All right, small update before I crash for the night.
I have some friends looking out for Margaret's files. Hopefully there's some way to get her complete data; someone had to have done it already, because Marie's files are not complete on either disc either, but I managed to get a hold of them. If anyone here wants to try and help out, her files start with "char_nx", and are followed by "_img" for her regular files, "_mgn" for her glasses, "_pal" for her pallets, and "_vri" for her battle effects images.
As I said before, I'm still going to provide sets for returning characters as well. That's just a bit slow going at the moment (the program Dazz suggested doesn't work for most of them, and using Ploaj program forces me to convert one image at a time with most characters).
My next big tackle? Face sets!
Like so!
Now, I have a feeling I'm going to need to use ex
segs to convert the files so they can be read, but I still can't get that program to work on my computer. It keeps saying that there's a .dll file missing when it's... not. I'm guessing it just doesn't play well with 64-bit Win7. I'm going to try on my XP laptop, but if that doesn't work, is there an alternative out there for ex