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Video Ad Updates
As I'm sure those of you without AdBlock (thanks, by the way!) have noticed, the bottom-right corner video ads returned about a week ago. Unfortunately, the provider for them is being really stubborn about letting us make them behave they way we want (close at any time and auto-close when finished) so we're looking for a new provider. In the meantime, I added my own implementation to close the videos at will now. You'll need to clear your cache to let the javascript update but it should work. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to implement my own auto-close but this should at least let you get rid of them much quicker than you could otherwise. Sorry for the inconvenience! We'll get that new provider implemented as soon as we can.
I'm using Adblock, before it was quite effective but lately there are many websites that I have to disable adblock to be able to access.
useful website for children and their parents :
Thanked by: Puterboy1
Okay? We don't do anything to specifically change the experience for those who use AdBlock as we feel it's every visitor's right to choose whether or not they see ads. That said, ads are what keep the site going so we also do not fix any problems with the site that are caused by AdBlock.
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