04-02-2014, 11:48 PM
Hey, guys. I like to dabble around in Flash in terms of artwork, and have been trying to get better at using gradients to compliment shading. I'm going to dedicate this thread to new pictures that I make, mainly for my Hyperdimension Neptunia fangame, and could also use a bit of critique here and there if people catch things that can be improved upon.
The first image that I have was a 'Chirper' icon for the fangame. Chirper is a play off of Twitter in the game, where you have NPCs and party members in 'chibi' form with different speech bubbles regarding what is on their mine. The picture is based off of a self-insertion in the game, trying to get a similar art style and coloring style.
![[Image: 1486545_10203461614521946_1278454181_n.jpg]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/t1.0-9/1486545_10203461614521946_1278454181_n.jpg)
I'm currently working on a full portrait, but that will take a lot more time and effort, but will be sure to share once it is finished!
The first image that I have was a 'Chirper' icon for the fangame. Chirper is a play off of Twitter in the game, where you have NPCs and party members in 'chibi' form with different speech bubbles regarding what is on their mine. The picture is based off of a self-insertion in the game, trying to get a similar art style and coloring style.
![[Image: 1486545_10203461614521946_1278454181_n.jpg]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/t1.0-9/1486545_10203461614521946_1278454181_n.jpg)
I'm currently working on a full portrait, but that will take a lot more time and effort, but will be sure to share once it is finished!