11-02-2015, 05:46 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-02-2015, 07:06 AM by Hallow.)
Has anyone seen this model anywhere in-game? it was with the secret base objects garc, and I don't see it with the decorations in-game.
The Japanese name translates to "Memories/Memorable Photo" according to google translate.
I also have a huge majority of secret base objects submitted.
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Anyone know how I can get the fire on Moltres coloured and animated in UE4?
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(11-02-2015, 05:46 AM)Hallowpape Wrote: ![[Image: gMSmmct.png]](https://i.imgur.com/gMSmmct.png)
Is that a mirror?
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11-18-2015, 09:42 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-15-2016, 10:00 PM by Yarcaz.
Edit Reason: accidental repeated sentences, & spacing errors (new submissions)
I just looked at the Pokemon X / Y models and I just wanted to point out all the models missing from it.
(I know that it is hard to rip models and the other stuff to get it rigged and uploaded, etc, but I just want to make sure that everyone knows that these modes are currently missing)
Pokemon X / Y models missing from generation 1.
#77 - Ponyta
#78 - Rapidash
#81 - Magnemite
#82 - Magneton
#83 - Farfetch'd
#84 - Doduo
#85 - Dodrio
#86 - Seel
#87 - Dewgong
#88 - Grimer
#89 - Muk
#90 - Shelder
#91 - Cloyster
#92 - Gastly
#93 - Haunter
#95 - Onix
#96 - Drowzee
#97 - Hypno
#98 - Krabby
#99 - Kingler
#100 - Voltorb
#101 - Electrode
#102 - Exeggcute
#103 - Exeggutor
#106 - Hitmonlee
#108 - Lickitung
#109 - Koffing
#110 - Weezing
#111 - Rhyhorn
#113 - Chansey
#114 - Tangela
#116 - Horsea
#117 - Seadra
#118 - Goldeen
#119 - Seaking
#120 - Staryu
#121 - Starmie
#123 - Scyther
#124 - Jynx
#125 - Electabuzz
#126 - Magmar
#128 - Tauros
#131 - Lapras
#132 - Ditto
#140 - Kabuto
#141 - Kabutops
Pokemon X / Y models missing from generation 2.
#161 - Sentret
#162 - Furret
#163 - Hoothoot
#164 - Noctowl
#165 - Ledyba
#166 - Ledian
#167 - Spinarak
#168 - Ariados
#170 - Chinchou
#171 - Lanturn
#174 - Igglybuff
#175 - Togepi
#176 - Togetic
#177 - Natu
#178 - Xatu
#179 - Mareep
#180 - Flaaffy
#183 - Marill
#185 - Sudowoodo
#187 - Hoppip
#188 - Skiploom
#189 - Jumpluff
#190 - Aipom
#191 - Sunkern
#192 - Sunflora
#194 - Wooper
#195 - Quagsire
#198 - Murkrow
#199 - Slowking
#200 - Misdreavus
#202 - Wobbuffet
#204 - Pineco
#205 - Forretress
#206 - Dunsparse
#207 - Gligar
#208 - Steelix
#209 - Snubbull
#210 - Granbull
#211 - Qwilfish
#212 - Scizor
#217 - Ursaring
#218 - Slugma
#219 - Magcargo
#220 - Swinub
#221 - Piloswine
#222 - Corsola
#223 - Remoraid
#224 - Octillery
#226 - Mantine
#227 - Skarmory
#228 - Houndour
#229 - Houndoom
#230 - Kingdra
#234 - Stantler
#237 - Hitmontop
#238 - Smoochum
#239 - Elekid
#240 - Magby
#242 - Blissey
Pokemon X / Y models missing from generation 3.
