Fight 2 (3 characters)
Ark 3 - Final Fight 3 (3-4 Characters)
![[Image: deananimstand.gif]]( [W.I.P.][W.I.P.]
Secret Arks - TBA
Since Final Fight is pretty close to Street Fighter, there will be extra Arks containing some of the SF characters! BUT we have to finish the normal story Arks first lol...
Since the original sprites make mostly no sense - stance/moves (e.g. Dean), some of the movement will be changed BUT the character style maintained (like only a visual rework but not the functionality)
Don't expect us to get finished any soon... The progress will move REALLY slowly, since we're only 3 ppl (2 artists, 1 dev.) and we have to work to...real life and stuff  . Though your opinion is always welcome!
C+C and if you suggest some changes (colors, animation, etc.) we'd be happy if you will show what you mean (if it's not that obvious). Credit will be given in no time!
Game ver. 0.0.0
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here's some things
cody's upper face is blurry, what's up with the load of black pixels in the left side of his face? otherwise his sprite is pretty decent. you highlighted the areas that needed to be highlighted, but theyve been given kind of a generic anime look in the sprites head areas that doesn't effectively channel the character art that well. guy's sprite is the obvious worse of the two: his entire left side (facing camera) is entirely unfinished and you seem to have left out quite a good deal of texturing that can be done.
Thinking of you,
wherever you are.
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Thx for the reply  ! I like to see comments like these, rather than "good job bro" ones...
I do have some questions though:
Cody: I see what you mean (at least I think so lol) and as soon as I'm home, I'll fix it. I drew him facing right and then simply mirrored the sprite. Stupid mistake of mine, forgetting the basic rule of both sides  ...Problem is that I wanted to use only 2 colors for every body part (yellow & dark yellow/orange for the hair, blue & dark blue for the jeans and so on). Didn't notice that the skin color pretty much crapped up the hair color :/
Guy: there's my little problem :/ can't seem to get the "unfinished" part... I do see that I messed the highlight part a bit but that's not what you mean. You mean the left side - the one leg without the highlight. If you only mean the lack of colors, I mentioned the 2 color standart before  . The problem is that I used the Street Fighter 4 Guy as a reference and only his right leg was highlited (though noticebly more colors on that one).
So basically. I do get the point and I'll try to fix it. If you can, pls show me the "Guy" problem
Thx again for the reply
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i have the impression that you tried some sort of selout on the larger sprites, but lacked any knowledge of what selout is or howit works. otherwise i see no reason for that sudden change of contrast on the sprites's linework.
the contrast on their palettes is really weak, seems like you basically resized the original sprites and just dumbed down the color ramps to make them look more "retro" (?)
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10-15-2012, 01:46 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-15-2012, 01:49 PM by Kamoe.)
Finally @home and I gladly take your advices  .
First things first:
- Cody sprite:
I fixed the face/head. Forced me to use a 3rd color, which I actually wanted to evade :/... but oh well, if it looks good why not
- Guy sprite:
Fixed the highlight on the right side and changed the feet. Still don't get the "unfinished" part (@kojjiro)  ...
@Cobalt Blue:
I didn't really tried it, I simply took colors from my pallet and used them as I thought it'd fit. Maybe it's my colorblind(ness)-weakness and I don't see the color contrast as you do  .
The outline is simply a thing that I like to see in certain situations. As like in this one. I could remove it and use selective outlining but since I know that "s.o." does NOT look good in sidescrollers, I wanted to stick to the basic outline.
If you can suggest other colors, you're gladly welcome  .
My references:
Guy: this is pretty much the reference to the guy sprite
There's the "idea" of highliting the right part only.
Cody: I referred to this alternate cody outfit, to make the sprite
I wanted to use new looks, but I could only find a good one for Cody  ...
The "Spriting Style" is something new to myself, since I use a completely different one
![[Image: 97691581.png]](
and I wanted to combine 2 styles in one. Seems like I failed a bit huh :/?
The original ones were "chibi" which I could sprite too but would that be a "new look" which is usual for a remake? Still I wanted to use something similar to "chibi" call it "semi-chibi" if you want  .
