Welcome the thread for Operation: Preservation. A preservation project for the Club Penguin Nintendo Trilogy, consisting of Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force and Club Penguin: Herbert's Revenge for the Nintendo DS and Club Penguin: Game Day! for the Nintendo Wii.
Note: This thread rework is still in a very WIP state, so there's still quite a bit of stuff left to cover, but I'll cover the basics first:
The DS games for many years were very difficult to rip, due to how they were made and lack of documentation for how to view the game's internal files. Everything changed in September of 2020, when Olivercomet created EPFExplorer, a tool made specifically to access, view and rip the assets such as sprites for both games.
Download EPFExplorer right here: https://github.com/Olivercomet/EPFExplorer
You'll need tinke to extract the core files first: https://github.com/pleonex/tinke
Currently this is the list of sprites needed to rip for the Original EPF:
Currently this is the list of sprites needed to rip for Herbert's Revenge:
As for Game Day!, extract the files using Dolphin emulator, then you can easily rip the sprites and models by decompressing the .cmparc and .cmpres files using the ntcompress program (you'll have to rename the .bin to the proper formats respectively), then opening the .arc and .brres files in Brawlbox.
Brawlbox link: https://github.com/libertyernie/brawltools/releases
Currently, the list of stuff left to rip for this game is... pretty much everything. Including:
If there's anyone interested in helping out, please let me know by replying on this thread, or PMing me over here.
I even made a video to announce this project if you wanna check that out:
Thank you so much for your time. Waddle On!
Note: This thread rework is still in a very WIP state, so there's still quite a bit of stuff left to cover, but I'll cover the basics first:
The DS games for many years were very difficult to rip, due to how they were made and lack of documentation for how to view the game's internal files. Everything changed in September of 2020, when Olivercomet created EPFExplorer, a tool made specifically to access, view and rip the assets such as sprites for both games.
Download EPFExplorer right here: https://github.com/Olivercomet/EPFExplorer
You'll need tinke to extract the core files first: https://github.com/pleonex/tinke
Currently this is the list of sprites needed to rip for the Original EPF:
- Most of the other Misc. characters
- Map with Icons and Player and Puffle sprites.
- Background Elements
- General UI & HUD Elements
- All of the 6 Minigames w/ their backgrounds and level layouts (has multiple palettes for the avatar)
- All of the short Microgames w/ their sprites and backgrounds (the short puzzle sections. They're labeled as "microgames" in the game's code.)
- Player Card and Icons (has multiple palettes for the avatar)
- Fonts & Dialogue Boxes
- Inventory Items, Gadgets and Clothing Icons (including DLC)
- Cursors
- Company Logos and Title screen
- Rest of the remaining Locations
- Cutscene sprites and large images
- Lots of Unused Content
- Newsletter DLC Content (Most of them currently lost media).
Currently this is the list of sprites needed to rip for Herbert's Revenge:
- Most of the Misc. characters
- Map with Icons and Player and Puffle sprites.
- Locations with their respective background elements.
- Player Card and Icons (has multiple palettes for the avatar)
- General UI and HUD elements
- All of the 4 Minigames w/ their background and level layouts (has multiple palettes for the avatar)
- All of the short Microgames w/ their sprites and backgrounds (the short puzzle sections. They're labeled as "microgames" in the game's code.)
- Inventory Items, Gadgets and Clothing Icons
- Cutscene sprites and large images
- Lots of Unused Content
As for Game Day!, extract the files using Dolphin emulator, then you can easily rip the sprites and models by decompressing the .cmparc and .cmpres files using the ntcompress program (you'll have to rename the .bin to the proper formats respectively), then opening the .arc and .brres files in Brawlbox.
Brawlbox link: https://github.com/libertyernie/brawltools/releases
Currently, the list of stuff left to rip for this game is... pretty much everything. Including:
- Most 2D graphics, UI elements, the works.
- Most of the 3D models and assets.
- All of the sound effects.
- All of the unused content.
If there's anyone interested in helping out, please let me know by replying on this thread, or PMing me over here.
I even made a video to announce this project if you wanna check that out:
Thank you so much for your time. Waddle On!