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Which Retro Games Need Remakes?
Dark Cloud 1 and 2
Pokemon Snap
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[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
Thanked by: Omegajak, Gaia, redblueyellow
I know someone already said it, but Battletoads seriously needs some loving. My Nes works "alright" at best, and it'd be nice to see a souped up version for the current consoles. I remember playing it so much as a kid and kicking ass.
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Thanked by: Lemonray, Phaze
(12-12-2012, 12:31 PM)Omegajak Wrote:
(12-11-2012, 11:29 PM)Omegajak Wrote: If I could get Super Metroid in Other M style I'd probably just instantly die because that'd probably be the best Metroid game of all time, hands down. OR OR Can i get all 3 Prime games in Other M style too? PLEASE?

Oh, thanks for reminding me! While we're talking pipe dreams, a Metroid game that retcons Other M out of existence. FUCK Yoshio Sakamoto, FUCK his revisionist bullshit take on what was supposed to be a strong female protagonist, and FUCK that linearity. Not trying to chastise you for liking Other M (seriously!), but every inch of that abomination fills me with a violence I don't know what to do with. Even Hunters' single-player portion bothered to at least be fun.

So, uh, another Metroid game developed by Retro Studios would be pretty rad. Keep dat first-person shit.


Don't say words like that. Those words wound me. Can you imagine SR388 in 3D? Can you imagine no cut scenes just pure isolation and ambience. I'm not here telling you Other M's story was amazing because I'm not. What I'm saying is everyone loving the Prime series games I do not understand. I don't know WHEN Samus EVER became an archaeologist or when this series was MORE compelling as first person but I need those to stop being innate desires of dear friends. Other M was exactly what Metroid looks like in 3D and though not executed properly was a Metroid game with isolation, different pathways alternate routes and that contains the aspect of speed running.

Rai, I love you.


Having to swap to an immobile first-person mode to scan shit and fire missiles sucked. Being forced into that first-person perspective and not being let out until you scanned the right puddle on the floor sucked more. SenseMove was massively overpowered to the point that it felt insulting. Like water wings.

But the worst of it was that linearity. It was fucking impossible to get lost, which is most of the fun in any Metroid game. Other M refuses to let you get lost.




The first Metroid Prime perfectly captured the tone of the series' isolation, loneliness, but also that incredible sense of discovery and archaeology. It was the true, perfect, 3D take on Super Metroid, and that is a statement I will always stand by.

Now, if we were talking a third-person Metroid game made by, say, the development team of the original Soul Reaver (one of my favorite Metroidvania games), I'd be all over that shit like a monkey on a cupcake. Actually, Metroid as a whole would benefit from Amy Hennig's writing talent. Or any talented writer at all, for that matter.

Or a remake of Fusion into Prime's style. That horror tone in first person? Ooh, I got chills. They're multiplyin.'

And I understand that love, it's a perfectly normal reaction to being around me.
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Kilgore Trout Wrote:I let her touch my PSP once, and she was all "where are the a and b buttons" ;3;
I love seeing arguments like this, because I disagree with both of you. Metroid Other M was alright, not great, barely enjoyable even. Metroid Prime on the other hand sucked balls. You're welcome to enjoy them by all means, but I'd love to see Metroid just stick to Download based games and just make some cool ass big old 2D game like it USED to do best.

If Nintendo is to bring a series up again it should be Earthbound, or fucking make a new Pokemon game and stop releasing the same game over and over again. Pokemon Colosseum got close, but it sucked balls because the single player adventure was so slow paced and had a retarded choice of how to go about with catching Pokemon and crap.
If neither of these, Ice Climbers deserve a new game.
Tsunami Bomb - The Simple Truth
We could run away
Leave behind anything paper
Not knowing where we're going to stay
When there's no Mondays

You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
When I'm in your arms, I feel safe from harm and sorrow too
You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
But most of all, nothing couldn't be solved when I'm with you
Thanked by: puggsoy, Gwen
(12-12-2012, 04:38 PM)Dazz Wrote: I love seeing arguments like this, because I disagree with both of you. Metroid Other M was alright, not great, barely enjoyable even. Metroid Prime on the other hand sucked balls. You're welcome to enjoy them by all means, but I'd love to see Metroid just stick to Download based games and just make some cool ass big old 2D game like it USED to do best.

I haven't played Other M but what I played of Metroid Prime Hunters was pretty disappointing. I wasn't horrible, it was something new and I always like that, but it didn't really hook me enough to go much beyond the first boss. It might just be the fact that 1st person shooters on the DS aren't exactly the most comfortable thing ever, but I think that Metroid games are generally better in their classic 2D platforming style. I've only ever played two, Return of Samus and Zero Mission, but for me that's what Metroid should be. I never actually finished either of them, I should probably try and do that sometime since I have fond memories of both of them.