Maybe it'll make difference if I animate them...but first I'll have to remove all the mistakes and make 'em work as single sprites
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for someone with colorblind problems, contrast should be the very first thing you should excel at for obvious reasons.
and yep, you dont really know how selout works. it doesnt rely on the genre of the media it is being used since selout relies on purely on the relationship between sprites and their backgrounds backgrounds. it will only look good when you work on both backgrounds and sprites at the same time, and even then, 90% of the time it aint even necesary in the first place.
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I'm pretty new to the colorblind fact :/, found it out recently. So I'm getting used to it pretty slowly...
Funny fact that I use to know what selout is though didn't know the "selout" term.
I'd rather like to know how you came up with the idea of me trying it  .
Other than that, some reply on the actual sprites would be better than a term discussion. As I already have said: "If you can suggest other colors, you're gladly welcome  . "
Selout, as described in the Spriting Dictionary, is a shorthand of 'selective outlining'. That's what you were doing; you were 'selecting' parts of your outline and 'shading' it (in other words, you aren't using a single color to outline). Since this blends the sprite more with the background, it can only be used in some cases, limiting the backgrounds the sprite can be put on top of. Also it's necessary to discuss said terms because this way you'll know about it and how to use it properly.
As for the Guy sprite looking unfinished, it's because you shaded him like a blob, and not with the clothing folds, like it's supposed to be. Check the official sprites to see how they texturize the fabric. Finally, I dislike how the hair gets over the face of both, making it hard to read their faces easily.
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10-16-2012, 08:52 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-16-2012, 09:08 AM by Kamoe.)
I've read through the Spriting Dictionary again and I noticed my misunderstanding. I know what you mean now.
"some sort of selout" - you mean the black outline of the character but inside that black outline is a different style of selout. Like dividing certain bodyparts by different colors.
Sorry for my misunderstanding and thx for the hint  .
Though I have a good reason for that. It's a practical reason actually. I've sprited for some games and I was hinted that a black outline is often by far the best choice to let the character be outstading in terms of NPC's and Backgrounds (NPCs which are part of the background)
As for sprites itself, like stand alone sprites, it's a not so good choice. I do admit that.
As for colors and shading: I already stated that it was my intention to keep these as simple as possible and with only 2 colors on each material. It's no big deal to add multiple colors and make it look more detailed
![[Image: 43029391.png]](
as if it comes to folds (yes I can do the same folding part with only 2 colors, but then again - it won't look "simple").
I do think that I'm missing a point, since I'm not completely sure what way you want me do develop this character to. Hope I got at least a clue in the right direction. Sorry if I don't and I'd appreciate if you'd describe or even show me it  .
About the face. I tried to avoid the hair-eye conflict but I've noticed that his hair would simply look messed up and not very interesting... Still trying to find a way though.
Yet again, the idea with the hair covering the face, is taken from my reference picture:
I'll keep it in mind though, thx for the hint!
I took your advice with the eyes and made something up.
![[Image: 26662761.png]](
Though if I'm honest, I don't like that the eyes are visible :/
Reason: I like to refer to some "old-style" used "tricks". Basically if you take an anime for example and you have a character who steadys for an attack (or taking an attack stance) you can define his outcome by 2/3 visible parts:
- first one, is the one where the character is staring at you
- second one is where you can't see his eyes, leading mostly to a chaotic unknown/unexpected movement (also often when characters are angry)
- last but not least the third one: crazy eyes, like the shiny ones or completely white eyeballs with a creepy smile
So it's only my opinion
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As I'm allowed to double post under certain circumstances
8. Don't bump old threads or double post.
Don't necropost. In other words, don't bump an old thread that is dead, which generally means anything not on the first page of topics. Of course, if it's something like your own topic and you're showing some changes to your old work or something, then go ahead. On that note, it's fine to double post if you're bumping your own thread because you've made a change to your work or something; just don't bump your thread if it's simply to say "bumping because it's not the first topic in the list" or something stupid like that. If you do want to bump a dying topic, please do, but make sure it's at least reaching the end of the page of topics first. I "bump" my topic to show some updates!
- updated the first post, now it contains the old one PLUS new stuff
- added new animations