[font=devioussans02regular, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'メイリオ, meiryo', 'ヒラギノ角ゴ pro w3', 'hiragino kaku gothic pro', sans-serif]
(THIS POST IS INTENDED FOR THOSE WHO KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING WITH ENCRYPTED GAME FILES. Specifically, .unity3d files and Nintendo Switch .gz files.)
So, the other day, I was asked to see if I could rip anything out of a new Ultraman game on the app store: the mobile port for Ultraman Fusion Fight. While I did manage to rip every single file from the game, I, unfortunately, couldn't convert them to usable formats. I ripped all the sounds, models, textures, sprites, everything, but I'm unable to convert them to usable formats. I've already tried using AssetStudio to convert the files (.unity3d files), but it won't work for some reason. I'm guessing they're just heavily encrypted files.
If anybody knows how to help, feel free to mess around with the files yourself:[/font] Ultraman Fusion Fight FILES (mediafire.com) [font=devioussans02regular, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'メイリオ, meiryo', 'ヒラギノ角ゴ pro w3', 'hiragino kaku gothic pro', sans-serif]
(You can open a .apk file like a .zip or .rar file using WinRar, WinZip, 7zip, or any program that opens up those types of files. I decided to just send it all straight over in it's original packaging just like how it was when I ripped them myself. If anybody needs the original APK, you can grab it here:[/font] ウルトラマン フュージョンファイト! ウルトラファイル APK for Android Download (apkpure.com) [font=devioussans02regular, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'メイリオ, meiryo', 'ヒラギノ角ゴ pro w3', 'hiragino kaku gothic pro', sans-serif])
And yes before anybody asks, I've searched up things already, but I'm unable to find another way to convert these files. I'm not sure if they'll open up in Unity though.
On a side note, I'm also interested in knowing if someone else can help with some Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher files my friend ripped the other day. We tried converting those ourselves too, but we're unable to do anything with them either. Here are the files for those, they're in .gz format (they came from the Switch): [/font][/url][font=devioussans02regular, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'メイリオ, meiryo', 'ヒラギノ角ゴ pro w3', 'hiragino kaku gothic pro', sans-serif][u][url=https://www.mediafire.com/file/shnk5dj5pcpcbsd/Monster_Rancher_RAW_Files.zip/file]Monster Rancher RAW Files (mediafire.com) [/u][/font][font=devioussans02regular, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'メイリオ, meiryo', 'ヒラギノ角ゴ pro w3', 'hiragino kaku gothic pro', sans-serif]
I tried using a Switch Toolbox program, but that didn't work for the files here.
If anybody can help with either of these, I'd be very grateful~ I'll take this journal down as soon as I get help.
(THIS POST IS INTENDED FOR THOSE WHO KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING WITH ENCRYPTED GAME FILES. Specifically, .unity3d files and Nintendo Switch .gz files.)
So, the other day, I was asked to see if I could rip anything out of a new Ultraman game on the app store: the mobile port for Ultraman Fusion Fight. While I did manage to rip every single file from the game, I, unfortunately, couldn't convert them to usable formats. I ripped all the sounds, models, textures, sprites, everything, but I'm unable to convert them to usable formats. I've already tried using AssetStudio to convert the files (.unity3d files), but it won't work for some reason. I'm guessing they're just heavily encrypted files.
If anybody knows how to help, feel free to mess around with the files yourself:[/font] Ultraman Fusion Fight FILES (mediafire.com) [font=devioussans02regular, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'メイリオ, meiryo', 'ヒラギノ角ゴ pro w3', 'hiragino kaku gothic pro', sans-serif]
(You can open a .apk file like a .zip or .rar file using WinRar, WinZip, 7zip, or any program that opens up those types of files. I decided to just send it all straight over in it's original packaging just like how it was when I ripped them myself. If anybody needs the original APK, you can grab it here:[/font] ウルトラマン フュージョンファイト! ウルトラファイル APK for Android Download (apkpure.com) [font=devioussans02regular, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'メイリオ, meiryo', 'ヒラギノ角ゴ pro w3', 'hiragino kaku gothic pro', sans-serif])
And yes before anybody asks, I've searched up things already, but I'm unable to find another way to convert these files. I'm not sure if they'll open up in Unity though.
On a side note, I'm also interested in knowing if someone else can help with some Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher files my friend ripped the other day. We tried converting those ourselves too, but we're unable to do anything with them either. Here are the files for those, they're in .gz format (they came from the Switch): [/font][/url][font=devioussans02regular, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'メイリオ, meiryo', 'ヒラギノ角ゴ pro w3', 'hiragino kaku gothic pro', sans-serif][u][url=https://www.mediafire.com/file/shnk5dj5pcpcbsd/Monster_Rancher_RAW_Files.zip/file]Monster Rancher RAW Files (mediafire.com) [/u][/font][font=devioussans02regular, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'メイリオ, meiryo', 'ヒラギノ角ゴ pro w3', 'hiragino kaku gothic pro', sans-serif]
I tried using a Switch Toolbox program, but that didn't work for the files here.
If anybody can help with either of these, I'd be very grateful~ I'll take this journal down as soon as I get help.