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A little of my own custom texture
Oh well... I never expected to just come here to show you my improvements at texturing and animating... As I said long time ago, I normally prefer rigged models of creatures/monsters/animals even Meowser itself was included on my priorities... but... I never had confessed before Why I am interested on those models so badly.

Honestly, I usually love some kind of videos of those creatures doing some kind of paw licking/Claw Licking... Usually I choose the ones I like the most to animate doing that... even those that don't have a rigged tongue by itself... I solve it by modelling a custom tongue in C4D for models like Pokemon X/Y Eevee and similars.
But that's just a milestone, Yeah... I normally focus on my personal fetish. but sometimes I want to be one step beyond, and Eevee was a very important part of my little project. While I am a little tired of the Paw Licking shenanigams I tend to try other attempts at animating something very different. During these two years, I was really obsessed with a custom character of my own that I'm starting to love so much.

I call it... Dark Eevee G3.

It's the third generation of Dark Eevee... To be more precise... It's the third incarnation of the most powerful Bio-chimera. a creature made by mixing the DNA of a Biomutant, Aaroniero's Glotoneria and the blood of the most powerful Eevee ever known. the responsible of the creation of such abomination was a little guy called Guillermo Cortez Sinister. who had the main goal of making the most powerful evil creature possible... and he finally succeeded. by making a cute but yet cruel creature, that has the potential to keep growing stronger by just sucking the blood of her victims. Dark Eevee on her first incarnation was killed by Farlavor the mighty saviour of the worlds. the second one is still living in the present and stills be undefeated, but in the closer future, she will be betrayed by an ambitious guy called Kaloxylos, who kills her to obtain her powers. Dark Eevee manages to survive by forcing her own incarnation with one of her powers obtained on one of her previous hunts of living creatures. and after knowing that the Oblivion Conqueror Hescheckla is interested on recruiting her for his personal goals, after some doubts, Dark Eevee accepts to join him but with the only condition that she must kill Kaloxylos for revenge and suck all his blood.
Later on, after a second fight against Farlavor, she ends up almost killed since she's got poisoned by sucking the blood of her last victim, Scarface. Farlavor did almost kill her taking advantage of the poison constatly weakening her.
So Hescheckla had to solve it by modifying her DNA and putting her inside of a crysalis. Farlavor went on a mission of killing the crysalis to prevent Dark Eevee to reborn into a more powerful being, and was acompained with Tod and Sugiyama Yusei... but all of his efforts ended in failure and just came a few seconds late after finding the crysalis, and he just watched how Dark Eevee appeared with her new appearance and new powers... and will be at this moment that Dark Eevee G3 is born. afterwards, Farlavor, Yusei and Tod got totally beaten by Dark Eevee, but they were saved at last by Zeratul and James Raynor who came to rescue them (Yeah... I added characters from Starcraft 2 as well, besides this was planned to be a part of the Legacy of the Void Events  Cool )

With this kind of resumed Backstory, Dark Eevee G3 was my most favourite of all evil characters I ever created for my own RPG/Theatre/fanfiction
and of course, I was interested on making an animation of Dark Eevee G3 herself showing her powers in a scene. this project took me some months... Due for laziness and my computer being so slow and got broken and fixed several times. but yesterday I managed to make custom HI-RES textures of X/Y eevee, and modified them to make the closest resemblance to Dark Eevee G3. I added red claws on both front and back paws (As separated objects). and I had added 2 extra mouth movements for her Angry expression. 

I want to show you my progress at texturing and the making of Dark Eevee G3. Sadly it has some kind of little texture problems.
The scenes takes place a few days after the defeat of Amon on the Legacy of the void events. (According to my RPG history, so don't be confused just becuz I'm using Blizzard franchise characters for my personal stories and combining them with anime/videogame characters and universes as well)

[Image: vlcsnap-2015-03-05-16h22m19s180.png]

the video starts with Dark Eevee G3 enjoying the battle of Kaloxylos VS Farlavor (The battle started minutes ago and Farlavor is getting his butt kicked so badly), She was being so sarcastic at this part, but even so I love how she laughs... Look at her fangs and her eye patterns. The blue eye markings are a reference from the Biomutant eye design, Little Minos from Super Bikkuriman was a Biomutant and he has purple eye markings and he provided the DNA for Dark Eevee.
(The only problem is the emblem of her forehead... It was pretty messed up... but anyway... I think I gonna let it stay like that way until I learn how to fix it...  Shy)
the little blue scars on her face, are a ripoff from Toriko's Battlewolf/terry markings... just look at my avatar and you'll see those marks as well. Battlewolves in Toriko manga are supposed to be one of the eight strongest animal species in Gourmet world, Dark Eevee G3 have the attributes, abilities, traits, stats and skills from these wolves as well as other living beings from which she drank blood, a testimonial of her true potential for mass destruction.