#261 - Poocheyena
#266 - Silcoon
#267 - Beautifly
#268 - Cascoon
#269 - Dustox
#270 - Lotad
#271 - Lombre
#272 - Ludicolo
#276 - Taillow
#277 - Swellow
#278 - Wingull
#279 - Pelipper
#283 - Surskit
#284 - Masquerain
#285 - Shroomish
#286 - Breloom
#287 - Slakoth
#288 - Vigiroth
#290 - Nincada
#291 - Ninjask
#292 - Shedinja
#293 - Whismur
#294 - Loudred
#295 - Exploud
#296 - Makuhita
#297 - Hariyama
#298 - Azurill
#299 - Nosepass
#300 - Skitty
#302 - Sableye
#304 - Aron
#305 - Larion
#307 - Meditite
#308 - Medicham
#309 - Electrike
#310 - Manectric
#313 - Volbeat
#314 - Illumise
#315 - Roselia
#316 - Gulpin
#317 - Swalot
#318 - Carvanha
#319 - Sharpedo
#322 - Numel
#324 - Torkoal
#325 - Spoink
#326 - Grumpig
#327 - Spinda
#328 - Trapinch
#329 - Vibrava
#330 - Flygon
#331 - Cacnea
#333 - Swablu
#334 - Altaria
#336 - Seviper
#339 - Barboach
#340 - Whiscash
#341 - Corphish
#342 - Crawdaunt
#343 - Baltoy
#344 - Claydol
#345 - Lileep
#346 - Cradily
#347 - Anorith
#348 - Armaldo
#349 - Feebas
#350 - Milotic
#352 - Kecleon
#353 - Shuppet
#354 - Banette
#355 - Duskull
#356 - Dusclops
#357 - Tropius
#358 - Chimecho
#361 - Snorunt
#363 - Spheal
#364 - Sealeo
#365 - Walrein
#366 - Clamperl
#367 - Huntail
#368 - Gorebyss
#369 - Relicanth
#370 - Luvdisk
#371 - Bagon
#372 - Shelgon
#373 - Salamance
#374 - Beldum
#375 - Metang
#377 - Regirock
#378 - Regice
#379 - Registeel
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11-18-2015, 12:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-15-2016, 09:59 PM by Yarcaz.
Edit Reason: added generation 5 + 6 (new submissions)
Pokemon X / Y models missing from generation 4.
#387 - Turtwig
#388 - Grotle
#389 - Torterra
#390 - Chimchar
#391 - Monferno
#392 - Infernape
#393 - Piplup
#394 - Prinplup
#395 - Empoleon
#396 - Starly
#397 - Staravia
#398 - Staraptor
#399 - Bidoof
#400 - Bibarel
#401 - Kricketot
#402 - Kricketune
#403 - Shinx
#404 - Luxio
#405 - Luxray
#406 - Budew
#408 - Cranidos
#410 - Shieldon
#411 - Bastiodon
#412 - Burmy
#413 - Wormadam
#414 - Mothim
#415 - Combee
#416 - Vespiquen
#420 - Cherubi
#421 - Cherrim
#422 - Shellos
#423 - Gastrodon
#424 - Ambipom
#425 - Drifloon
#426 - Drifblim
#429 - Mismagius
#430 - Honchkrow
#431 - Glameow
#432 - Purugly
#433 - Chingling
#434 - Stunky
#435 - Skuntank
#436 - Bronzor
#437 - Bronzong
#438 - Bonsly
#439 - Mime Jr.
#440 - Happiny
#441 - Chatot
#442 - Spiritomb
#446 - Munchlax
#449 - Hippopotas
#450 - Hippowdon
#451 - Skorupi
#452 - Drapion
#453 - Croagunk
#454 - Toxicroak
#455 - Carnivine
#456 - Finneon
#457 - Lumineon
#458 - Mantyke
#459 - Snover
#460 - Abomasnow
#462 - Magnezone
#463 - Lickilicky
#464 - Rhyperior
#465 - Tangrowth
#466 - Electivire
#467 - Magmortar
#468 - Togekiss
#472 - Gliscor
#473 - Mamoswine
#476 - Probopass
#477 - Dusknoir
#478 - Froslass
#480 - Uxie
#481 - Mesprit
#482 - Azelf
#485 - Heatran
#486 - Regigigas
#489 - Phione
#490 - Manaphy
#491 - Darkrai
#492 - Shaymin
Pokemon X / Y models missing from generation 5.
