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Avengers Academy
Hi guys.

I'm planning on making a roleplaying game on Dreamwidth based on this stupidly addicting phone game, and I need the majority of the 2D inages from it: face sets, the little items you can collect, that sort of thing.

I already know the game has some base things that are downloaded to the phone/tablet, and the rest are streamed in via weblinks. I tried to capture this, but my phone sadly refused to cooperate with the software for some innane reason stupid iPhone. I'd greatly appreciate the help.

I'm mostly looking for the facesets of the minor characters: Nick Fury, Odin, Ares, Pym, ect. I wouldn't say no to the others, though, especially Tony, Jan, Loki, and Pepper. And also the little item images. I'd love to see all of the game ripped and put up on TSR/TMR because it is great and the models and art are very well done, but that would be up to the person doing the work.

Thank you in advance.
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I haven't played the game at all, but I'm assuming these are the kind of things you want.


Sorry about naming the files with "_SML". Since I haven't played the game itself, due to the fact that I couldn't figure out how to convert the .c3b models. I will play the game now to download the assets, and since there is a "_LRG" icon of Tony Stark, I'm assuming that there are "_LRG" icons of the other characters!

Hope this helps!


Thanked by: Shade, Skyla Doragono
Yet Another Update
Thanked by: Skyla Doragono
omg yes!

Pepper, Fury, and other NPCs have small drawn portraits like these as well; they appear when you complete quests assigned by those characters.
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Sorry, but I couldn't find the Pepper portrait. She is however, Rescue, so I hope that's the one you wanted... Plus the others. If any are missing, tell me and I'll get them for you!

.zip (Size: 494.5 KB / Downloads: 297)
Thanked by: Skyla Doragono
Thank you so much; that's exactly what I wanted!

A side request? I have a friend that plays Loki on DW, and she's wanted to start an AvAc account for him, but she wants his expressions from the game. Any way to get clean shots of the 3D model making these expressions, or am I better trying to take screenshots?
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ecelon, can you rip the 3d models too?
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(05-09-2016, 05:04 AM)Skyla Doragono Wrote: Thank you so much; that's exactly what I wanted!

A side request?  I have a friend that plays Loki on DW, and she's wanted to start an AvAc account for him, but she wants his expressions from the game.  Any way to get clean shots of the 3D model making these expressions, or am I better trying to take screenshots?

(05-09-2016, 06:46 AM)IvanDrian Wrote: ecelon, can you rip the 3d models too?

To answer both your questions. I'm sorry, but I can't convert the models from there current format into a more universal one, like .obj. This really sucks because I love the models from this game. Sorry, but you will have to use screenshots Skyla mate. If you need anything else from the game, like action icons or buildings just let me know. Thankfully, every image in the game is in .png format already LOL
Thanked by: Skyla Doragono
Wow, really?

Could you grab the buildings then? That's going to make my life so much easier.

What format are the models in? I might be able to do something about it... maybe.
Thanked by: Ecelon
(05-09-2016, 04:02 PM)Skyla Doragono Wrote: Wow, really?

Could you grab the buildings then?  That's going to make my life so much easier.

What format are the models in?  I might be able to do something about it... maybe.

Attached are all the building images I have up until where I've played too. I'm pretty sure a few are missing, sorry about that. I'll keep playing to download more files. Also attached are 3 model files: Iron Man Level 1, Pepper Potts Level 1, Rescue Level 1( Yeah, I'm an Iron Man fan  ). I can attach more if you'd like, just have to ask!

EDIT: Sorry for not uploading them in 1 .zip archive. The file size limit is 1mb!

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 663.1 KB / Downloads: 343)
.zip (Size: 995.01 KB / Downloads: 342)
.zip (Size: 917.17 KB / Downloads: 307)
.zip (Size: 271.75 KB / Downloads: 300)
.zip (Size: 438.27 KB / Downloads: 348)
Thanked by: Skyla Doragono
...hunh. Apparently .c3b is a common file type and I should be able to open it in 3DS Max? But I can't figure out how.

Anyway, thank you for the buildings. I'll see what I can do about the models.
Thanked by: Ecelon
(05-09-2016, 04:48 PM)Skyla Doragono Wrote: ...hunh.  Apparently .c3b is a common file type and I should be able to open it in 3DS Max?  But I can't figure out how.

Anyway, thank you for the buildings.  I'll see what I can do about the models.

No problem. And that's where my problem lies. On the laptop I'm currently using, the trial period for 3DS Max has expired and on my other laptop 3DS Max won't even open anymore. The only way to solve the problem is to format the laptop, but I've got a lot of data on it!

Here's hoping you figure it out. Also, thanks for the + rep. You shouldn't have though Smile
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Man oh man did i just beat my head against this one for a few hours. I WANT those models, I tried everything, not a damn thing can convert that c3b file type, nothing i have found. and on top of that, my phone hides the data files i need, so i can't get at them. can anyone send me the OBB file or the file with all the models and goodies in it?

I'm still trying to convert the 3d models but with no luck.
Thanked by: Skyla Doragono
Yeah, I've been trying on and off since I got this, and I've pretty much given up at this point.

This is the only information I've seen around about it (thanks Anex), but I'm not sure what to do with it.
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(09-27-2016, 01:52 PM)Skyla Doragono Wrote: Yeah, I've been trying on and off since I got this, and I've pretty much given up at this point.

This is the only information I've seen around about it (thanks Anex), but I'm not sure what to do with it.

I can't get the game files to work with, since my phone blocks them, so I can move them to my computer, I don't know how he got the pepper models, I can't find or locate the folder of the game, can anyone else send me an rar of the models?  I'm working on importing them to FBX
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