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Me and Unarticles.
Hello, been at the tradeschool for like two months now. I'm using the library computers, so I'm not in a position to do sprite work, or upload drawings. But, I still felt like doing something. So that's why I did Archaic Arguements and Sordid Scripts. But guess what people, I'm at it again! That's right, third time's the charm, minds I will harm.

This time, its ideas for uncyclopedia articles. I may try to do the Clock Tower and TDI ones. I've tried the image uploader there, but its not working for me for some reason. I also am doing Hellsling, CIS, and list of Spider-man villains on the way.

Clock Tower

Total Drama Island


If this one actually gets posted on, I may show the pictures with captions I wanted to do.
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HMM, Surprise
[Removed by Dazz: I love the image, it's hilarious and awesome, but it's too big in file size. 1.5mb is too much.]
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"If all else fails, use fire"
~ Oscar Wilde on Dan Barrows

Stopped reading here. If you can't think of anything relevant to say - parody article or not - then your articly most likely isn't worth reading. Convince me why I should finish it.
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Well, have you even played any of the CT games?
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No, but that's hardly the point. Shit's gotta grab you from the start - true of any piece of writing - and this really... doesn't.
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(10-26-2008, 01:36 PM)kyrtuck Wrote: This time, its ideas for uncyclopedia articles. I may try to do the Clock Tower and TDI ones.

Where I stopped reading.

Total Drama Island is unfunny and has tons of cliches in it.
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Meh, whatever. There was at least one member who thought it was funny at this place. Sometimes you just gotta know the source material for the "shit to grab you at the start".

And also, this be the first time that I've written whole articles. Before now I just did bits of editing with my biggest pieces of writing being the "kingdok" part of at this article
And the "Trace of Red Steel of The pink bunny's socks", section on Fire Emblem, which recently got deleted. (guess there's no surprise there)

Oh yes, here's the pictures with captions I was going to do with the articles.
[Image: CTscissor.jpg]
"Scissorman is clearly a very terrifying foe."
[Image: CTposter.jpg]
"It has nothing to do with the games. But its got a huge frigg'n bell.
[Image: CTdman.jpg]
"Darkman, the main villain of CT3."
[Image: CTpic1.JPG]
"There, its fixed."
[Image: TDIHatchet.bmp]
"Chef Hatchet in a grumpy mood"
[Image: TDIanimal.jpg]
"One of the many strange creatures found on the island"
[Image: TDIcampers.jpg]
"Several of the campers, posing for a phot."
[Image: TDIchris.jpg]
"Wanna know where this finger has been?"
[Image: TDIs2.jpg]
"Radarr, after learning that there will be a second season of this crap"
[Image: disturbia.jpg]
"Some Disturbians, wearing the latest fashions"
[Image: disturbiamal.png]
"King Malbert, on his fateful visist to Queen Ashley's birthday party"
[Image: disturbmap.jpg]
"A modern day map of Disturbia"
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Well, no. Not really. Take some of the wititers from Although the analyses of the media they write about is more factual than parody, they give enough information on the topic that can enthuse those either who have or who have not heard of the series before. Well-written ones make you go "Well, I've not heard of it before, but I sure want to find out more about it"; and you have the motivation to read the article, or hell, track down the media yourself.

I'm aware of Clock Tower; and I'm aware of Total Drama Island. But that's about it, and your articles haven't done anything to make me want to find out about more. How about you read and analyse a few actual reviews (i.e. not fan-written parody stuff), and see what makes them good at informing, entertaining or otherwise.
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@ Grooveman- Well, if you're not into fan-made info articles that are spamful, then maybe you shouldn't be at this thread and go do something else with your time, because that's what the name of the game is here.

Also, if you ever actually read through Uncyclopedia stuff, you'd know two things:
A. There's at least one random Oscar Wilde quote in almost every article, therefore, acounting for the part that you stopped reading on.

B. The purpose of such material is to amuse people with prior knowledge of the subject. NOT to get people curious about something they didn't know about.

And, I've tried writing articles in the past, and they always ended up being, well...boring. Also, all the things I could make a review on, have already been reviewed, critiqued, sliced, and diced by millions of people. So what's the fun in that?

