05-30-2016, 10:20 AM
Like I have posted (in the wrong section)
I am making a Machinima for Guild Wars 2! Directed by ME!
This project is gonna last for maybe a year or 2 so it keeps me going.
I put members of my guild on the spot writing my script with several other guildies.
Here some reading food:
This is the basic idea of the movie. I am going for that 'Ice age' adventurous movie with alot of 'breaking the fourth wall' to express gamer frustrations.
I am going to use motion tracking and I compose my own music for it. (I have only one german song from the 20's I am going to use but it's a secret
I have never done an animation of this depth, but my original plan was to make a series of episodes.
Here is one episode (and the last) The movie is going to be alot different though.
All music is composed by me and I am sorry if it sounds obnocious to you.
The lightning and filters are REALLY bad so prepare yourself. (It was the first time in years I opened up an editor)
And here is an intro I was planning to use (sang directly into a podcast mic. PEOPLE, I HAVE GROWN MUCH BETTER THAN THIS.)
As you can hear, I am dutch ^^
Anyone willing to help with script writing, voice acting, animating or playing Guild Wars 2, HELLO! LET ME CAPTURE YOU! *throws pokeball*
I am making a Machinima for Guild Wars 2! Directed by ME!
This project is gonna last for maybe a year or 2 so it keeps me going.
I put members of my guild on the spot writing my script with several other guildies.
Here some reading food:
Orochi was originally Edgar Azurite, Gatekeeper of the mystic realm.
When someone tricked him into thinking his Lord, the Lord of the mystic realm was the one controlling the demons in the underworld in the first place,
and that by having generals like him appointed in a non-earthly existence,
that would leave earth vulnerable, as the Lord would amass the underworld army to begin the mass genocide
a mirror was in the realm, making sure both the underworld and the mystic realm were divided
So Edgar destroys it.
As the dark energy has been trying to push through for eons, through the mirror, Edgar absorbed the brunt of the energy.
Thus, Edgar, became Orochi.
He dissapeared to the underworld where he is suppose to rule it's demons,
But there are people looking for his power.
In Tyria, a world left by the gods there is a girl who seeks the power the revert herself from her demon horns and wings.
When she is noticed by someone of a cult that worships Grenth, god of death, he says that Orochi will have that power.
Mika, unknowing the true purpose of the cult joins them as they look for a way to summon him. Orochi is summoned in the graveyard of the city Divinities Reach by Mika and her companion but Orochi is looking for only for destruction.
Mika flees as she leaves the guild who notices the threat inmediatly called " A dance in Fire".
Pyrophorus, a mesmer was forced into ressurecting Orochi. and thus team Fire works together to defeat Orochi,
before he can take his final form which was an 8-headed dragon
However, Orochi learns too late that even he can fall in love.
Cinquefoil and Orochi fall in love before Cinquefoil know he's a threat to all existence, and she leaves Orochi inmediatly.
Led by rage Orochi generates a pseudo planetary core, powerful enough to wipe out each and every atom the earth was made up of, only to set an example of his outrage.
It is up to every hero of tyria to fight Orochi, but most are to weak and left to obey him, but when every king, queen finds out Orochi is too powerfull, all they can do is obey. it is up to the rebelling guild Fire to defeat him.
In their adventure to find a way to defeat Orochi, before Tyria's time runs out, and before Orochi takes his final form,
They do everything they can to recruit a new ally that is looking for redemption...."
Mika fled away always hunts down the team of fire, but she feels guilty for summoning Orochi.
She aims to get her pet back, and at night she cries because "Mawy" turned to a monster will never be the same. Pyro's attempt to take cary of Mawy leads to funny situations, however he is scared to death at night because Mawy's is always looking at him with red glowing eyes.
Eventually Mika's cover is blown when Mawy is running away, Mika's way. and when Pyro and Sylent try to catch him. They find Mika sleeping on a leaf. Mika wakes up unsheathes her weapon looking at everyone as a threat. but Sylent laughs and asks if the Moa belong sto her.
Mika starts crying a bit and says he will never get better. Pyro explains they are waiting for a legendary druid that can charm any animal. even monsters. Mika joins Fire and Pyro is trying to hold back his sexual remarks but wants to tell Mika is beautiful all the time.
One night Mika asks pyro who both can't sleep if he want to witness something beautiful.
They gaze at the nightsky and pyro forgotten Tyria has a beautiful nightsky tries to kiss Mika but Mika pushes him away. She says sorry and runs off again.
into the ground. Months later he can be ressurected again.
this he did not tell her.
