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Usage of Ripped Models
Hai all,

Was curious on your guys thoughts on releasing ripped models. I ported Nintendo models to a train simulator in the past, and got lots of complaints due to it being "illegal". Nintendo is really strict on their copyright policy, so I removed them. Recently I ripped the Spirit Tracks train and would really like to port the models and re-release them to the public. Do you think I would be fine as long as it's for non-commercial use and credit is given?

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Well "releasing" is a pretty vague term, technically all models on tMR are "released" since anyone can download them. It also depends what exactly you're porting it to, is it an existing simulator or your own?

Lots of commercial models (Mario, Sonic, etc) have been ported to things like Garry's Mod and Source Film Maker and to my knowledge they haven't had to be removed. So in such a case I don't think it'd be illegal.
If it's your own game, things can get a bit hazy. Non-profit stuff should usually be OK (considering how many fan-games use ripped sprites) but then again it could really depend on the game. I would personally think it's all right if it's simply one of a number of train models in a simulator.

That's my two cents anyway. I'm no pro with these sort of issues so you might not want to take my word for it, but hopefully my input's somewhat helpful.
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It's an existing simulator. Thanks for the Info, seems like I don't have much to worry about.
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