08-12-2015, 08:08 PM
Help please, I really need Crisis City from Sonic 06! "What do you need it for?" you may ask, well, I need it to create a stage for the game www.sonicworldfangame.com and I really want to port it because Crisis City, personally, was my fav stage. Do note though, I would very much like it if you made all 4 parts (boarding,grinding,parkour and mach speed(The Flame, Skyscraper, Tornado, Whirlwind)) in one piece please and if you do try your absolute best to make the transition as smooth as possible. I say that because I ported Planet Wisp and I can't get thorough the first 2 turns without loosing all my speed or in layman's terms, rough geometry will cause speed loss. ANYONE that can supply me with these model files will get 70% credit and the satisfaction of bring the best stage in gaming history to the best Sonic fangame ever made. One last thing, I would like the model file to be in .obj with a .mtl file if possible. If not, please turn it into a .3ds file or something that works with Cinema 4D. Thanks for your time and thanks in advance for your help.