#494 - Victini
#499 - Pignite
#500 - Emboar
#501 - Oshawott
#502 - Dewott
#503 - Samurott
#504 - Patrat
#505 - Watchog
#509 - Purrloin
#510 - Liepard
#511 - Pansage
#512 - Simisage
#513 - Pansear
#514 - Simisear
#517 - Munna
#518 - Musharna
#519 - Pidove
#520 - Tranquill
#521 - Unfezant
#522 - Blitzle
#523 - Zebstrika
#524 - Roggenrola
#525 - Boldore
#526 - Gigalith
#528 - Swoobat
#529 - Drilbur
#530 - Excadrill
#532 - Timburr
#533 - Gurdurr
#534 - Conkeldurr
#535 - Tympole
#536 - Palpitoad
#537 - Seismitoad
#538 - Throh
#539 - Sawk
#540 - Sewaddle
#541 - Swadloon
#542 - Leavanny
#543 - Venipede
#544 - Whirlipede
#545 - Scolipede
#546 - Cottonee
#547 - Whimsicott
#548 - Petilil
#550 - Basculin
#551 - Sandile
#552 - Krokorok
#554 - Darumaka
#555 - Darmanitan
#556 - Maractus
#557 - Dwebble
#558 - Crustle
#559 - Scraggy
#561 - Sigilyph
#562 - Yamask
#563 - Cofagrigus
#564 - Tirtouga
#565 - Carracosta
#567 - Archeops
#568 - Trubbish
#569 - Garbodor
#572 - Minccino
#573 - Cinccino
#574 - Gothita
#575 - Gothorita
#576 - Gothitelle
#577 - Solosis
#578 - Duosion
#579 - Reuniclus
#580 - Ducklett
#581 - Swanna
#582 - Vanillite
#584 - Vanilluxe
#585 - Deerling
#586 - Sawsbuck
#588 - Karrablast
#590 - Foongus
#591 - Amoonguss
#592 - Frillish
#593 - Jellicent
#594 - Alomomola
#595 - Joltik
#596 - Galvantula
#597 - Ferroseed
#598 - Ferrothorn
#599 - Klink
#600 - Klang
#601 - Klinklang
#602 - Tynamo
#603 - Eelektrik
#604 - Eelektross
#605 - Elgyem
#606 - Beheeyem
#607 - Litwick
#608 - Lampent
#609 - Chandelure
#610 - Axew
#611 - Fraxure
#612 - Haxorus
#613 - Cubchoo
#614 - Beartic
#615 - Cryogonal
#616 - Shelmet
#617 - Accelgor
#618 - Stunfisk
#622 - Golett
#623 - Golurk
#624 - Pawniard
#626 - Bouffalant
#627 - Rufflet
#628 - Braviary
#629 - Vullaby
#630 - Mandibuzz
#631 - Heatmor
#632 - Durant
#633 - Deino
#634 - Zweilous
#636 - Larvesta
#637 - Volcarona
(I know that "Random Talking Bush" said that he had them, but I will list them for now as they are not yet uploaded to themodelresource.)
Pokemon X / Y models missing from generation 6.
#659 - Bunnelby
#670 - Floette
#671 - Florges
#672 - Skiddo
#676 - Furfrou
#687 - Malamar
#688 - Binacle
#690 - Skrelp
#691 - Dragalge
#693 - Clawitzer
#708 - Phantump
#709 - Trevenant
#712 - Bergmite
#713 - Avalugg
*{#721 - Volcanion}* Even though it hasn't been oficially released yet its files are in the game.
You don't need to list the ones from Generation 6, as I've got 'em all in the first post since I was eventually going to be ripping those all. But yeah, useful to know at least.
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11-18-2015, 12:43 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-18-2015, 02:03 PM by Yarcaz.)
(11-18-2015, 12:28 PM)Random Talking Bush Wrote: You don't need to list the ones from Generation 6, as I've got 'em all in the first post since I was eventually going to be ripping those all. But yeah, useful to know at least. 
Ok, glad to help by listing though!
