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Super Kid Cannon
Big Grin 
Hi everyone! Long time no see.

I haven't done spriting in awhile. Not cause I don't love it, but because I've been busy with my job as a level designer at a mobile game company for a game called Super Kid Cannon. Big Grin It's a really cool job and I'm learning lots about game development. I can't believe I've learned Unity. Feel free to ask me stuff about the process or the game itself.

The game's gonna be out on Android first in New Zealand next month, soon after for iOS/Android in the US/UK, but meanwhile here's a trailer I wrote the script for:

And heres more info/screenshots of our game:

A small request of help: If any of you guys have contacts with a gaming blog or tech news site, please help me spread the word of the game, to atleast post the trailer. The guys worked hard on this trailer and its only got what, like 400 views?

Miss you guys, glad to see the community still going strong after all these years! Smile

If you want to keep up with me a little more frequently, I stalk people on youtube and make animations sometimes:

seeing your username gave me that surge of nostalgia, welcome back

Ill check this project later when Im not at work, but it does sound promising
Spriter Gors】【Bandcamp】【Twitter】【YouTube】【Tumblr】【Portifolio
If you like my C+C, please rate me up. It helps me know I'm helping!
[Image: deT1vCJ.png]
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So, what's unity like?
[Image: k0OsVum.png][Image: NXpkf1V.gif][Image: psychicspacecow.png]
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(01-17-2014, 11:01 AM)LilGrim1991 Wrote: The game's gonna be out on Android first in New Zealand next month

This caught my eye because I'm in NZ. Why will it be released here first? If it's because you're from NZ then you'd be the first person from here that I've met on tSR, which would be cool Smile

In any case I'll check this out tomorrow, seems pretty good.
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Gorsal! I instantly recognized like half of your signature buttons. Its funny how you can forget countless hours you spend with people on a forum.

@PsychoSpaceCow: Unity is great for designers like me who don't know much (or anything in my case) about coding. I got the hang of it pretty quick, its actually free now to publish games on it, unless the game makes more than 100K. Eitherway, its worth a shot.

@puggsoy: Funny you mention that. Naw, we're based in Florida. The reason we're launching in NZ first is they've kinda become the go-to place for "soft launching" games. Its a way of seeing how the game does in a smaller but still english-speaking market. Angry Birds Go and Plants Vs Zombies 2 launched first in NZ, in fact. Sorry man, you remain the only Kiwi. Hope you find one, everyone I know from NZ is really cool.
Got one. Smile
***Read-Team Yoshi-***
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