05-07-2014, 04:50 PM
I dunno if I'm posting this in the right thread, so forgive me if this isn't the right place
Hey everyone!
So a few months ago I decided to rip some sprites from an SNES game, so I loaded up the ROM in ZSNES, took a precise savestate, and opened it up in VSNES, right? Well, right after I opened up the memviewer and went straight to the rom to rip the sprites when I realized...all of the tiles for the games sprites were corrupted!
I just don't know what went wrong.
I mean, in every other SNES game that I have, I can open up the rom and view the sprite graphics perfectly fine. This one...not so much. Most of the tiles have half their graphics cut off by static; how am I supposed to assemble the sprites if I can't see part of their corresponding tiles?
If anyone can help me out with this issue then, please, lend me a helping hand.
P.S: The game in question is The Death and Return of Superman
Hey everyone!
So a few months ago I decided to rip some sprites from an SNES game, so I loaded up the ROM in ZSNES, took a precise savestate, and opened it up in VSNES, right? Well, right after I opened up the memviewer and went straight to the rom to rip the sprites when I realized...all of the tiles for the games sprites were corrupted!
I just don't know what went wrong.

If anyone can help me out with this issue then, please, lend me a helping hand.
P.S: The game in question is The Death and Return of Superman