Hello again folks. I've given up on the modeling motif for a while, and now I'm going to see if I can get some help with sprites. I'm working on a very expansive Pokemon comic with some friends of mine, and I was wondering if we could perchance get a little help with sprites. What do I need sprited? Well, easy enough, a giant snowflake and an evil key. Specifically, The Bittercold from the 3DS Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game, and Dark Rust from Pokemon Rumble Blast. Normally I would do this myself, but with certain issues and time constraints lately it would take me a bit longer than I would like and the quality most likely would be sub-par, as I'm terrible with custom spriting.
References Here
Any help would be much appreciated, and yes, I was hoping them to be in the style fo the Mystery Dungeon Series. Dark Rust may take more time as I was hoping it would have the standard actions, but The Bittercold, all that is needed is the front-facing sprites, and maybe some attack effects for those who have played the game and want it to be accurate, but it's not required. Anyway, I'd like to see this done so my group and I can proceed and finally get the comic released in downloadable form.
References Here
Any help would be much appreciated, and yes, I was hoping them to be in the style fo the Mystery Dungeon Series. Dark Rust may take more time as I was hoping it would have the standard actions, but The Bittercold, all that is needed is the front-facing sprites, and maybe some attack effects for those who have played the game and want it to be accurate, but it's not required. Anyway, I'd like to see this done so my group and I can proceed and finally get the comic released in downloadable form.