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Hello all
well, hello everyone I am known in source modding circles as Insaneicide, i usually make models and whatnot, though i dont usually do the texturing ^^;

if anyone here has heard TF2 and of the TF2 Oldschool pack i am the head of that project and currently the only person working on it (and kinda came here to find someone to help Ouch!).

i hope 'yall are friendly and i will post a bit of my work here from time to time.
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Welcome to tVGR, Insaneicide! There's like, a bajilion people who play TF2 here.

I'd love to see any models you've made, or are soon to make, and I hope you find the help you need. :>
[Image: 582217063e.png][Image: RWDCRik.png]

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(01-08-2015, 11:59 PM)Shade Wrote: Welcome to tVGR, Insaneicide! There's like, a bajilion people who play TF2 here.

I'd love to see any models you've made, or are soon to make, and I hope you find the help you need. :>

well, it would be a really long post if i were to put images of everything i have done, so ill leave my photobucket , and my public dropbox link here and here

i didnt make the player models and vanilla weapons, intel, medkits, or small and medium ammokits but dang near everything else is my work, save a few things like the frontierjustice or lvl-1 sentry (i helped with the uv's not the model) and i been workin on the last of the weapons bots and modifications for the cursed souls, but progress has slowed because of the lack of a texturer (my last texture artist was primarily a SMW map maker/spriter so his style and understanding of pixelart fit perfectly)
Thanked by: Shade
Welcome to the Resource, Insaneicide! Those are some pretty neat skins, I'd definitely give it a shot if I could still play TF2.

Enjoy your stay! Smile
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