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Dark sector or warframe rip help
hello i just want to know how to rip 3d model form dark sector or warframe game cause it have .cache file anyone know ?
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.cache files can apparently be unpacked using this QuickBMS script:

# Darkness 2
#   the folders structure is incomplete, I save only the last one so type 'r' when requested
# script for QuickBMS

open FDDE "toc"
open FDDE "cache" 1

set PATH string ""
get DUMMY long
get DUMMY long
get FILES asize
math FILES -= 8
math FILES /= 0x60
for i = 0 < FILES
    get OFFSET longlong
    get TSTAMP longlong
    get ZSIZE long
    get SIZE long
    get DUMMY long
    get ID long
    getdstring NAME 0x40

    if OFFSET == -1
        set PATH string NAME
        string PATH += /
        set FNAME string PATH
        string FNAME += NAME
        if SIZE == ZSIZE
            log FNAME OFFSET SIZE 1
            math OFFSET += 4
            math ZSIZE  -= 4
            clog FNAME OFFSET ZSIZE SIZE 1
next i

If you need help using QuickBMS just say.
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thanks but i have problem now with Quick BMS
[Image: sqmp.jpg]
can you help me with that ?
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That's weird, I have no idea what it means though. Does this happen before or after you select the script? Also, would it be possible to upload a file for me to test myself?
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before ah wait i will upload it

Edit :
here you go. or maybe can you upload your quick bms please ?
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Ah, what I actually meant was, can you upload one of the .cache files? Then I can see if I can do it myself.

Anyway, I ran your QuickBMS, and it starts up fine for me. Have you tried running "quickbms.exe" or running it through the command line?
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oh sorry yeah i open use quickbms.exe it open Cmd. but how to use command line ?

by the way here it is
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OK well first off, the script I posted seems to require version 0.5.25b, which I don't think exists yet (at least publicly), so I can't use it. I've replaced it in my post with another one that should also work. However, when I try to use it, it's looking for a .toc file of the same name. Is there a file called "F.Misc_en.toc", and if so, can you also upload that?

As for getting QuickBMS to work for you, try downloading the latest version. From the screenshot I see you're using 0.5.24b, which seems to be a beta build, the instability of which might be causing the crash.
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oh =o where to download the stable version i only found those one
there the toc

by the way how to use the command line
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You can download the latest version here, just click the link near the top of the page that says "QuickBMS generic files extractor and reimporter 0.5.25".

OK, so now I extracted it with the .cache and .toc file, and it works. It extracted 3 .wav files, but they're all less than a second long. Other files might contain something more useful.

The "quickbms.txt" file should have usage instructions for the command line, here's what it says:

Usage: quickbms [options] <script.BMS> <input_archive/folder> [output_folder]

    -l     list the files without extracting them
    -f W   filter the files to extract using the W wildcards separated by comma or
           semicolon, example -f "*.mp3,*.txt;*myname*"
           if the filter starts with ! it's considered an ignore filter
           the filter can be also a text file containing filters
           example: quickbms -f "*.mp3;!*.ogg" archive.dat output
           example: quickbms -f myfilters_list.txt archive.dat
           please use {} instead of * to avoid problems on Windows
    -F W   as above but works only with the files in the input folder (if used)
           example: quickbms -F "*.dat" input_folder output_folder
    -o     if the output files already exist this option will overwrite them
           automatically without asking the user confirmation
    -r     experimental reimport option that should work with many archives:
             quickbms archive.pak output_folder
             modify the needed files in output_folder and maybe remove the others
             quickbms -w -r archive.pak output_folder
           you must read section 3 of quickbms.txt before using this feature
    -s SF  add a script file or command before the execution of the input script,
           useful if an archive uses a different endianess or encryption and so on
           SF can be a script or directly the bms instruction you want to execute
    -u     check if there is a new version of QuickBMS available
    -.     don't terminate QuickBMS if there is an error while parsing multiple
           files (like wrong compression or small file), just continue with the
           other files in the folder

    Advanced options:
    -d     automatically create an additional output folder with the name of the
           input folder and file processed, eg. models/mychar/mychar.arc/FILES,
           -d works also if input and output folders are the same (rename folder)
    -D     similar to -d but will not create the folder with the filename
    -E     experimental option for automatically reversing the endianess of any
           file simply reading it field by field (so each get will produce a put)
    -c     quick list of the basic BMS commands and some notes about this tool
    -S CMD execute the command CMD on each file extracted, you must specify the
           #INPUT# placeholder which will be replaced by the name of the file
           example: -S "lame -b 192 -t --quiet #INPUT#"
    -Y     automatically answer yes to any question
    -O F   redirect the output of all the extracted files to the file F

    Debug and experimental options:
    -v     verbose debug information, useful for verifying possible errors
    -V     alternative verbose output, useful for programmers
    -L F   dump the offset/size/name of the files inside the file F
    -x     use the hexadecimal notation in myitoa (debug)
    -0     no extraction of files, useful for testing a script without using space
    -R     needed for the programs that act as interface for QuickBMS
    -a S   pass arguments to the input script like quickbms_arg1, 2, 3 and so on
    -H     cool HTML hex viewer output, use it only with very small files!
    -X     cool hex viewer output on the console (support Less-like keys)
    -9     toggle XDBG_ALLOC_ACTIVE  (enabled)
    -8     toggle XDBG_ALLOC_INDEX   (enabled)
    -7     toggle XDBG_ALLOC_VERBOSE (disabled)
    -6     toggle XDBG_HEAPVALIDATE  (disabled)
    -3     execute an INT3 before each CallDll

    Features and security activation options:
    -w     enable the write mode required to write physical input files with Put*
    -C     enable the usage of CallDll without asking permission
    -n     enable the usage of network sockets
    -p     enable the usage of processes
    -A     enable the usage of audio device
    -g     enable the usage of video graphic device
    -m     enable the usage of Windows messages

The .txt file has some examples and explains some stuff as well, just go to the "Usage" section and you can find it there. If it works without the command-line though, as it did for me, it should be fine.

Hope it works for you!
Thanked by: rizki29
sorry im still noob can you show me once again the code to extract use CMD >.< sorry for the trouble
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You can extract it without CMD. First copy and paste the script I posted above into a text file and call it "". Then click on "quickbms.exe", and it'll come up with a dialogue, select the script you just saved. Then it'll give another dialogue, select the .cache file. Then a final dialogue, here choose the folder where the files should be extracted to.
You should end up with the files extracted into the folder you chose. Remember that you should also have the .toc in the same location as its corresponding .cache.

If you really do want to use the command line, type this:

quickbms F.Misc_en.cache output

And the files should be extracted to a folder called "output". Remember to replace "F.Misc_en.cache" with the file you want to extract from.
Thanked by: rizki29
so i must put my QuickBMS the .bms and misc_en on document and setting ?

Thanks sir its worked Big Grin thank you so much
but can you open the wav file its seem png wont open for me and wav wont work
Thanked by: puggsoy
Agh, that's weird. Could you upload the files you extracted from (both .cache and .toc), I can try and figure out what's going on.
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sorry cant upload so much have a slow internet but here the one
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