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SSBB Tabuu Trophy Renders
Hello, I'm Rymoka and I'm looking for someone who can render images of the 2 Tabuu trophies (Tabuu & Tabuu (Wings)) from Super Smash Bros. Brawl (a Wii game) with a transparent background. I don't need any models, just a nice PNG image for each. I would prefer the images to be without the trophy base if possible, but if not then it's ok if the base is left on. I'm willing to pay $10 (via paypal), but if you feel that a higher price would be more fair for this, please contact me through PM here or through e-mail (I'll give my e-mail in a PM if you ask for it) and we can work something out. I would love to have this before December 1st or any time during the 1st week of December, so if this can be done before then I'll add an extra $5-10 if needed since I know this is short notice.

The images of these trophies from the Trophy Previews (Part 2 / 3) sheet is exactly what I'm looking for, but I need the images to be larger and of a higher quality.

So in other words, I would love a PNG image with a transparent background like these:
[Image: tabuurender-small.png] [Image: tabuuwingsrender-small.png]
But in a similar size to these:
These renders are great examples of what I'm looking for:
(Note the transparent background & semi-transparency where appropriate, and the fact that the images aren't super small)

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this, and I will be forever grateful if anyone can help me get these images. Smile I would like to try to do something like this myself, but I'm afraid that this isn't my area of expertise and even with guides, I'd probably still be just as clueless. If anyone can render these images please let me know, and I would appreciate it very much!
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