10-07-2013, 07:32 PM
Before we begin I would like to make 1 thing clear so anyone can happily read and take part in this thread.
So as the title implies this topic is about anime and anime movies (for anyone unclear anime in this instance refers to drawn animations originating from asia, typically japan), what you like, what you don't like and discussions anywhere in between!!USE SPOILER TAGS ON SPOILERS!
Before I kick things off with what I've enjoyed / am enjoying I will admit a hidden motive, which by no means I aim to be the main reason for this thread,
Does anyone happen to know where I should look for Anime Blu-Rays? (preferably non-dubbed with english sub) I'm looking to start up a collection of my favourite animes and I am ofc looking for official blu-rays, boxsets, etc.
That question aside,
What I've enjoyed:
Gurren Lagann - a barrel of fun with a set of characters I grew greatly attached to! takes itself seriously enough to build tension and silly enough to always keep things exciting!
FLCL - Though I couldn't make heads or tails of the story I doubt the story was its aim, brilliant animation and a style that almost brings about nostalgia!
Soul Eater - Brilliantly imaginative world and characters, delightfully colourful, surprisingly deep, intense fights, dribbles of emotion and magnificent opening music!
Brave Story - an anime movie that tugs at the heart set mostly in a fantasy world, I can hardly express how much I enjoyed this movie, if you get any spare time watch it!
What I am enjoying:
Attack on Titan - who didn't see this coming? attack on titan has pretty much gone viral and I'd say for good reason, though excitement for the second season proved too much for me to bear, I buckled and started reading the manga, which is also magnificent by the way.
Kill La Kill - enjoy is a strong word at the moment, I'm excited for it, and the first episode however much it tried didn't fit enough in to set up the rest of the series, that said I still have high hopes, I'll probably follow the 3 episode rule.
As you can tell I'm a big fan of action anime, with some silly masculinity charm
so what about you guys?
what do you enjoy? have enjoyed? are enjoying? or did not enjoy?
I'm looking forwards to what anime I'll be diving at next if anyone recommends something

Thanks for reading,