And quite frankly, I'm begining to not trust your sense of judgement in general, ecspecially after you locked a topic just from me routinely dissing myself.

@Skink, Congragulations! You just stated the opinion of 93% of the people on this forum, aren't you special? Too bad this isn't a "debate the merits of TDI" thread.

@ 7ilby, Yes, this is the type of stuff I wanted to do on that one article, until certain people ruined it.

Okay, rant over. I feel better now. Here's a Bowser article that I was going to do, except the page was blocked from being created. WTH!?
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(11-01-2008, 03:40 PM)kyrtuck Wrote: @ Grooveman- Well, if you're not into fan-made info articles that are spamful, then maybe you shouldn't be at this thread and go do something else with your time, because that's what the name of the game is here.

Also, if you ever actually read through Uncyclopedia stuff, you'd know two things:
A. There's at least one random Oscar Wilde quote in almost every article, therefore, acounting for the part that you stopped reading on.

B. The purpose of such material is to amuse people with prior knowledge of the subject. NOT to get people curious about something they didn't know about.

And, I've tried writing articles in the past, and they always ended up being, well...boring. Also, all the things I could make a review on, have already been reviewed, critiqued, sliced, and diced by millions of people. So what's the fun in that?

And quite frankly, I'm begining to not trust your sense of judgement in general, ecspecially after you locked a topic just from me routinely dissing myself.

@Skink, Congragulations! You just stated the opinion of 93% of the people on this forum, aren't you special? Too bad this isn't a "debate the merits of TDI" thread.

@ 7ilby, Yes, this is the type of stuff I wanted to do on that one article, until certain people ruined it.

Okay, rant over. I feel better now. Here's a Bowser article that I was going to do, except the page was blocked from being created. WTH!?
You are terrible at getting people to be in the wrong
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Oh, that's nice.

Anyway, I've just put up a List of Spider-man villains and Mongolia articles. Unless I maybe do an Alucard one, these will be my last one for a while

And as a bit of news, my TDI article is now considered to be a "No Redeeming Value" article, and will be a possible target for deletion in a week unless it is "fixed". But oh well, that's always the risk when doing stuff like this, it was fun when it lasted.

I'm still upset on not being able to upload images. I'm doing it from My Documents, and it keeps giving me crap about being "a corrupt file or incorrect extension", and it does that with everything. Does anyone happen to know what I did wrong?
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(11-09-2008, 09:03 PM)kyrtuck Wrote: And as a bit of news, my TDI article is now considered to be a "No Redeeming Value" article, and will be a possible target for deletion in a week unless it is "fixed".

Doesn't this tell you something fairly along the lines of what everyone in the thread so far has told you?

You may not 'trust my judgement', but that doesn't mean I'm wrong, clearly. :V
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"what everyone has told me"? Have you even read the posts here? 7ilby really didn't say anything. Skink just said that he hates TDI because he's too busy being offended by the stereotypes. xTYVONx said I'm bad at dissing people. And all you've really said is that you don't like parody articles, and that my writing dose not make you enthusiastic to learn more about the subject. So tell me, what is this "what everyone has told me" you speak of?

Also, it should be noted that on both Mongolia and list of spider villains, there was a tag that said "this article has potential, but needs to be expanded". And also, the people of DCJ thought my Clock Tower article was at least okay. So I'd say that 3 out of four ain't too bad.

Anyway, I'm surprised that no one was offended by me making Bowser a pok'emon, or that no one has heard of the song or movie Disturbia.
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Alright, I got my Alucard article up. But seriously, I had thought all these things were funny when I was writing them, but then later on...

Oh, and my Clock tower article got in trouble, for sounding too much like a rant, and containing too many facts. Not, for not getting people interested in the subject, or not being factual enoguh. No point for Grooveman. So yeah, I did abig rewrite for it

Oh, and guess what? There was ANOTHER TDI article that was on the NRV section, and it got deleted before mine! (mine is still hanging on.) Eh, maybe its just a bad idea to do articles of this sort on new cartoons. There was a Johhny Test one that was pretty bad.
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None of this is funny. Or cool.
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