[Image: vlcsnap-2015-03-05-16h22m29s55.png]

"SO EPIIIIIIIIC!!!!!!!!" Dark Eevee happily screams in awe (She can talk). trying to trick us into believing she's enjoying. and we can notice her red cat like claws in the screenshot. Kawaiiiiiii  Cute

[Image: vlcsnap-2015-03-05-16h22m49s2.png]

After some seconds, Dark Eevee starts licking her right paw while yumming 
[Image: 57154644.jpg]
(It seems she still has some blood remains on her claws...)
Here you can see the custom tongue I created for Dark Eevee. the only problem at the moment is that the tongue itself isn't fully rigged... just acts as a separated object that has been linked to the head rigging. so I can only just move the tongue in or out. but it's more than enough just for the few seconds she licks her paw.

[Image: vlcsnap-2015-03-05-16h23m20s76.png]

after her 2 seconds of personal hygiene and a little moment enjoying the taste of blood, Dark Eevee started doing a retrospective talking about the situation. telling to Kaloxylos that SHE was fighting against Farlavor before he came to screw things up, even she still remembered her last defeat when she was poisoned by scarface's blood when she was almost dead and Farlavor was supposed to be HER prey. So stealing it is a really wrong idea.

[Image: vlcsnap-2015-03-05-16h23m50s87.png]

And after getting up, She gets really upset showing glowing red eyes and a very angry face.
Even called "Hoary haired twerp" to Kaloxylos since he have white hair.  Tongue  

[Image: Dark%20Eevee%20G3%20head%20tilt.jpg]

One of my most interesting scenes from my video.
Dark Eevee says at a really high state of berserker like rage "SHOULD I REPEAT IT???!!!!!, I DON'T ALLOW ANYBODY TO STEAL MY PREY!!!!!!!!!" as her head tilts nervously to her right as a real proof of her anger reaching it's paroxysm. 
Having tics? too caffeine on last blood feast?
Scaaaaaryyyyyyyyy.....  Cry

[Image: Dark%20Eevee%20G3%20columna%20de%20Shinra%20Tensei.jpg]

At this part, is when she finally becomes even more scarier, She is using her special power of combine two powerfull abilities into one to make her own custom ultimate attack... and believe me... it's one of the most ultimate powers on my entire RPG/Theatre/Fanfic history... It's the Shinra Tensei + Glotoneria.
Yeah... Pain's Shinra Tensei combined with Aaroniero's ability, it allows Dark Eevee to drain blood of whoever gets hit by the blast radius of Shinra Tensei, making her able to take everyone's abilities around the area while still being virtually untouched and the blast radius of her Shinra Tensei is even higher than Pain's. it's planned that when she does that attack, Kaloxylos and his henchmens survives but yet injured by the blast radius. forcing them to retreat and Dark Eevee get's tired after consuming her spiritual power and decides to take a rest for next hunt.

[Image: Dark%20Eevee%20G3%20Shinra%20Tensei%20Gl...ia%201.jpg]

(The red aura around Dark Eevee is the Shinra Tensei that manifested as a huge fire column, I usually get impressed at high energy/fire columns since I had a dream when I was being sucked by a column like tornado that shines like it was some kind of magic vortex made by a really powerful magician, I was paralized by fear and by the force of the vortex itself, it was a scary nightmare but it helped me getting the inspiration of awesome power showoffs  Big Grin )

[Image: Dark%20Eevee%20G3%20Shinra%20Tensei%202.jpg]

At this point, I hope there's no child looking at this screenshot, he or she might be traumated by just looking at Dark Eevee's face. Tongue

A Close up when Dark Eevee finally casts her Shinra Tensei Glotoneria, Following with the scene when the fire colum expands quickly destroying, blowing, killing and obliterating everything in it's path while Dark Eevee stands on the middle of the place. it's indeed a little glimpse of a possible apocalypse, almost like Lovecraft style. but with a touch of cuteness.

