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Art program to create custom sprites?
I do agree that the overhaul isn't a bad thing, but I had neither the willingness or the time to get used to Photobucket all over again, so I went back to the old UI without a second thought. =P

(01-30-2013, 02:56 AM)puggsoy Wrote: Heh, yeah I know you can make great art with it. To be honest I'm mainly saying this due to GIMP standing for GNU Image Manipulation Program, rather than GNU Image Creation Program (GICP). From that I'm assuming that, at least from the developers' point of view, it was initially intended for image editing.
Also because I personally use it primarily for editing, since I rarely create stuff from scratch Tongue

Yeah, there's a good chance it may be mostly for image editing, and I think one of my friends put it best when she said GIMP was more of a "jack of all trades" than anything else; i.e, general purpose. A powerful tool nonetheless, but not aimed at any specific medium, like Krita or PaintTool SAI are.
Thanked by: puggsoy
I wonder how well Deluxe Paint (and it Animation variant) would work nowadays?
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