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Christmas is coming closer and with that fact in mind, it's time for...
Old users know how this game plays, but I'll explain the rules for everyone who's new or just forgot.
Secret Santa is a tradition here at the Resource Community. Every year, we celebrate christmas with this fine little event. If you were here around Halloween, this shouldn't sound too weird for you.
Members sign up and all participants will then be assigned a "child" which they will have to make a christmas gift for. So everyone is a santa and a child at the same time!
Normally, Santa himself would run this event, but he seems to be busy, I didn't receive any reply yet. I suppose the common christmas preparations have him running wild with his hair on fire at the north pole! I'm sure he'll be back by christmas to hand out the presents, though! However, that means that once again little old Previous has to do the organisation work! Feels like it's 2008 again!
If you're interested, please read on!
What kind of christmas gift can you make? Basically, everything! Make something nice for your child! Sprites, pixel art, a drawing, digital painting, vector art, an animation, music, a game, a poem, a story - be creative! Of course, you won't be left without any clue. Every participant is supposed to list a few interests when they sign up so every santa can get some inspiration. Of course, the character references from the love thread are always a good guess!
As the event name states, it's secret santa, thus I won't tell anyone who made which present for whom. That doesn't mean you're not allowed to put your signature or whatever hints onto your gift, chances are your style will be recognisable anyways, but if you want to stay secret, you can! My lips are sealed, my heart is pure and if I'd slip a word, Santa would be mad at me anyways and I don't want that to happen.
If you want to participate, post in this topic! Say you want to join and leave a list of interests and hints! These clues aren't necessary and no santa is obligated to make use of them, but they're helpful as inspiration and to make sure the gift will be appreciated! Also, make sure you have your personal character posted (and listed) in the love topic if you have one!
Everyone can join, although members with sceptical activity (all new members who never posted) may be excluded. Furthermore, all those who entered this year's Halloween event but didn't make a gift are excluded. Read the "Exclusion" section below for more information.
If you think you won't have the time required to make a gift, please don't enter! If you run out of time unexpectedly, please message me in time so I can try to find a solution. The best case scenario is that you try to make at least a little something in time, you can always hand in a full-fledged present you're content with later - of course this is no invitation to be lazy!
I'm all open to let everyone join, but if I somehow am to doubt that you'll actually make a gift, I may exclude you. If it should be the case, we can talk about it. I'm not cruel, usually! I don't think it will be the case, though.
As I said above, those who joined Halloween but didn't make a gift are excluded as they still have another gift to make anyways! Of course, if you send that one in before sign-up time is over, you're welcome! I suppose it'd also be alright if you'd make your late halloween gift into a christmas surprise.
If you wonder why I make use of this exclusion rule? I want everyone to get a present and statistics and heuristics say that people who are too busy to make a halloween gift are too busy to make a christmas gift! No hard feelings!
This also means that if you join Secret Santa but fail to make a gift, you may be excluded from future events of this kind (although that's not up to me if I'm not hosting them)!
No worries though, we can always work out a solution!
SIGN UP until November 25th
Santas will be assigned soon afterwards by Santa's magic random generator.
Send in your gift by December 23rd
Presents will be handed out on December 24th or 25th.
That's four weeks to make your present! Don't disappoint me!
SEND IN YOUR GIFT by December 23rd
![[Image: QNBEo.png]](
11-13-2012, 03:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-25-2012, 02:59 PM by Kitsu.)
Joinin' for free loot
Well okay, not free, but ... yeah.
Dear Santa,
This year, I am interested in the following:
+ My ref
+ Fire Emblem
+ Cheesecake
+ Babbage's computing engines
+ Mecha / robots
+ X-Com: Enemy Unknown
+ Cute things
+ Zac
Any of the above would be fine. I don't want any sweaters this year, though; I don't really know where you got the idea that I wanted stiff, scratchy, wool sweaters, but I really didn't want them.
Have safe journeys this year, and try not to get soot all over the carpet this time.
11-13-2012, 03:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-13-2012, 05:07 PM by Lexou Duck.)
Yo, i'm here ready to MAKE LOVE
(that means sign me up)
My interests are Castlevania, Homestuck, video games in general, my ref, and music (mostly funk/rock/jazz)
but don't limit yourself to these, they're just options, you do whatever you feel like
Posts: 33
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Joined: Oct 2012
I am new and a face but I would like to sign up anyway for great justice
making things is neat and getting free stuff for learning how to make things is even neater
(12-10-2012, 12:23 PM)Orgasmatron Wrote: i like to go into public restrooms and poop as loudly as possible
its like taking a shit without giving a shit HEH
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I want to sign up!!
My interests are Batman, Sonic, Wreck-it Ralph and I like Mario too but not as much
Posts: 417
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Joined: Jun 2012
11-13-2012, 04:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-26-2012, 05:23 PM by Candel.)
Bro, sign me up
But why is the due date so early?
EDIT nevermind
Interest are spriters resource, fire, technology , girls (:p) , science and sports.
Oh and my ref
Love : Previous(2)(3), Trollerskates(2), Nicktendo DS(2), Hiynastrike, ShadeDBZ(2), Recolorme, Sevenstitch, SupaBuddie,
[quote='Mario642' pid='492558' dateline='1354602626']
I Hate You because you know why.
That's Right Tae Kwon Duog My Reveng on you Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.
That's Right Tae Kwon Duog My Reveng on you Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.
This is my revenge.
If you lock this thread. You get Warning from Me.
Also I'm in charged of this thread.
I'm not whiney whiney person.
You know who's whiney person...
You Guys!!!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
I'm not whiney whiney person.
You know who's whiney person...
You Guys!!!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
I will participate!!
