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What stuff do you have that STILL WORKS to this day?
We've had the same vacuum cleaner for over 20 years. It's a Kirby vacuum cleaner, and apparently mom paid over $1,000 for it o.o. But! Apparently it was a good investment, because it still works perfectly fine.
Still have my Gameboy Advance SP....haven't touched it in a long while, but I still have it.
Still have the Sega Genesis, though we don't have a proper output cable, so we can't hear any sound.
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video game wise my Atari 2600...
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I have a Sega Genesis Core 2.. Got it at a Thrift Store for $4. Works perfect. 
Used to have a working Windows 95..... Before Dad tossed it. ><
Got a GBA SP with shoulder buttons that are bad with responses... They work, but not too well.
Oh, I got a Wii!!
... The graphics and stuff are so bad, It's obviously outdated.
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1978 garelli supersport xl ltd
my moped and pride and joy (after my car)
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GE Flip Clock Alarm Radio 7-4305F, circa 1974
I still use it as my radio and alarm, the front light is pretty dim, but it still works great.
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A super nintendo.
Could be wrong but that's the only thing I know I have that is old and still works perfectly.
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Original NES
Original Gameboy
Gameboy Pocket
Special Pokemon edition gameboy colour
Sega Genesis
(although I don't consider any of it old, I was what? A kid playing with this stuff 15-14 years ago?)
etc. list of systems is pretty vast.
In terms of other stuff I have some pretty sweet pocket watches from my great grandfather this ancient tube bulb lamp with a fake crystal decoration among other things. I'll post pictures of some stuff later. I love old tech.
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an old radar-looking thing from the 50's...
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A old wheel to a model T is laying on the basement floor for now apparent reason.
Though I'd really say the oldest piece of actual tech is something known as a torch stand, that you light with fire and it makes light. It's mindblowing right?
And the oldest piece of tech that is what we define as tech is a TV from the late 70's, and my Nes and Famicom are close contendors, I keep the suckers it really good condition.
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I drive a 1929 Model A, does that count?
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the oldest tech I remember having is a calculator/printer hybrid. anything older than that is probably buried deep in the garage of wonders.
I've got an original Game Boy, originally my brothers and the cause of many of my first video game experiences (Link's Awakening, Pokemon Yellow (later Silver), Metroid II, Tetris). Still works well, the battery cover is a bit broken (doesn't close properly) but otherwise it's in pretty much perfect shape.
I also have an old Casio calculator, also used to be my brothers, I still use it to this day and haven't needed to change the batteries once. I could get a new one but it does everything I need and then some (only recently did I need to use the Standard Deviation functions).
Not sure which is older though, I'm guessing the calculator but I think it's a close call.
Other than that I have a Game Boy Micro, it's not ancient but it's a couple of years old and I think it would count as "limited edition" since they weren't really all too popular. I haven't really used it much either, I got 3 games with it (Banjo Pilot, and a Shrek 2 + Madagascar 2-in-1 pack), but they didn't last for long and it isn't backwards compatible. My DS Lite can play GBA games too now so I've just got it as a collectible
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(02-07-2013, 11:34 PM)[robo9•2] Wrote: I drive a 1929 Model A, does that count?
post more pics of this
i remember the batch you posted somewhere else werent that good
make em real good
not sure if hand me downs count but i used it every so often for school reports  in high school
What Rips am i doing next not sure?
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Pretty sure my Atari 2600 is older but I also own one of these things...
Which is a portable Commodore. It's on lend to a museum at the moment (was in Bath but moved WITHOUT telling me - gits) and no doubt has moved else where. You know... I probably need to check up on where it is now...