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Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Demo Version
Has anyone got the full version of the Theatrhythm Final Fantasy? 'Cause I would really envy that person. The game is fun and all, but I just can't wait for my parents to actually spend some of their money for Nintendo 3DS Card Points (or whatever) for me.
I only have the Demo Version, and I'm totally addicted to it now.
Especially The Sunleth Waterscape theme. It rocks!
Anyways, I was just wondering if any of you has managed to score all of the Demo Version levels. The Man with the Machine Gun is okay, I finished all three of them. (Though I messed up quite a lot in the Ultimate Score)
The Sunleth Waterscape is heavenly, and I perfected all three score modes.
I hope there's someone out there who loves this game as well!
[Image: 7190517.gif]
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I absolutely love this game, I've played the demo a good number of times on my sister's 3DS (who also loves it). The play limit on 3DS demos is a bit stupid though, whenever someone plays it we try to get the most out of it as we can and don't close it until someone wants to play something else and we don't think we'll play it again for a while.

Anyway I can't remember exactly what I've finished. I've perfected both songs on Beginner, and I think I got a perfect on Expert with Sunleth Waterscape too. Man with the Machine Gun is a bit fast-paced and I miss a few bits every time. I haven't got perfect on Ultimate with either, although I'm sure I did better with Waterscape than Machine Gun.

Now that I'm talking about it again I should probably play some more. As I mentioned before we're pretty stingy with the numbers of plays we use so we've probably got lots left. Hopefully we can buy the full version sometime, just as much to get rid of the restrictions as to have more songs.
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(12-01-2012, 07:35 AM)puggsoy Wrote: I absolutely love this game, I've played the demo a good number of times on my sister's 3DS (who also loves it). The play limit on 3DS demos is a bit stupid though, whenever someone plays it we try to get the most out of it as we can and don't close it until someone wants to play something else and we don't think we'll play it again for a while.

Anyway I can't remember exactly what I've finished. I've perfected both songs on Beginner, and I think I got a perfect on Expert with Sunleth Waterscape too. Man with the Machine Gun is a bit fast-paced and I miss a few bits every time. I haven't got perfect on Ultimate with either, although I'm sure I did better with Waterscape than Machine Gun.

Now that I'm talking about it again I should probably play some more. As I mentioned before we're pretty stingy with the numbers of plays we use so we've probably got lots left. Hopefully we can buy the full version sometime, just as much to get rid of the restrictions as to have more songs.

I know, right? The play limit is always not as good as 'almost playable forever', so we have to keep them open unless you or someone else wants to play something else. My Nintendogs + Cats Demo had a lot of tries left, but my little sister (5 years old) always played it and changed it on my 3DS, so now it's only to 2. And just yesterday, I found out she played it once even though I specifically told her not to. So now I'm only containing one last try of my Nintendogs + Cats Demo.
I perfected both songs on Beginner and Expert, and Sunleth Waterscape on Ultimate. You're right, though; Man with the Machine Gu is fast-paced. The highest I got with that on Ultimate is B... And yeah, Sunleth Waterscape is a lot easier than Man with the Machine Gun.
Now that I'm replying to your reply of my thread, I'm also feeling the urge to play it again... Woo! At least I hid my Nintendogs + Cats Demo in a folder that he'll never find.
[Image: 7190517.gif]
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I actually have the full version, convinced enough after playing the demo (and after being sick of having only remakes on my 3ds).

I think a lot of the battle songs are fun to play, but I think a lot of the field and event songs are pretty boring to play along I find my fun-song-choice roster to be limited...

I haven't played in quite awhile, but it's pretty decent. There's a mode called Chaos Shrine mode where all the stats and abilities your characters have actually matter. I don't know how to feel about it, because I think going in to play things on expert is more fun. Maybe it'll get better when I get further into it? The difficulty increases (I think they use unique patterns rather than just beginner/intermed/expert patterns) and I'm not that far. It's at least interesting and a way to give you more progression/mix things up.

Also, on abilities
Abilities can only help you last longer, get further on field levels, or kill more monsters. They cannot help your score directly, and in fact you get a huge point bonus if you use no abilities. In chaos shrine mode, if you get far enough on fields and kill boss monsters, you get items. Items either help you on stages (I think you need to remove both abilities and items to get the point bonus) or they unlock characters.

Information for the demo-only havers in case they want to go all the way, I guess...!

p.s. consider a screen protector if you get this game
[Image: sxv5uJR.gif]
Whoa... you're so lucky! Man, I wish I had my own full version. T.T
That sounds sooo cooool... so cool that I feel like going to your house and stealing it... C:<
Yeah, I might buy one screen protector sooner or later.
[Image: 7190517.gif]
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That does sound pretty cool, although I wasn't really expecting anything more than just more tracks in the same modes, just like the demo but more. That is, I'm not too fond of having to worry about stats and abilities and things in a rhythm game.

Does anybody have the full version of Rhythm Thief? I thoroughly enjoyed the demo but I'm sort of afraid that the full version might be a bit short and/or have low replayability value.

(And yeah a screen protector is probably good for Theatrhythm since there'll be a lot of tapping and dragging and flicking Tongue)
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