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Hey all, Anexenaumoon here, I'm a new member and while learning how the GBA engine runs (through ASM etc.) I've become interested in some sprite ripping myself. How do I upload a sheet? Can someone direct me there? Thanks Smile I hope to make new friends on here on this great community!
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To upload a sheet, you go to TSR, go to the system and game that you are ripping from (or if there isn't one already, just click "Add New Game"), and then click on "Add New Sheet".

Anyway, welcome!
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Hello and welcome to the VG Resource!
Like Mystie said, you click on "Add New Sheet" for the game you want to add a sheet to.
Here is a pic
[Image: screenshot_48.png]

Anyway, it's always good to have more sprite rippers, I hope you have a great time!
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Hey Anexenaumoon, welcome to the Resource! Mystie and Neweegee have already explained how to submit sheets, good to see a new ripper!

Enjoy your time here!
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