Anyway yeah, I agree with Dazz that a new sidescrolling Metroid game would be nice to see.
Thanked by: Phaze
Metroid Prime 1 was phenomenally well-designed, if not slightly flawed; none of the other Prime games are worth-while. It's probably the closest to Super Metroid the Metroid series has come since. Other M should never have existed. There isn't a single redeemable trait about that game.
Thanked by: Rai, Phaze
Honestly, 2d Metroid is king. I just think people beleive somethings can never take proper jumps into 3D but there are lots of games that when done right make the jump correctly.

I DO agree the Prime series are well done games it will never be the true 3D imagining, I KNOW/KNEW Samus is a woman, I am a male, just because I'm experiencing one of her missions in first person doesn't mean I can relate or empathize with her more. In fact you can't emphasize with any fictional character ever or even pretend to BE them. You experience things they experience first hand but you don't know what they are actually thinking and feeling at any/every given moment. It's impossible. i.e: Master Chief, Gordon Freeman, Protagonist from Bio Shock.

Metroid Prime games could have been new IP's entirely and they'd might not have made as big a splash as they did because of that. Everyone has their own take, in my mind you set me down in a isolated place no one tells me where to go or what to do at any point, you give me 3rd person perspective so that I am constantly reminded I am just playing an interactive peice of media and then I control said character to go hurt/hunt/save whomsoever, add secrets and different pathways to reach different places with a speed run mechanic in tow and you have Super Metroid 3D Roll Credits.
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You may also know me as Giraffe
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Other M's main problem is that the basic control scheme sucks, a lot. You are forced to use the Wiimote (only the Wiimote, no nunchuck) which leads to 3 major things:

1. You have to use the D-Pad for 3D movement. Kinda nitpicky but I think most would agree.

2. Limited buttons (D-Pad for movement, 1/2 for actions, +/- for the menus) means you don't get to do certain actions, namely shooting missiles normally (see third point) or speed-boosting (uses Fusion/Zero Mission's version of building momentum to actual boosting, which is okay but makes it impossible to do in all rooms).

3. The first-person perspective camera which is used for scanning details (not like the logbooks in Prime but mostly storyline stuff) and to shoot the missiles.

However I did like doing all the executions.
Doofenshmirtz: This is a little bit awkward but have you seen my escape jet keys? (Perry nods) What, you have? Well that's great! So where are they? (Perry looks away) You won't tell me? Is this because you don't speak or are you just being a jerk?
~Phineas and Ferb, "One Good Scare Ought to Do It!" (2008)
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Super Metroid: Zero Mission for 3DS plx

Also, F-Zero 3DX (F-Zero X title for 3DS)
[Image: QUmE6.gif]
My Game Maker games (Dropbox download links):

Glover! We need a Glover reboot!

One with 2-player co-op. Imagine passing that ball from one hand to another. There are so many puzzle you could set up with two hands.

Thanked by: Previous, Dazz, Kriven
I'd kill a man for one last Spyro game developed by Insomniac.

And a Turok game in the vein of the N64 titles. Fast-paced, old-school, hyperviolence. Fuck your regenerating-health-space-marine bullshit.
[Image: 332arg3.jpg]
Kilgore Trout Wrote:I let her touch my PSP once, and she was all "where are the a and b buttons" ;3;
(12-12-2012, 05:32 PM)Omegajak Wrote: In fact you can't emphasize with any fictional character ever or even pretend to BE them. You experience things they experience first hand but you don't know what they are actually thinking and feeling at any/every given moment. It's impossible. i.e: Master Chief, Gordon Freeman, Protagonist from Bio Shock.

Just because you don't know what they are thinking 24/7 doesn't exactly mean that you can't immerse yourself into the storyline enough to emphasize with the character.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
Thanked by: PrettyNier, Tellis, Kriven, Phaze
(12-12-2012, 06:42 PM)Koopaul Wrote: Glover! We need a Glover reboot!

One with 2-player co-op. Imagine passing that ball from one hand to another. There are so many puzzle you could set up with two hands.

Aw yeah. That was one fun game... although I never got far, it was way too hard for me (not saying it's a hard game, I don't know about that) ;-)
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Jurassic Park (the top-down SNES version) seriously needs remaking!
[Image: QUmE6.gif]
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Rampage is in serious need of a reboot after the recent titles drove that franchise into the dirt.

I said this before I think... I want Rampage to be hand drawn cartoony style. You go to lots of diverse places and find all kinds of interesting events that go on in those places around the world.

What if there was a huge earthquake in California, volcanic eruptions in Honalulu, or a tornado in Kansas? Natural disaster would make every stage seem interesting and keep the game from being repetitive.

Thanked by: Kriven, Chris2Balls [:B]

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