Wait, do you plan to add all of these by the way? (At least later on)
Form Differences
Gender Differences
Variant Pokemon
Mega Evolutions
Primal Reversion
Posts: 158
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Form Differences:
Pikachu (Normal)
Cosplay Pikachu (Normal)
Cosplay Pikachu Rock Star
Cosplay Pikachu Belle
Cosplay Pikachu Pop Star
Cosplay Pikachu, Ph. D
Cosplay Pikachu Libre
Pichu (Normal)
*Spiky-eared Pichu* - Technically you cannot due this one since it is not in the game, and only in HG & SS
Unown "A-Z" & "!" - "?"
Castform (Normal)
Castform Sunny Form
Castform Rainy Form
Castform Snowy Form
Deoxys Normal Forme
Deoxys Attack Forme
Deoxys Defense Forme
Deoxys Speed Forme
Burmy Plant Cloak
Burmy Sandy Cloak
Burmy Trash Cloak
Wormadam Plant Cloak
Wormadam Sandy Cloak
Wormadam Trash Cloak
Cherrim Overcast Form
Cherrim Sunshine Form
Shellos West Sea
Shellos East Sea
Gastrodon West Sea
Gastrodon East Sea
Rotom (Normal Rotom)
Rotom (Heat Rotom)
Rotom (Wash Rotom)
Rotom (Frost Rotom)
Rotom (Fan Rotom)
Rotom (Mow Rotom)
Giratina Altered Forme
Giratina Origin Forme
Shaymin Land Forme
Shaymin Sky Forme
Arceus (Normal Type)
Arceus (Fire Type)
Arceus (Water Type)
Arceus (Electric Type)
Arceus (Grass Type)
Arceus (Ice Type)
Arceus (Fighting Type)
Arceus (Poison Type)
Arceus (Ground Type)
Arceus (Flying Type)
Arceus (Psychic Type)
Arceus (Bug Type)
Arceus (Rock Type)
Arceus (Ghost Type)
Arceus (Dragon Type)
Arceus (Dark Type)
Arceus (Steel Type)
Arceus (Fairy Type)
*Arceus (??? Type)* - Technically you cannot do this one as it was only in the files of Generation IV
Basculin Red-Striped Form
Basculin Blue-Striped Form
Darmanitan Standard Mode
Darmanitan Zen Mode
Deerling Spring Form
Deerling Summer Form
Deerling Autumn Form
Deerling Winter Form
Sawsbuck Spring Form
Sawsbuck Summer Form
Sawsbuck Autumn Form
Sawsbuck Winter Form
Tornadus Incarnate Forme
Tornadus Therian Forme
Thundurus Incarnate Forme
Thundurus Therian Forme
Landorus Incarnate Forme
Landorus Therian Forme
Kyurem (Normal)
Kyurem (White Kyurem) {Might this also be considered a form for Reshiram?}
Kyurem (Black Kyurem) {Might this also be considered a form for Zekrom?}
Keldeo Ordinary Form
Keldeo Resolute Form
Meloetta Aria Forme
Meloetta Pirouette Forme
Genesect ([Normal] No Drive Genesect)
Genesect (Shock Drive Genesect)
Genesect (Burn Drive Genesect)
Genesect (Chill Drive Genesect)
Genesect (Douse Drive Genesect)
Vivillon Archipelago
Vivillon Continental
Vivillon Elegant
Vivillon Garden
Vivillon High Plains
Vivillon Icy Snow
Vivillon Jungle
Vivillon Marine
Vivillon Meadow
Vivillon Modern
Vivillon Monsoon
Vivillon Ocean
Vivillon Polar
Vivillon River
Vivillon Sandstorm
Vivillon Savanna
Vivillon Sun
Vivillon Tundra
Vivillon Poké Ball
Vivillon Fancy
Flabébé Red Flower
Flabébé Yellow Flower
Flabébé Orange Flower
Flabébé Blue Flower
Flabébé White Flower
Floette Red Flower
Floette Yellow Flower
Floette Orange Flower
Floette Blue Flower
Floette White Flower
*{AZ's Floette}* Even though it has not been released yet it is in the game files.
