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For Earth [Flash Fiction]
For class.
Forums aren't exactly paragraph friendly, so I'm just putting spaces between each paragraph.

Word Count: 446
Genre: Flash Fiction

For Earth

Joseph "Green" Creen stared at the faces looking up at him - all fifty-thousand of them, from the podium where he stood. Every single one of them, he knew, came here to listen to his speech. It did not matter that a number of them were still skeptic. They would soon realize their mistake and admit that he was right.

"We have a crisis on this planet," Joseph began, a fitting start to his talk. "And that crisis is global warming. We're ten percent of the world's population, emitting 32% of the greenhouse gases." He looked around at the faces once more, and he saw traces of guilt, which was what he was going for in the first place. Riddle anyone with guilt and one can make him acquiesce to anything.

"We're a terrible example - a terrible example to the rest of the world." He paused again for emphasis. Through the years, Joseph had mastered the art of pausing. He knew how long he had to pause to generate any response. Right now he wanted to generate uneasiness.

"If we don't do anything now, our planet isn't going to last another hundred years," another pause. "Imagine, earth has been around for over four billion years," he continued, "Are we going to be the ones who will end it?" The crowd fidgeted in waves, he could see it pass over them like a terrible ripple, a pond wanting to be stilled. He stilled the pond: "We don't have to be. Something must be done."

"So what do we do? This is what we do: we cap greenhouse emissions. We reduce greenhouse emissions by at least 60% within fifty years," his last words were drowned by cheering and applause, a smattering of the fifty-thousand, but still loud enough. Joseph rode the wave. "And by the way," he raised a hand for silence, "until we do, there should be no other power plant built in our country." The crowd surged into a big round of applause and whooping. He had to raise his voice to be heard.

"WE should lead the way!" The applause continued, grew louder still, and voices whooped more fervently. Joyous shouts of "Green! Green!" could barely be heard over the tumult. Joseph turned away from the podium, his heavy tail dragging noisily across the stage. The mayor approached the stage, reaching out a foreleg for Joseph to shake. Looking for another photo-op, Joseph thought to himself, you can never trust a parasaurolophus.

Joseph wanted to bury his large thumb spikes into the mayor's hands, but he instead shook them and smiled for the camera. It's alright, he thought to himself, this was all for saving their mother earth.
[Image: ZRdfkWQ.jpg]
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The twist was cool. Pretty interesting idea.
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Edited some things.
Took out the mayor's name since it's not important.
Fixed some terms.
Word "people" omitted from first parts Big Grin
Have some poetry:

Hal Jordan Remembers

Struggling to stand up from his bed,
memories of clouds beneath his feet
ensorcelled by emerald light
visit him for an instant.

Pissing on a gray pan
and mumbling in the dark
words which for two scores
have not been quite right,
he glances at his right hand.

But nothing happens.
For forty years, nothing has.

He hobbles back to his bed.
[Image: ZRdfkWQ.jpg]
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Have some more poetry, you gallant gentlemen of great stature*
some words have been changed so as not to harm the children's minds

Empathic You

This is a long shot photograph,

and you see a beggar beside a dog
with his arm outstretched
as if expecting rain,
a plastic cup on his groin.

Four middle-aged men
sit around a makeshift table,
clamorously seeking for
inebriation's shelter

while their wives are at home
cradling wailing babies,
herding screaming toddlers,
ignoring growling bellies.

You are awed by a beautiful shot -
and then realize that the dog
lies dead; a feast for the flies.
You are filled with grief.
[Image: ZRdfkWQ.jpg]
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Hey, cumguzzlers and dickbiters. Welcome to another edition of mr. buttbutt trying to stick a dick in literature's ear.

This is just some flash fiction. Just tell me what you think it's about, symbolically, I want to see if it reads well.

Bataan when the sun is high

The sand was white but it was fine and soft and cool, and my feet felt good when I buried them a few inches beneath. I squished the sand between my toes and it was then that I knew that I could stand there forever staring at my feet. I did stand there under the scorching heat for a few hours, SPF 50 my only protection. And I noticed. A glimmer. The glittering of the sand whenever I moved my head, how it shone the sunlight back at me, turned the heat into something beautiful.

I looked around me and it was a vast ocean of glittering gray beauty. I smiled.

A little distance behind me, a lady remarked, "Oh. The sand's dark. Maybe we should have gone to Boracay instead." And she was right; this sand was a dark gray when it did not twinkle. But my smile never dimmed, because I knew: it was fine and soft and cool and when I moved my head, it was beauty unparalleled.

Bataan is a place in the Philippines. Nice beaches.
Boracay is a tourist spot in the Philippines known for its white sand beaches.
[Image: ZRdfkWQ.jpg]
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And suddenly, Dinosaurs?

I find it odd how he's nicknamed Green. Green as a nickname has a couple of meanings; "nature loving/skilled" which I assume you're going for - but it also means "new" or "naive". Thing is, he sounds like he knows what he's doing, so the nickname feels out of place.

This is good shit though. B)
Specs 'n' Headphones has been revamped! Check it, yo.
[Image: 10y3mgj.png][Image: groove-1.gif]
Thanks to Pik and Solink; they are sexy people. Heart
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Oh, Groovy, you are so late it's funny. Hahaha, look above your post.
[Image: ZRdfkWQ.jpg]
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I'm aware, but I wanted to comment on the first one more.

So there. >=I
Specs 'n' Headphones has been revamped! Check it, yo.
[Image: 10y3mgj.png][Image: groove-1.gif]
Thanks to Pik and Solink; they are sexy people. Heart
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