My ref, Mesmer (NSFW!! Usually she just has barbie doll anatomy. Humanoid or Hypno build is fine. c: the tail can be omitted on a humanoid build. Stripes are optional if color count issues arise.)
Earthbound and MOTHER3
Megami Tensei, namely Persona 3 and the Raidou Kuzunoha games
Yume Nikki and fangames (the trinity from favorite to least favorite: Yume 2kki, Yume Nikki, .flow)
Homestuck (Eridan, Meenah, Tavros, Horuss, Jade, Jane, Dave... ehh too many characters)
Anime: Paranoia Agent, Trapeze, Haibane Renmei, The Tatami Galaxy, Mushishi, FLCL, Tekkon Kinkreet.
Pokemon - Tangrowth & Scolipede. Poison, Grass, and Bug types in general
Ace Attorney and Professor Layton
And just... weird shit and mindfuck in general. If it's surreal or intentionally "just horrible enough" I'll probably love it. This video will inspire you.
I think this list gives a good idea of what I like.
11-13-2012, 04:51 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-24-2012, 07:29 PM by recme.)
Sign me up.
My Interests are Wreck-It Ralph, My ref, Kirby, Sgt. Frog, retro stuff, animation, and Gravity Falls.
Posts: 950
Threads: 15
Joined: Jul 2012
11-13-2012, 05:02 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-14-2012, 10:31 PM by Hiynastrike.)
sign in me!
whoops Forgot Interest
Nintendo, especially SNES, Ducktales, and I can't think of anything else, maybe Zelda, Mario, Etc
![[Image: 1lYIpk9.gif]]( GET THESE MEMES OFF THE TABLE! -Hiyna live when I feel like it... You just gotta get lucky
Also Love Stuff
Hey Look! I support stuff!
Posts: 633
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Joined: Sep 2010
11-13-2012, 05:20 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-18-2012, 03:45 AM by Tellis.)
Sign me up, yo!
Um... interests. I'll see if I can't track down last year's list, I doubt it has really changed that much, other than throwing a few new game interests in and Wreck-it Ralph, haha.
EDIT: In general I love anything that's Western-styled, has giant robots, caped/scarved heroes, bright colors, medieval fantasy or sci-fi space things. I also love games/shows/comics/books that center around a group of well-defined characters that play off each other's characteristics (not sure how you'd make a gift out of that but I just like to put it out there!)
More specifically I like:
-My two reference characters, Tellis and Jester Frog
-My DnD Tiefling Bard Scarf (also older full body shot)
-Pokemon -- I love Slowpoke/Bro/King, Scraggy/Scrafty, Squirtle, Dragonite, Heracross, the Shinx line, Lilligant, plus I really like trainer designs!
-Tales series -- I've played Phantasia (Klarth/Klaus is cool, as is Arche), Symphonia (Presea, Kratos), Abyss (  Guy), Vesperia (Rita, Raven), and Graces (Richard, Hubert, Malik and Pascal)
-Suda 51 -- Killer7, No More Heroes (Dr. Peace, Margaret, Henry), Shadows of the Damned, Lollipop Chainsaw
-Neo Geo fighting games -- King of Fighters (Iori, Yuri, Kensou, Benimaru, Shingo, Vanessa), Waku Waku 7, The Last Blade 2 (Amano, Hibiki), Garou: Mark of the Wolves (Hotaru), Samurai Shodown (Galford)
-also Guilty Gear (Slayer and May) and Soul Calibur (Hilde and Yoshimitsu)
-Demon's Souls
-Persona 3 (Junpei's my favorite character, also Fuuka and Akihiko)
-Zelda: Wind Waker
-Megaman and Megaman Zero
-F-Zero GX (Mighty Gazelle and Antonio Guster ftw)
-Anime -- Trigun, Cyborg 009, Yuyu Hakusho, Gundam (G and Wing), Cowboy Bebop (only seen the first few episodes though), One Piece, Karas
-Touhou (Cirno and Aya)
-3D animated movies (Wreck-it Ralph, Coraline, How To Train Your Dragon, Up)
But seriously you could make me anything and I'd be happy with it! Sorry if it's a long list, I just like giving people choices and my interests are too eclectic.
Love Thread - Lexou Duck 1, Lexou Duck 2, Mighty Jetters, PK, Virt, Sengir, Vic, SupaBuddie (Previous), SmithyGCN, Baegal, Gors
Secret Santa '11 - Previous 1 Previous 2
Halloween '12 - Guy
Secret Santa '12 - Baegal
Posts: 78
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Joined: Jul 2011
11-13-2012, 05:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-18-2012, 07:55 AM by JuninFC.)
Wow , the year passed really fast o.O . Sign me on that
I like , hum ... soccer , video-games (all) , western things , dogs , wars , and ... only that is good I think
and my ref too , I forget that e.e
11-13-2012, 05:58 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-13-2012, 09:11 PM by Shade.)
!pu em ngis
Interests? Anime(DBZ, Naruto, and SGT. Frog more specifically), my ref, and Metroid are the first things that come to mind.
Posts: 2,414
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Joined: Sep 2008
11-13-2012, 06:19 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-17-2012, 06:11 PM by [robo9].)
Sign me up~
I enjoy my ref, TF2's pyro and engineer, and steam punk related things
Posts: 1,016
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11-13-2012, 06:59 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-26-2012, 01:46 AM by Zac.)
I'll enter
my interests are maidsukkis and human arisas + sengi~s and kitsus and also other things
Thanked by: Sengir, Vipershark, Garamonde, Kitsu, redblueyellow, recme, SmashBroPlusB, megaMasquerain, Gors, Mutsukki, Lexou Duck
hello. i am join
things that interest me include but are not limited to
-back to the future
-my friends
see what you can do with that.