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Start again...
Sorry bout the previous entry, I was in a rut today.

But anyway, I am THE DNFnuma of DA. Or used to, I changed accounts many times, and then decided to simply rename myself as DatArtistNuma. Everybody just calls me Numa for short. I am a retiring cartoonist that mostly did inflation art, but then tried other forms of transformation artwork. I WAS going to do an adventure comic mini series, but due to stress over fans becoming concerned from me giving up TF art, I left all together under stress and pain. I'm going to return there soon to give someone what they wanted before I leave for good...

But seriously, I am an all time video gamer. I started out with Mario on the New, Sonic on the Genesis, and so on growing up. My main VG interests include Pokemon, Rabbids, TF2, Spiral Knights, and so on. I have other interests too, but I'm a bit unsure that they'll be allowed since this is a VG related website. Ah well, anyway I'm not really a bad guy, I'm a very nice person once you get to know me a bit more.

I'm actually glad I joined this website (about 6 or so months ago) Cause I have a friend here who I supported and vice versa. Hopely I'll be more acquainted with discussing about Video Games rather then just playing them.
Thanked by: DragonDePlatino
A second thread wasn't really necessary, but whatever. Welcome to the Resource! Other interests are allowed, as long as they comply with the rules. You can talk about whether you're interested in drawing, manga, music, whatever!

Hope you enjoy your stay Smile
Thanked by: E-Man

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