the tiles are very much placeholders, scrolling movement was the first thing implemented, and I'll fix it up when I'm done trying to fix up random world generation, low and behold the best the internet had to offer was perlin noise, which wonderfully ceases to work (well it works, its just delivering more violent noise than was intended, perlin noise existing purely for a softer effect of noise)
I've tried googling how other games approach the problem always pointing to perlin noise! I've implemented 4 versions from online and 2 of my own design and they all look like piles of crap!
so much for rapid prototyping, day 2 and all I have is a tile drawer and a player who moves like hes ice skating *facepalm maximum*
![[Image: JPo89Dq.png]](
BAM! got it working nicely! (that is a zoomed out shot, I added zoom as a debug feature it wont be used in-game)
Okay I now have Biomes set up using this chart as reference
I'm going to do some fiddling with it so in each biome there will be a specific thresh-hold for water.
then I'll get the collisions working (it should be as simple as generating world colliders, which I can revamp my older model on P2PG Arcade to do.)
in terms of tile style I'm unsure on how I will approach, I'd like transitional sprites between each biome or at least biomes that are not direct neighbors (neighboring biomes could probably get away with a single transition tile)
my tilesheet is currently 1024 x 1024, this allows me 32 x 32 tiles (1024 tiles) of 32 x 32 resolution.
with 10 biomes to cover + water I THINK though I'm not certain, I may be able to fit it into the sheet.
its a hell of a lot of work so I doubt it'll be done within the prototyping period.
so you think I should make this a project in the game dev forum? the problem is I aim for this to be a paid game (a penies game but none the less) I was wondering if such threads are allowed in the game dev forum, to have info and footage of the game, but not a DL link (until its ready and a up for sale)
I've been pressured into doing a paid project, I've no source of income and about the only thing I can do is game development, naturally parents every other sentence is "making money yet".
and here is a mock sheet of all the tiles I NEED to cover, these are tiles for connecting biomes, its possible they will be touching biomes outside of these but not likely, and I could probably fix it up with a quick post generation clean up to make sure each biome only connects with its direct sibling and not with its distant cousins if that makes any sense, otherwise there would be far too many tiles to make, this still leaves free room in the tilesheet though so I suppose I'll be using that for things like rocks or pits (unique for each biome for the sake of consistency). there will still be room after that too but I dont want to think too far ahead.