08-25-2013, 02:27 AM
Just a little something I made to help out modders and people trying to rip models with my script
download z64dump3
download source
All you do is drag and drop your rom on it. It'll extract all the scenes, maps, objects, and actors into a data directory with the structure:
recap on the tutorial on the first page:
Stuff to be used with this:
OoT scene listing
MM scene listing
OoT Actor/Object Listing
MM Actor/Object Listing
Well....that's about as easy as I can make it for now. I got another wip program that'll eventually blow this shiznet out of the water, but it's gonna take a while. ~peace.
download z64dump3
download source
All you do is drag and drop your rom on it. It'll extract all the scenes, maps, objects, and actors into a data directory with the structure:
- data
:- actors
| |
| '- # (hexadecimal group number for each actor group)
| |
| '- aaa-ooo # name.zactor (hex actor#-object# and file name for each actor)
:- objects
| |
| '- ooo # name.zobj (hex object# and file name for each object
:- scenes
| |
| '- # (decimal scene number for each scene)
| |
| :- maps
| | |
| | '- name.zmap (for each map file in this scene)
| |
| '- name.zscene (scene file for this scene)
:- gk_ooo # name.zobj (gameplay_keep)
:- fk_ooo # name.zobj (gameplay_field_keep)
'- dk_ooo # name.zobj (gameplay_dangeon_keep)
recap on the tutorial on the first page:
- segment_02.zdata - current scene file
- segment_04.zdata - gameplay_keep
- segment_05.zdata - gamplay_field_keep OR gameplay_dangeon_keep (depends, just test)
Stuff to be used with this:
OoT scene listing
MM scene listing
OoT Actor/Object Listing
MM Actor/Object Listing
Well....that's about as easy as I can make it for now. I got another wip program that'll eventually blow this shiznet out of the water, but it's gonna take a while. ~peace.