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Final Fantasy: Revelations
I'm currently working on a new Final Fantasy 6 hack (A collection of my hacks can be viewed here).

This is not any normal hack, it's a hack which takes two character from every game and puts them into FF6.
There can only be 14 characters and possibly 16 if I can figure out how to utilize the two blank extra spaces. Every character has to have the same sprite for battle and overworld like FF6 does.

This battle here shows that I implemented Kain Highwind and Cecil Harvey to FF6.

So who would you guys like to see in this new rom hack?


Each character has to be sprited into a sprte sheet like this:
[Image: 5574.png]
[Image: 5576.png]

As you can see, I've got Dark Knight Cecil finished and Kain is as well so I was thinking of using them.
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