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Citizens of Earth
Hi, people! I generally hate asking for favors (and leave it up to my sig) but this time I need something ripped for a purpose, and not just because I need it done. I'm planning to write an essay (you can see my other essays in the "other creativity" forum if you're interested) based on Undertale/Earthbound/Citizens of Earth and I need some samples of graphics from all three to do it. I don't need everything. The Vice President, some enemies, maybe a few NPCs... if you want to do more, I'm sure as hell not going to stop you, because the game is actually great to look at and I think its graphics would be a good thing to rip either way. Plus, it'll be nice to choose from a bunch of stuff rather than a sample size.

The game is available for several platforms including 3DS and XBox. Thanks for any help. I REALLY appreciate it.
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
Thanked by: psychospacecow
Installed this game again to take a look, in pc all files are compressed as .fc files.

Beyond that I know nothing, I will try poking at the files a bit, see if something comes up, but I'm an amateur.

Here are sample files for anyone who's willing to take a look at them:
It's the smallest ones from the lot, I can upload others if needed, levels.fc file is 140 mg and animationscompressed.fc is over 1 gb (don't ask for this one Tongue). There is a zlib1.dll file in the folder.

If anyone can make a quickbms script or something I can do the sorting/sheeting/uploading.
Thanked by: psychospacecow
Unfortunately these don't seem to contain any real graphics, simply stuff like animation info, pointers to files, etc. They're not compressed either, which is why offzip didn't produce any results.

I'm afraid you'll probably have to upload some of the larger files, since those are more likely to contain the data we're looking for. For any really big files (such as animationscompressed.fc) you can split it into chunks using a file splitter and just upload the first and last chunks (they should still be of a reasonable size though, I'd say 5MBs at least). The only problem with this is that I won't be able to properly test any program/script I come up with.
Thanked by: psychospacecow
Here are four chunks, 3 at 100mb and the last one that came out at 6

Here is the levels.fc file, it was 140 mb but compressed down to 10mb, so I guess this one doesn't have graphic data either:

Besides animationscompressed.fc the only other file of meaningfull size is music.fc(300mb), so I guess all graphic data is in the animations file.

animationscompressed.fc is 4 gigs, it compressed down to 620mb using rar5, it's still a bit much for my upload speed, but I can upload it if it's needed.
Thanked by: psychospacecow, puggsoy
Here's the complete animationscompressed.fc file, 7zip compressed it down to less than 500mb from 4gigs:

Splitted because I have trouble uploading large files, split using default 7zip splitting.
Thanked by: puggsoy
Agh, I'm unable to find any graphics data in either of these, at least uncompressed. AnimationsCompressed.fc seems like our best bet, but I can't identify how it's compressed. Pretty sure it isn't RLE compressed either, since there are a lot of repeated bytes.
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Here's a list of the files in the game folder, everything is on there except a couple .inis for config.

Dunno if seeing the dlls could give some clues as to how the file stores data. If you need any more files just ask, beyond this I can do little more than cheer from the sidelines.

11/10/2015  10:44 PM    <DIR>          .
11/10/2015  10:44 PM    <DIR>          ..
01/20/2015  04:40 PM            32,768 alut.dll
01/20/2015  04:40 PM     4,096,562,732 AnimationsCompressed.fc
01/20/2015  04:40 PM        40,345,508 AnimData.fc
01/20/2015  04:40 PM           374,996 AnimInfo.fc
01/20/2015  04:40 PM           308,256 Audio.fc
01/20/2015  04:40 PM           840,234 Battles.fc
01/20/2015  04:40 PM        15,000,576 Citizens Of Earth.exe
01/20/2015  04:40 PM           921,600 CitizensOfEarth.exe
01/20/2015  04:40 PM            32,038 CoE.ico
11/10/2015  10:44 PM                 0 coe.txt
11/10/2015  10:12 PM    <DIR>          config
01/20/2015  04:40 PM               622 coverup.png
01/20/2015  04:40 PM            12,862 Cursor.cur
01/20/2015  04:40 PM             7,672 Facebook Glow.png
01/20/2015  04:40 PM             4,521 Facebook.png
01/20/2015  04:40 PM            37,604 Fonts.fc
01/20/2015  04:40 PM         2,084,864 FreeImage.dll
01/20/2015  04:40 PM           218,134 GameData.fc
01/20/2015  04:40 PM            34,349 GameFlags.fc
01/20/2015  04:40 PM         4,493,855 GameObjects.fc
01/20/2015  04:40 PM           396,387 GUI.fc
01/20/2015  04:40 PM                 0 GUIInfo.bin
01/22/2015  09:45 AM             4,286 icon.ico
01/20/2015  04:40 PM           328,867 Launch image.png
01/20/2015  04:40 PM       148,106,730 Levels.fc
01/20/2015  04:40 PM            16,896 libogg-0.dll
01/20/2015  04:40 PM           151,552 libpng15-15.dll
01/20/2015  04:40 PM           157,184 libvorbis-0.dll
01/20/2015  04:40 PM            30,208 libvorbisfile-3.dll
01/20/2015  04:40 PM         5,876,190 Localization.bin
01/20/2015  04:40 PM           167,936 lua5.1.dll
01/20/2015  04:40 PM            11,264 lua51.dll
01/20/2015  04:40 PM       284,992,377 Music.fc
01/20/2015  04:40 PM            12,084 NEWGAME_1.png
01/20/2015  04:40 PM             5,297 QuestChecked.png
01/20/2015  04:40 PM            37,971 Quests.fc
01/20/2015  04:40 PM             4,718 QuestUnchecked.png
01/20/2015  04:40 PM           303,616 SDL.dll
01/20/2015  04:40 PM            51,200 SDL_image.dll
01/20/2015  04:40 PM            19,968 SDL_net.dll
01/20/2015  04:40 PM                16 TestLog.txt
01/20/2015  04:40 PM             8,058 Twitter Glow.png
01/20/2015  04:40 PM             5,972 Twitter.png
01/20/2015  04:40 PM             8,817 Website Glow.png
01/20/2015  04:40 PM             5,901 Website.png
01/20/2015  04:40 PM           100,352 zlib1.dll
             45 File(s)  4,603,008,275 bytes
              3 Dir(s)  1,350,354,145,280 bytes free
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Thank you guys so much for looking into this! I hope the code gets cracked soon!
I know the 3DS topic has some image files that someone found. Maybe that can help?
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
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