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Hi guys! (yep, very unoriginal)
Hello everyone,
I'm Kyalie, a French 26-year-old girl living in Montreal. I've got two cats, called Kilik and Hyôga (and only secondarily a boyfriend as well Tongue).
I mostly am a J-RPG player (MegaTen, Final Fantasy, Gust games...), but lately i've been trying to be less specific, by playing adventure games (Life is strange, Broken Age, Dreamfall Chapters...) or more 'action' games; Catherine, Super Mario 3d world, Drakengard 3 are the latest games i've been completely obsessed with.
I'm a big fan of the PS2 era in particular, and i ended up having to use PCSX2 because my french PS2 doesn't work with my canadian tv Sad It's actually for the better since most of the games look awesomely better when emulated.
I've been an admirer of this site for a long time, as a 3d artist and a spriter it's very very helpful, it teaches an awful lot, and i love the idea of being able to dissect the way some stuff was made!
One of my favorite game ever graphically speaking is Radiata Stories, and i really wish i could help fill the dedicated section - if i get the programs to rip the models working B| (this is why it's 3AM and i'm still not sleeping).

As for what i do for a living, I'm a 3d character artist, a freelancer, although i've working in several companies as well (Gameloft, Behaviour, if any of these ring a bell). I also do spriting and artworks for a personal 2d RPG, called "Lije". You can see some of my stuff here if you're interested.

Mmh, that's pretty much it!
Oh yeah and for the obligatory question any Final Fantasy fan is to be asked: my favorite one is FF9, although i believe FF7 is the best one o/
Thanked by: ~Axis~
Hey Kyalie! Nice to meet you. Welcome to the VGResource! I hope you find inspiration and enjoy your stay! Genki ^_^
[Image: tumblr_mzx6bm02eC1s38z45o1_500.gif]
Anonymous Wrote:...the world is so much simpler if you just dont give a FUCK...
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Welcome to the Resource, Kyalie! That is some pretty awesome work, both 3D and 2D. I'm sure you'll fit in wonderfully with our artistic community! Of course feel free to delve into the ripping side of things as well, we'll try our best to help where we can.

Enjoy your stay!
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Hello and welcome! Your portfolio is very impressive - you have some real talent. You also have excellent taste in Final Fantasy games (those are my favorites as well).

Definitely looking forward to seeing what you can do once all of your software is up and running.
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Salut Kyalie! Bienvenue sur VGR. Comme les autres ont dit, vraiment impressionnant ton portefolio, j'adore ta Celes Tongue FF9 le meilleure? tu as mis ton 9 a lenvers je crois, tu voulais dire FF6 right? Tongue

For the curious english speakers:
[Image: w5xqva2wqod7ni6zg.jpg]
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Thanks for the welcome! About my portfolio, as you can see i haven't updated it in a while, i'm still expecting the go-ahead from my last year contracts, but thanks for the compliments!
For the ripping part, i've been trying about anything i could find (PCSX2+shift+F8, 3d ripper, Neosis, Ninja ripper, 3dvia printer), the only thing i got working was texmod and to a lesser extent ninja ripper (got some broken uvs models and 'exploded' Y scale, and alpha channel texture instead of RGB). 3d ripper and 3dvia printer won't do anything when i press button, and i only get a .gs dump from PCSX2.
I'm kinda desperate XD

Daemoth> eh, un camarade québécois ! Contente que ma Celes te plaise, après je n'ouvrirai pas un énième débat quant au meilleur FF Big Grin

Edit: ok, Ninja ripper works rather fine, and the UVs are actually super small. But i have issues with the model itself, skewed (one of the axis is scaled 1000 times), and with weird shading artifacts (even when resetting normals and smoothing groups). Still digging the thing!
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Hi hello Kyalie! Welcome to the forums.

You're a day late, though - a fellow Montrealer was totally looking for a date to Video Games Live....yesterday.

It's kind of a bummer you didn't post then, otherwise you would've gone for free, lol
It's a "small world" kinda thing though - didn't mean to creep you out. regardless, welcome!
[Image: 57d2BGH.png]
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! refs
shoutouts to cutesu for the new av!
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Haha, but i'm not single, like i said i have a boyfriend and two cats Tongue
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