BTW: I must say that the dub is done by myself... and it's spanish dubbed. so maybe my comments about wathever Dark Eevee said isn't 100% exact. and the video is still in WIP, I only had done the first 1400 frames, and I managed to capture a few screenshots from the last +2600 remaining fotograms.

Sorry for the too long post. but you needed to know the backstory of my villain to understand it better. Big Grin
I hope you enjoyed it. and sorry for the time I did waste on your lives.  Sad

PS: For the people who didn't catched the reference I was using for this scene, I'll explain it was based on Episode 239 of One Piece, when Luffy and Franky was fighting each other and Galley la stopped the fight and attacked Luffy, of course with a little few excepcions, Dark Eevee was doing almost the same thing as Franky did to finish that battle with some slight variations, Franky was drinking sake while sat down in front of a table with his two girls, even throw the table along with the girls when got angry and used his Coup of Vent attack to knock out Pauly and his friends, and Dark Eevee simply was lying down the floor watching the battle, licked her right paw, gets up very angry, and destroys everything in sight with a big explosion. but with almost the same ending results as happened in the anime.
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Really all you did was boot up MSPaint, and draw on an Eevee face texture.
Thanked by: Mystie, E-Man, AdelQ
If you want to do a texture edit, use a program like Photoshop or GIMP, and choose colors that blend well with the Eevee's fur. The blue markings do not mix with the light brown fur at all, and the edits in general look very amateur.

Also, I skimmed the description, and no offense, but this character is very badly written. But we'll save character writing advice for another time. Wink
Thanked by: E-Man
ok... thanks for your feedback... I just use Photoshop CC, but sadly I suck at using it, I normally prefer using Macromedia Flash.

Besides... I am not that good at translating english from spanish (Sometimes I still need to learn how to translate some parts). I would do a better writting on my mother language, and my resume was too brief prior to G3 form. Didn't mentioned anything about Who's Kaloxylos, or even the reason why Dark Eevee got poisoned just by sucking Scarface's blood. Even the main character Farlavor, I didn't gave a description of him, I used his name for my username, but not for the avatar, so the battlewolf isn't Farlavor... Farlavor is a Red Fox. My RPG history was started from 1994 until today, and in order to connect everything, just by writing it here, it would be taking my entire life. and even you would ended banning me for flooding nonsense. LOL

Anyway... I totally agree considering that it would be nice trying to make a furry texture and changing the marking colors or maybe more darker (perhaps still being blue, but maybe a Dark blue and properly textured might be far better than just R0 G0 B255)

I really appreciate your constructive criticism Mystie.
Thanks a lot. Big Grin

PS: Do you know a good page to learn how to use Photoshop and a few tutorials to make my own textures? I'm gonna try editing the HI-res texture and make it looking furry. Smile
***Since the marine headquarters has been destroyed by unknown forces, we had decided to temporarily replace the actual rewards for a newer one... We are looking
for new criminals or updated rewards from the previous ones... meanwhile here will be no reward posting for some time.

if someone knows some important info of who is behind the attack on our headquarters, please contact one of our officials by den den mushi and will get rep+ and added as buddy, thanks for your contribution***

Akainu Sakazuki
fleet admiral from Marine Headquarters.

PS: I didn't lost my data for virus or hacker... it's just a funny joke... the truth is that my HD got damaged physically...  Cry
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(03-05-2015, 09:42 PM)TheRealHeroOfWinds Wrote: Really all you did was boot up MSPaint, and draw on an Eevee face texture.

I am really bad at using MS Paint... I used Photoshop... but anyway... Sorry. I'm just a novice... Anyway... I am not intended for anything else than just showoff my little progress.

I know I suck... Anyways... I don't have the same experience I had on Deviantart. and I'm proud to have succeeded at making HI-RES textures of the model itself. becuz you can see the pixels on close up, and the forehead emblem looked blurry.

Besides... Using MSPaint on Windows 7, is even harder than using XP version... it's far more limited.

