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I love you all to death (Just so I can smash bros with you) (SSBWiiU/3DS)
anyone who really didnt expect a GC adapter to come out for the WiiU at some point was fooling themselves

all the personal squabble aside, it par for Nintendo to do this, they weren't "held at gunpoint;" its sound business acumen

That adapter will probably sell for around $30 US a pop, and then they can start reprinting fresh GC controllers for original retail price again (which varies, but is usually in the $30 US range, same as the adapter)

so if you want the "old school" experience, and lets face it, a majority will, then in order to get the full package (adapter and 4 controllers) you'll be shelling out $120 US straight to Nintendo

If anyone is being "held at gunpoint," its anyone that wonders why GC ports weren't installed on the WiiU in the first place
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Thanked by: BullockDS, recme
Maybe because Nintendo wants to move on from it, and give their new (and radular controllers) a chance to shine?
And you could very well argue that they were held at gunpoint for this, there's a shit ton of people who are just now only buying the Wii U because they're getting their fix of gamecube controller usage. Which is awful.
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the way i see it, means justify ends

who cares if more people are purchasing WiiUs simply on the merit that they now support older controllers

what i just read is that WiiU sales will increase

which is good

look im not arguing that new controllers are bad, in fact im keeping my own personal controller preferences out of it completely

I understand where you come from though
[Image: 22610_s.gif]

Thanked by: BullockDS
I don't view it as good if to get sales Nintendo has to appease people on something that was never a problem with the system. All it shows me is that companies will increasingly have to bend to fan's wills on matters that shouldn't be problems in the first place because stubborn "fans" refuse to adapt or try something new, or feel so entitled that they feel they should be the ones designing the console and everything about it.

It makes me think of when Bioware had to apologize and create new endings for Mass Effect 3 because the ending wasn't what people thought it was going to be and that made them butthurt.

This one isn't all bad I guess, but now that Microsoft made the Kinect optional, most likely people will skimp out on the $100 extra (Oh boy, $100, when you're buying a console that's a ball buster right there, not the already hundreds of dollars it's going to be) which most likely will scare any developers away from working with it, which is a shame because it''s really in an infancy stage still and there's a lot of really cool stuff that could be done with the technology.

These are just some of the things I think about.
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I'll be frank, I fit in with that "stubborn" crowd in so much that i do have preference towards older tech
but not to the point where I'll disparage new tech simply because my preference isnt included in its design

I haven't had a personally comfortable Nintendo controller experience since the SNES controller back when i was 6 (its still my favorite controller, im 26)

I actually do not like the GC controller, the classic controller (reg, pro, or WiiU variants), gamepad, or wiimote (single or waggle combo)
but this doesn't stop me from playing new Nintendo products with new peripherals because thats whats available

and i agree that crying about it is silly and pointless

im not sure what point im trying to get to at this point

oh also kind of derailing this topic, how about that steam effect for damage display

pretty simple, elegant way of implementing that, ive always had trouble keeping track of my damage; i hardly ever look at the HUD
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(05-29-2014, 06:30 PM)Gwen Wrote: I don't view it as good if to get sales Nintendo has to appease people on something that was never a problem with the system. All it shows me is that companies will increasingly have to bend to fan's wills on matters that shouldn't be problems in the first place because stubborn "fans" refuse to adapt or try something new, or feel so entitled that they feel they should be the ones designing the console and everything about it.

It makes me think of when Bioware had to apologize and create new endings for Mass Effect 3 because the ending wasn't what people thought it was going to be and that made them butthurt.

wasn't the issue with mass effect 3's ending not that it didn't match expectations, but that it was half-assed, confusing, and unaffected by any of the decisions made by the player over the course of the game?

bad example.

video game developers are content producers, and content is always subject to criticism and should be given room to improve. this community was practically built on those sentiments. bioware wasn't "bending to the fans' wills," they were owning up to poor decision-making and vowing to make a better product. there's a huge difference between the producers' vision conflicting with the audience's wants and the producer having a flawed, nonsensical vision.

however, this is pretty irrelevant. nintendo's not apologizing for anything, and they're not fixing a product for better reception. what they ARE doing is catering to everyone who's played melee and/or brawl religiously, most of whom have spent years adjusting to and working with the gamecube controller. this is a kind thing they're doing for the competitive crowd, and it's a good marketing move.
Personally, it wasn't confusing at all to me, and from what I heard people talking about it, they just didn't like the fact that it didn't end the way they wanted it to.

And competitive play in anything is always about adapting, and clinging to a controller because it's safe and you've always known it is not competitive at all.
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
Thanked by: soulcaliburfan

what is "noncompetitive" about using a familiar tool in a competition

would you dog a baseball player for hitting with his old ratty "favorite" bat? If it's legal for play, whats the harm

so he "clings to the past," so what

when you play pool, do you inspect the cues and pick a favorite before playing,
or pick one up at random and say "their all good, dont whine about it"
or do you bring your own from home?

using an unfamiliar tool in a competition when your usual standby is available is kind of giving yourself an unnecessary handicap, however minor it might be

different strokes folks
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Personally, I think you're really caring too much over what people do. If they want to play with a GameCube controller, good for them. If they don't, that fine. But getting physically sick because someone wants to use an old controller, that's kind of sad brah
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Thanked by: recme, alexmach1, Kriven
The getting physically sick is that people wouldn't buy the console until now because of it brah, try reading my posts correctly.

A really great console won't use the controller IIIIIII want it to? Better not buy it because anything else is literally hitler. (not pointing fingers at anybody with this statement, but I think you all know and get that)
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
Which is still because they want to use an old controller. Brah

Getting sick because of why someone does or doesn't want to buy a console is still sad
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Thanked by: Kriven
No. BRAH. If you won't even buy a console because you can't use a controller from two generations ago, THAT'S SAD.
You can prefer it over the new controllers, but the fact that people can be that adamant about a controller when the current ones are just dandy(BUT YOU CAN STILL PREFER THE OLDER ONES, THAT'S FINE) that you'll ice block a company is just sad.
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Super Smash BRAHs BRAHwl was kind of cool.
(01-24-2014, 07:52 AM)Gors Wrote: those are really fucking classy surnames you've got there

[Image: tumblr_npvw95As6k1tzzv2wo1_540.gif]
Oh, fuck. This is completely my fault man, I am completely sorry. Sad is the wrong word, silly would've been the right word. Doesn't have the negative connotation either. But that's all this is right now. Just silly

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Thanked by: Iceman404, recme, Kriven
Sorry that I find it hilariously stupid that people won't buy a console because it's not using a controller made for a console from two generations ago.

Sorry that I find it sad that people don't even want to give a new(radular!) controller a try and won't even buy the system. If they don't find it as rad, thats okay, but people have no right to bitch if they won't even try it.

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