Florges Red Flower
Florges Yellow Flower
Florges Orange Flower
Florges Blue Flower
Florges White Flower
Furfrou Natural Form
Furfrou Heart Trim
Furfrou Star Trim
Furfrou Diamond Trim
Furfrou Debutante Trim
Furfrou Matron Trim
Furfrou Dandy Trim
Furfrou La Reine Trim
Furfrou Kabuki Trim
Furfrou Pharaoh Trim
Aegislash Blade Forme
Aegislash Shield Forme
Pumpkaboo Small Size
Pumpkaboo Average Size
Pumpkaboo Large Size
Pumpkaboo Super Size
Gourgeist Small Size
Gourgeist Average Size
Gourgeist Large Size
Gourgeist Super Size
Xerneas Neutral Mode
Xerneas Active Mode
Hoopa (Hoopa Confined)
Hoopa (Hoopa Unbound)
(11-18-2015, 12:43 PM)Yarcaz Wrote: Ok, glad to help by listing though! 
Wait, do you plan to add all of these by the way? (At least later on)
Form Differences
Gender Differences
Variant Pokemon
Mega Evolutions
Primal Reversion The Pokémon's respective differences are already included with the originals. So yeah, I've got that covered too.
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11-19-2015, 01:48 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-19-2015, 01:52 AM by Fallenleader.)
(10-22-2015, 06:54 PM)nobody231 Wrote: We don't need bones created, or textures fixed. The ripping tools can extract the bones near perfectly, and we aren't aiming for animation. Besides, if you're getting into the project, you'd better look at current rips to figure out the format of submitting. You need to look at the VG-Resource submitting styles, and how the different ripping sites work. It's not a good idea to jump in right now, without experience from this site, or even this thread.
I HIGHLY disagree on animations. My current project is at an absolute standstill because I cannot rip the animations, have no experience animating in either blender or 3DSMax, and with having to cram writing weeks of code in hours a day because of limited time, I am heavily relying on that animation format to be RE'd.
I have spent months on this free project that when released would be a big deal for fan gamers on a pc, obviously at no cost to me, so if this project fails because the community refuses to progress ripping in favor of leeching, I honestly don't want my wasted time and effort being leeched as well.
On the other hand, if I see the community making an effort (preferably sooner), I have around 2 gigs of map objects that users can use to build their own complete maps from scratch.
Also, try animating a minimum of 151 pokemon with an average of at least 5 animations (not counting the fact that generic attack animations are not possible and those will have to be one on a one by one basis as well) and see if your feelings on animations being RE'd doesn't change.
TL;DR: I NEED THOSE ANIMATIONS RE'D! Some of us ARE aiming for that. Note my Issues post on the Ohana3ds Rebirth Git.
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(11-19-2015, 01:48 AM)Fallenleader Wrote: (10-22-2015, 06:54 PM)nobody231 Wrote: We don't need bones created, or textures fixed. The ripping tools can extract the bones near perfectly, and we aren't aiming for animation. Besides, if you're getting into the project, you'd better look at current rips to figure out the format of submitting. You need to look at the VG-Resource submitting styles, and how the different ripping sites work. It's not a good idea to jump in right now, without experience from this site, or even this thread.
I HIGHLY disagree on animations. My current project is at an absolute standstill because I cannot rip the animations, have no experience animating in either blender or 3DSMax, and with having to cram writing weeks of code in hours a day because of limited time, I am heavily relying on that animation format to be RE'd.
I have spent months on this free project that when released would be a big deal for fan gamers on a pc, obviously at no cost to me, so if this project fails because the community refuses to progress ripping in favor of leeching, I honestly don't want my wasted time and effort being leeched as well.
On the other hand, if I see the community making an effort (preferably sooner), I have around 2 gigs of map objects that users can use to build their own complete maps from scratch.
Also, try animating a minimum of 151 pokemon with an average of at least 5 animations (not counting the fact that generic attack animations are not possible and those will have to be one on a one by one basis as well) and see if your feelings on animations being RE'd doesn't change.
TL;DR: I NEED THOSE ANIMATIONS RE'D! Some of us ARE aiming for that. Note my Issues post on the Ohana3ds Rebirth Git.