Also, Who cares about a story I made up in over 20 years, when the Imperial Team faces off against all evil forces, specially the Oblivion land forces?... Aside from all sarcastic comments, and considering I never messed up the textures resolution by myself... it would just screw all the UVWs and it just didn't happened... so I think I achieved that on MY FIRST TIME... and you just say that?. Angry

At least... Mystie said that with some real respect... unlike you.  Angry

PS: And BTW, Dark Eevee's name doesn't come from her colours, it just comes from HER utter evilness. She's a Destroyer, a creature that only lives for Destruction, Anihilation and mass murder at any costs... the only thing that pleases her is drinking blood from all living creatures, and she has the ability to obtain EVERY power... and in her G3 forme she has ALL of them... Akuma No Mi, Arrancar Powers, Ki, Chakra, Even she has all Dojutsus (Sharingan, Byakugan, Tenseigan, Rinnegan), Doesn't it make her a really evil creature that desserves such a name like that?. I didn't mentioned it for three reasons...

1- It might sound much like I created a Mary Sue/godmoded character. (of course that was my intention  Cute )
2- I wanted to speak it briefly (Even skipping the most important events prior to G3 forme, becuz I don't have models of G1 and G2, even the drawing I made of G1 was lost forever after a format, and I was just showing the G3 forme). that's one of the reasons Mystie said I suck at writting... maybe for that and other facts that had discovered so far. but we will have a little chat about where I really suck at writting.
To know about the story more precisely and know what happened during the final transition of Dark Eevee from G2 to G3, you need to know about Atomsk and Kaloxylos, About Farlavor and Yusei. as well as the battle of the neverending universe.
And I rather prefer to explain it in a Fanfiction forum rather than just posting it here. Isn't it?
3- This is totally personal, You only needed to SEE THE PHOTOS. All info about my character is totally useless, it's just an explanation. 

I would like to spit out all the foul words towards you about your LACK of respect to me and my creation... but I had to take care of what I was writting to prevent any problems in this comunity. Idiots like you already had ruined my life years ago on the internet, so I rather prefer just to keep living my way. doing My personal RPG as I like and the way I like.

I am today in a pretty bad mood, considering I neither was able to rip off a Baby Yoshi model that Hiccup passed to me on PM, and yet I don't have the WiiU Games to extract the models from. and it seems that Mystie didn't readed my last petition to tell me where can I find a tutorial to make a furry texture on Photoshop CC for Dark Eevee, I only know how to change color (For eye markings) but I cannot make it more realistic becuz I have ZERO experience about that.  Angry

Since Mystie didn't replied to me about a good page for making furry textures in photoshop, I have no option but searching for myself...  Cry

PS: Sorry for the double post...  Sad
***Since the marine headquarters has been destroyed by unknown forces, we had decided to temporarily replace the actual rewards for a newer one... We are looking
for new criminals or updated rewards from the previous ones... meanwhile here will be no reward posting for some time.

if someone knows some important info of who is behind the attack on our headquarters, please contact one of our officials by den den mushi and will get rep+ and added as buddy, thanks for your contribution***

Akainu Sakazuki
fleet admiral from Marine Headquarters.

PS: I didn't lost my data for virus or hacker... it's just a funny joke... the truth is that my HD got damaged physically...  Cry
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Jeez, calm down. You're acting as if he killed your wife or something.
Thanked by: E-Man, Rosencrantz, Mors
(03-13-2015, 12:24 PM)Mystie Wrote: Jeez, calm down. You're acting as if he killed your wife or something.

Ohhhh Mystie, you don't even know the start of it. Diss someone's original character and like, your life is over

It's as horrible a shot in the arm as like, if I told you "Platinum makes a bunch of games but none of them sell, and Kamiya's an idiot"

(c'mon now, you and I both know that Platinum's games are the bee's knees, and while Kamiya's abrasive...like, always, he has some pretty darn good ideas)

That said, Farlavor, I'll keep it short - it looks like you just used the Paint tool and drew on Eevee's eyes using your mouse. As a result, it's gonna look sloppy, wobbly, and a bit weird. Sorry. But it's true.

Try using the Pen tool. The pen tool lets you make "points" that you then can poke onto the "canvas" - and once you finish making the basic "points" you can then use the "Add Point Tool" to continue adding points (but those allow you to curve lines, thus giving you smoothness throughout.  As a result, your lines will be smoother and your shapes will look a lot cleaner.

Also, as a basic suggestion: That is literally a Microsoft Paint color, on top of a default Eevee's palette. You may want to consider picking a more natural color than "Microsoft Paint Dark Blue". :/
[Image: 57d2BGH.png]
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! refs
shoutouts to cutesu for the new av!
Thanked by: E-Man, Mors
(03-12-2015, 06:10 PM)Farlavor Wrote:
(03-05-2015, 09:42 PM)TheRealHeroOfWinds Wrote: Really all you did was boot up MSPaint, and draw on an Eevee face texture.

