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KH2 and KH BbS font.arc files
Hello again!

I need help unpacking these font files KH2 and KH BBS. I tried to extract the files in several ways, but do not work.
I am very sure there are images or textures typefaces of both games.

This is the link:
KH2&BbS Font files

I've spent years looking for ways to find these fonts and now I don't know how to extract images from that files. Can you help me, please?

P.D.: Both files are from the Final Mix translated version. BBS files are in .arc format and KH2 in .bar format.
P.D.2: I can not answer to the threat until tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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TiledGGD has no problem viewing that
I don't know what the colors are supposed to look like, though.
[Image: Hs3kGo2.png]
Palette may be around 0x3A086
Thanked by: Oscar92player
First of all, here's a QuickBMS script for Font.arc from BbS:

# Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Font.arc format
# Written by puggsoy
# script for QuickBMS

idstring "ARC\x00\x01\x00"
get FILENUM short
getdstring DUMMY 0x08

for i = 0 < FILENUM
get DUMMY long
get OFFSET long
get SIZE long
get DUMMY long
getdstring NAME 0x10

next i

Not sure what to do with the results, maybe Ploaj can figure something out?

As for, judging from the icons near the bottom of the file the palette starts at 0x3A080 and is 4bpc RGB:


I discovered that starting at 0x10, you have 3 info chunks in this format:

4 bytes unknown
4 bytes name
4 bytes offset
4 bytes length

Hopefully these should be self-explanatory. The number at 0x04 (gonna assume it's also 4 bytes) indicates how many of these chunks exist.
For some reason the "icon" length goes on to the end of the file, so it contains the palette. Maybe that means it doesn't belong to the other fonts, but then where are their palettes? Maybe they don't have them and simply have raw pixel data in 8bpp format, using the 332=8 format in TextureFinder seems to produce favourable results:


The other BAR files seem to have similar format. Looks like they're archives, I might make a QuickBMS script for them as well. I'm not sure whether any other than fileformat.bin contains anything useful though.
Thanked by: Oscar92player
Thanks for the help, Ploaj and puggsoy.

I do not know much TileGGD, so I can not see the .bar file, Ploaj, but I can inspect it better with the Texture Viewer as mentioned puggsoy. However, the fonts look different than as shown in the gameplay of KH2, as if they were "tight":

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

Maybe it's something in the game, or the files are not displayed as such, I don't know.

About the .arc file of BbS, I managed to extract a lot of .clu, .info, cod, and .mtx files with your script, puggsoy:
BbS ARC Extracted

I do not know how to open them or view them, but for the names of those files, I'm very sure that the textures of the fonts are there.

Thanks for your help! (And sorry for my bad English, I have to practice a bit more)
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I just have the font from the first game (which differs a bit from the one used in the second).
[Image: KHFont.png]

Found more:
[Image: KHFont-2.png]
[Image: KHIIfont.png]
The last one is from Kingdom Hearts II I think.
Thanked by: Oscar92player
Shard of Truth, is that you?  Surprise

I know your work ripping sprites and other graphics from KH games, they are amazing! I wish I could decrypt files the same way you've been able to do it, but I'm no good programming.

In any case, your contribution is quite good, I was looking for these fonts for years. Thank you so much for sharing them!

Could you help us to decrypt the BbS files that I left on the previous message? Your help would be invaluable.

Thank you again! (And sorry again for my bad English).
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I'm afraid I don't know much about how BBS works, KeytoTruth from pspgweber would be the better person to contact. But from what I understand you would like to have a real font, not the image maps. I didn't found something like this either in any of the games except Kingdom Hearts [chi]:

The game uses two fonts (sadly both without accents etc.), one on them looks very closely to the KH/KHII font above, but it's not exactly the same. Also you have to install them correctly (from the preview image, when double clicking on it, at least on Windows) or else they will work only vertically.
Thanked by: Oscar92player
Awesome! I was looking everywhere the last font of that .zip file.

I never thought to extract graphics from KH [chi], also I never played the game so did not know what fonts was inside. Thank you so much for this contribution! With a little work maybe I can add accents with Font Creator Program or create a bitmap font with Photoshop.

Moreover, I do not care much if they are bitmaps or fonts. In both cases it would be to upload to Spriters Resources and work with them in Photoshop or other programs like RPG Maker.

So to contact KeytoTruth I have to go to the forum PSPGWeber? I hope he can help me with BbS files, that fonts are very similar (even identical) to other KH games as KH3D or Re: Chain of Memories.

Thanks again for the help!

P.D.: Maybe you can upload fonts to the homepage, even if they are True Type file. All the credits it's for you, of course. You've found thefonts
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