I understand yout situation... I know how the fan gaming is all about, honestly, Not everyone are mainly focused on fangaming. on my own situation, I'm more focused on 3D movies/animations and Virtual Reality. of course Re'd can be used on some of my movies... but not all of them. since are limited when acting on the timeline of certain scenes.
Example 1: Eevee uses an horizontal Slash to cut a ninja into two parts.
There's no slash animations on standard Eevee animation on X/Y... how to perform an slash? you must do the animation yourself. plus the small details like the blood soaking it's paw or the visual effect of the white arch describing the quick slashing movement of the Eevee. It was planned on my project but I can't make it so smooth and realistic like normally a wildlife predator does during a hunt, Neither I know if Motion Capture can be used to recreate this animation.
Even another example I have.
Example 2: Eevee prepares to use an Overpowered ability while being surrounded in a black smoke like aura.
That example is more like a project for my Virtual Reality, and perhaps I will start making it when I get my Oculus Rift and learns how to use certain effects on Unity.
(Lucky me that RTB's Eevee has a FBX format)
Anyway... of course. About animating, I'm agree... but not be just ONLY from the game itself... but just also some custom ones, Unless of course I have no idea of what Re'd means... if somehow I'm wrong about it's meaning... Could you explain it yourself?
thanks in advance, and sorry for the long post.
***Since the marine headquarters has been destroyed by unknown forces, we had decided to temporarily replace the actual rewards for a newer one... We are looking
for new criminals or updated rewards from the previous ones... meanwhile here will be no reward posting for some time.
if someone knows some important info of who is behind the attack on our headquarters, please contact one of our officials by den den mushi and will get rep+ and added as buddy, thanks for your contribution***
Akainu Sakazuki
fleet admiral from Marine Headquarters.
PS: I didn't lost my data for virus or hacker... it's just a funny joke... the truth is that my HD got damaged physically...
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Mocapping a small fantasy creature would be very difficult if not impossible to achieve good results for any kind of elaborate action. It's the sort of thing that, unfortunately, involves skilled animators and a lot of reference material on how animals move.
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Hey, is it possible to get those models used in the banners? I think I asked this before, but the problem was that there were inaccessible?
Just thought that they would be a cool thing to have.
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11-21-2015, 06:14 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-21-2015, 06:20 AM by Farlavor.)
(11-20-2015, 03:05 PM)The 100 Mega Shock! Wrote: Mocapping a small fantasy creature would be very difficult if not impossible to achieve good results for any kind of elaborate action. It's the sort of thing that, unfortunately, involves skilled animators and a lot of reference material on how animals move.
Oh well... at least it sounds pretty possitive. took me 4 replies to get the answer I was looking for, sadly with not so much avail. but somehow, I find it possitive (Lucky me that Eevee is just a quadruped model and not a 6 legged wierdo like Necho Cat from KHDDD... lol  )
Hey, is it possible to get those models used in the banners? I think I asked this before, but the problem was that there were inaccessible?
Just thought that they would be a cool thing to have.
I dunno... But if those models are in the database of the game, then it should be rippable as well. Just we need to find a method of how to rip them (Just in case we didn't found it already).
PS: Making quotes by myself isn't as accurate as the automatic quote that makes when I reply. but at least, I did answered to both of you. B)
***Since the marine headquarters has been destroyed by unknown forces, we had decided to temporarily replace the actual rewards for a newer one... We are looking
for new criminals or updated rewards from the previous ones... meanwhile here will be no reward posting for some time.
if someone knows some important info of who is behind the attack on our headquarters, please contact one of our officials by den den mushi and will get rep+ and added as buddy, thanks for your contribution***
Akainu Sakazuki
fleet admiral from Marine Headquarters.
PS: I didn't lost my data for virus or hacker... it's just a funny joke... the truth is that my HD got damaged physically...
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11-22-2015, 02:09 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-22-2015, 02:10 PM by o0DemonBoy0o.)
I just figured it out messing around with 3DSExplorer and EFE.
Don't have X/Y on me so I used HarmoKnight to test things out.
Unfortunately it does not seem to support bones. I read that Ohana3ds can open these CGFX files but it just doesn't even start up for me. It just opens up a process that I can't close and stays like that.