01-24-2016, 04:37 PM
Hello, friends!
Many many times ago I was starting Oneechanbara rippind project, but I feel I can't finsh it alone - so I need your help!
I'm alredy ripped the most of models - but some of them is too hard for me: ripper program is still unfinished, authors who wrote ripper looks like no more interested for ripping project, I have no free time because of my little kid. I know there a many really good coders are at this forum so I'm ask for help!
Here's archive with already ripped models (and not ripped - some of them I can's convert from TGF format to OBJ). And many of already ripped models looks "strange" in 3DS MAX - at preview mode they are looks wonderfull, but in rendering mode it looks that some normals are inverted but I'm already forgot how to make it correct
If somebody can help me I'll be very grateful - I still remember that good peoples from this forum helped me me with releasing Tekken Tournament Tag models!
If some of you could release them, you can set yourself as the author, I don't care about this - I just want to release this wonderfull models from great game!
P.S: If you help me I'll resume my ripping project and send remaining models (DLC et.c.) that I didn't wonking on jet (CAN archives is so tangled)!
Here's the link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ndpbz2...VorteX.rar
Many many times ago I was starting Oneechanbara rippind project, but I feel I can't finsh it alone - so I need your help!
I'm alredy ripped the most of models - but some of them is too hard for me: ripper program is still unfinished, authors who wrote ripper looks like no more interested for ripping project, I have no free time because of my little kid. I know there a many really good coders are at this forum so I'm ask for help!
Here's archive with already ripped models (and not ripped - some of them I can's convert from TGF format to OBJ). And many of already ripped models looks "strange" in 3DS MAX - at preview mode they are looks wonderfull, but in rendering mode it looks that some normals are inverted but I'm already forgot how to make it correct

If somebody can help me I'll be very grateful - I still remember that good peoples from this forum helped me me with releasing Tekken Tournament Tag models!
If some of you could release them, you can set yourself as the author, I don't care about this - I just want to release this wonderfull models from great game!
P.S: If you help me I'll resume my ripping project and send remaining models (DLC et.c.) that I didn't wonking on jet (CAN archives is so tangled)!
Here's the link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ndpbz2...VorteX.rar