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Mogeko Castle: Sprite Sheets
Big Grin 
Greetings fellow members of the VGResource/The Spriters Resource community! I am HiHiCyclyn, a newly registered user who just felt like publishing her first sprite assets. Please keep in mind that these ripped sprites may not be properly aligned/organized. But hopefully that's forgivable, since I'm new in these forums. If this is case then please comment by giving constructive criticism. I will take that criticism in order to improve my abilities for the next sheets that I'm planning to publish.

Mogeko Castle is an RPG Maker VX Ace game that is quite popular among the RPG community. It is not as popular as  RPG games like Misao, The Witch's House, Ib, etc. But still moderately known. Since I am a huge fan of Deep-Sea Prisoner's works I've decided to share my first sprite sheets with the citizens of this forum!

The first sprite sheet contains the mogekos.
The secondary sprite sheet consists of the protagonist, Yonaka Kurai.
And finally, here are the custom created icons. (I unfortunately could not create the game icon, since the online icon creator made use of the old method of creating game icons, which looks entirely different appearance wise).

This is all the content I've managed rip from this game at the moment. Please tell me your thoughts about this! And lastly, I hope that these sprite sheets will be accepted and uploaded to TSR.
That's pretty much all I have to say for now. Have a good day!
[Image: 5UBsluF.png]
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First of all hi and welcome to the Resource! It's always good to have new rippers Smile

There are a number of things I should mention. First of all it's usually preferable if sheets have a background other than transparent, and not white or black. Something like magenta (#FF00FF) usually works, cyan (#00FFFF) too. Basically some colour that 1) isn't included in the sprites and 2) isn't uncomfortable for a background. The main reason for this is in case people use a program that doesn't support transparency to open the sheet (e.g. MS Paint) and it gives it a white background, which is just as bad a white background itself (and an issue if the sheet contains white). The only time you should really use a transparent background is if any of the sprites contain anti-aliasing, which isn't preserved on an opaque background.
(By the way, there are exceptions to the no black/white background rule, for example here each frame was already in its own box with a black background so I just did it for the whole sheet, but in general it should be avoided.)

The other thing is that it's usually good to keep your credit tag fairly small. There's obviously no issue with wanting to be recognised for your rip (or even wanting credit or people to ask permission for its use), but it's generally good to try minimise sheet size. This is especially relevant with small sheets like this, where the tag might take up 2/3 of the image if it's too big. For example, as you can see mine is just size 9 Verdana. You don't have to do it quite that small and you can still keep your general format (credit/permission: yes/no, etc), but it would be good if you could maybe try compress it a bit more, and fill up any empty space the sheet contains (especially in that second sheet).

Otherwise the sheets are good though, great job Smile

As for making icons, check here for games and here for sheets.

Also, to submit sheets, go to the console of your game and the letter on the site. If the game exists, go to it and then click on "Add New Sheet". If not, click the "Add New Game" button (you'd do this in this case).

So yeah. As I said they're good rips though so well done! Just rectify these things and they should get accepted on the site.
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