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Salutations one and all! Smile  Excited to be here. While I'm new to the spriting community, I've been spriting personally for over 20 years! I recently had a run-in with an off brand SD card that devoured a big portion of my work during a laptop transfer. Fortunately they were just recolors and edits, and not any of my custom work. But, the event made me realize that I ought to make some of my work public for posterity. So, here I am! Wink  Plus, I am running into technical difficulties with the sprite ripping utilities, so, I thought it wise to turn to some who have a more advanced knowledge of the programs. Tongue
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, you die. Ninja
Thanked by: puggsoy
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Welcome to the forums! Wow, 20 years, that's pretty awesome!

Hope your time here is a pleasant one and I hope you can get the answers you seek. Smile
[Image: 582217063e.png][Image: RWDCRik.png]

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Thanks, I also hope, and intend, to contribute some nice work as well. Wink
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, you die. Ninja
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Welcome to the Resource! Hopefully the folks here can help you out, and maybe you can even lend some of your experience to help others out too!

Hope you enjoy your stay Smile
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Welcome! Sorry to hear about that SD card eating your work. You've definitely come to the right place if you want a safe way to archive some of your stuff though. Having experienced (and recovered from) some of our own losses over the years, everything is backed up here regularly now. Smile
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