I am really bad at using MS Paint... I used Photoshop... but anyway... Sorry. I'm just a novice... Anyway... I am not intended for anything else than just showoff my little progress.

I know I suck... Anyways... I don't have the same experience I had on Deviantart. and I'm proud to have succeeded at making HI-RES textures of the model itself. becuz you can see the pixels on close up, and the forehead emblem looked blurry.

Besides... Using MSPaint on Windows 7, is even harder than using XP version... it's far more limited.

Also, Who cares about a story I made up in over 20 years, when the Imperial Team faces off against all evil forces, specially the Oblivion land forces?... Aside from all sarcastic comments, and considering I never messed up the textures resolution by myself... it would just screw all the UVWs and it just didn't happened... so I think I achieved that on MY FIRST TIME... and you just say that?. Angry

At least... Mystie said that with some real respect... unlike you.  Angry

PS: And BTW, Dark Eevee's name doesn't come from her colours, it just comes from HER utter evilness. She's a Destroyer, a creature that only lives for Destruction, Anihilation and mass murder at any costs... the only thing that pleases her is drinking blood from all living creatures, and she has the ability to obtain EVERY power... and in her G3 forme she has ALL of them... Akuma No Mi, Arrancar Powers, Ki, Chakra, Even she has all Dojutsus (Sharingan, Byakugan, Tenseigan, Rinnegan), Doesn't it make her a really evil creature that desserves such a name like that?. I didn't mentioned it for three reasons...

1- It might sound much like I created a Mary Sue/godmoded character. (of course that was my intention  Cute )
2- I wanted to speak it briefly (Even skipping the most important events prior to G3 forme, becuz I don't have models of G1 and G2, even the drawing I made of G1 was lost forever after a format, and I was just showing the G3 forme). that's one of the reasons Mystie said I suck at writting... maybe for that and other facts that had discovered so far. but we will have a little chat about where I really suck at writting.
To know about the story more precisely and know what happened during the final transition of Dark Eevee from G2 to G3, you need to know about Atomsk and Kaloxylos, About Farlavor and Yusei. as well as the battle of the neverending universe.
And I rather prefer to explain it in a Fanfiction forum rather than just posting it here. Isn't it?
3- This is totally personal, You only needed to SEE THE PHOTOS. All info about my character is totally useless, it's just an explanation. 

I would like to spit out all the foul words towards you about your LACK of respect to me and my creation... but I had to take care of what I was writting to prevent any problems in this comunity. Idiots like you already had ruined my life years ago on the internet, so I rather prefer just to keep living my way. doing My personal RPG as I like and the way I like.

I am today in a pretty bad mood, considering I neither was able to rip off a Baby Yoshi model that Hiccup passed to me on PM, and yet I don't have the WiiU Games to extract the models from. and it seems that Mystie didn't readed my last petition to tell me where can I find a tutorial to make a furry texture on Photoshop CC for Dark Eevee, I only know how to change color (For eye markings) but I cannot make it more realistic becuz I have ZERO experience about that.  Angry

Since Mystie didn't replied to me about a good page for making furry textures in photoshop, I have no option but searching for myself...  Cry

PS: Sorry for the double post...  Sad

Hey, hey, hey now. Please take what TheRealHeroOfWinds stated with a grain of salt.

Surely, that person could have less of that obnoxious approach, but you're overreacting to a reply that consists of a single sentence.

I just want to friendly remind you that you first of all, you shouldn't even bother replying to posts if you are aware of the fact that your mood isn't optimal. Otherwise things like these tend to occur. And please refrain from overusing emoticons. It makes it pretty difficult to take you seriously at slightest.

Second of all, we don't need an entire backstory about your development experience. Most members of this community will find it TL;DR.

If you are seeking for advice, sure... but please don't respond with such displeasure. Criticism isn't always constructive, and even if it isn't, you still need to respect other users opinions. With this attitude you will most likely peeve us, thus as a result giving you negative feedback.

Please, just take this as nothing more than advice. Remember that I am helping you out in your problematic situation by suggesting you to change your perspective towards criticism.
[Image: 5UBsluF.png]
Thanked by: E-Man, Struggleton!, Kosheh, Mors

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