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Senku Niola's Sprites and Such
So there's another issue with anatomy. The configuration of the legs and the body are impossible. The only way that this would be possible is if the human body could twist like a cork-screw.

You had a good start mapping out the body parts, but they don't seem to have added to the overall quality of the model.

When mapping out the body, you want to make sure that your plan is physically possible. I took your sprite and remapped it.
[Image: spro.png]

The one in the middle illustrates the sprites actual configuration, see how weird it looks? The second one is not the pose you are looking for, but it is actually possible to do in real life.

When making a pose for a character, it helps to do the pose yourself. If you cannot do it, something must be off.
[Image: 8bitme_by_zapchu25-d664qdg.gif] <<< DeviantArt >>> [Image: 8bitme_by_zapchu25-d664qdg.gif]
Thanked by: Iceman404
[Image: Nite7.png]

This seem any better? Had to remove the spikes from the shoe for now till I can figure how to make them look better. The pose itself was supposed to be a spin/roundhouse kick type thing.
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how about you try this for the pose instead
[Image: 3abjz.png]
[Image: E3DU8rS.png]
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Thanked by: Zapchu25, Iceman404

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