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Mag's Paintings/3D/Music
Well, I've been trying to bring my spriting style into the realm of Digital paintings/3D. Like with my sprites, I won't overwealm you guys with content, so I'll just post one of each for now.

Digital Paintings

Bound by the very souls that once gave her power, she is reduced to a weeping statue in the planes of eternity.

This is some concept art for the main antagonist of an Anime I'm working on. Warning, Contains a character that's WitchBlade level of clothing. [Sexual Themes]

3D Art

2012 - The Party Before it Hits
This was a commission I had to do for a party,


This is a pop song for the OST of an RPG I'm working on, used when a player is going through a forest. It features sounds from Scabee's Jay Bass and RealGuitar 2.

That's all for now, thanks for checking it out! Big Grin
Thanked by: Virt
Wow, that 3D thing is amazing! So is the rest of it!
Thanked by: Mag

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