After a while Mika returns to Fire and they are a bit untrustful about her since pyro havent said a word. but being really from super depressed to happy to see Mika.
Sylent asks for her to answer some questions. Mika explains she wants to get rid of her horns and wings. and pyro just thinks its beauitful. Sylent thinks of a way.
The druid lives near the tenqu village they will be able to calm down Mawy, but when they see Mika they raise their weapons. Mika, losing her hope sees one female druid approaching. and we she orders everone to lower her weapons she met a new friend. The druid mixes a potion wich is temporary but enough for a few days for Mika to live without the wings and horns.
In these days she falls in love with pyro and they tell eachother their adventures and laugh together. And then suddenly the wings and horns reappear and Pyro asks why she hates herself so much with them. And she explains its a curse she obtained while tried to resque her family from a demon invasion. It was them, or her. She was never a slave since she killed all the demons and their leader when she was converted and looked at her family who witnessed their daughter to be akilling machine. Mika could never look at them again and promises she will get rid of her horns and wings. A consumable is enough for them, not for Mika, but Pyro interupts her thoughts and says, it's about the inside that matters. And comforms Mika who slowly gets proud of who she has become.
Mika tells everyone why Orochi was summoned and it was a mistake.
And Sylent is thinking of a way to kill him
Orochi finds a servant that is always trying to escape from him.
Later Orochi throws a feast called "Timeless Apocalypse"Hold in Divinities reach.
on this party he gets annoyed by all the people obeying in fear and guiltely he crushes down onto a table in the kitchen. Here is where Cinquefoil, Who is a member of the Guild Fire that is infiltrating the feast to destroy Orochi, finds him but too late. Someone already stabbed him with a Legendary dagger. Cinquefoil is surprised and when she tries to get near him Orochi opens his eyes one last time and says: "I will always, love you. No matter what."
Cinquefoil carries Orochie and meets the servant. the servant is twitchy and doesn\t know how to behave. then he pulls up a gun to cinquefoil carrying Orochi. (Not really carrying, Orochi just follows behind being melodramatic about his death and being a weakling) And with all his power he defeats the servant and falling on his knees. Then he lays on the floor saying he doesnt want to suffer no longer, and he promises to make right for his mistakes. Cinquefoil doesnt believe him at first but when Orochi tells her the story how he is made Cinquefoil is led to his decision where she has to kill him. Crying Cinquefoil slowly pierces the dagger through his heart and Orochi dissapears into the ground. Suddenly everyone obeying turns into the risen and Divinities reach becomes a ghost town. Everyone tries to fight every abomination but they are really powerfull. On top of that the pseudo planetary core is ready to blow up the world and there is no way of stopping it. Only Orochi can, but he is dead, yet to be reborn.
Months of chaos, running, losing members, failing at attemps to gain allies, corruption takes over and then he returns. Orochi is a good guy now, and he makes haste to sylent inmediatly.
Sylent schocked he is alive and doubtful if he is the last face he will ever see is calmed down by the fact Cinquefoil appears and asks for his name. Orochi answers gracefully that he will make everything right. but it requires a sacrifice of pure white light. Dwayna's power.
But Dwayna probably disgraced by orochi being a servant of Grenth wich is her opposite is unwilling to use her power but she agrees balance must be found. In order to restore this she will make Orochi pure white light that will dissolve the core. Orochi agrees to his sacrifice as for he see's this as a rightful punishment. but Cinquefoil disagrees. and want to be the white light instead. They seek a a guardian Charr of the Mists that only have one option. They both enter a dimension of light, in a little orb that will become a planet and a moon.
First Orochi thinks nothing but that its being both dead rocks but when the guardian explains every host of an organism is life itself. and who are we to judge what love and communication is? And so the two accept and everything is restored.
Orochi was originally Edgar Azurite, Gatekeeper of the mystic realm.
When someone tricked him into thinking his Lord, the Lord of the mystic realm was the one controlling the demons in the underworld in the first place,
and that by having generals like him appointed in a non-earthly existence,
that would leave earth vulnerable, as the Lord would amass the underworld army to begin the mass genocide
a mirror was in the realm, making sure both the underworld and the mystic realm were divided
So Edgar destroys it.
As the dark energy has been trying to push through for eons, through the mirror, Edgar absorbed the brunt of the energy.
Thus, Edgar, became Orochi.
He dissapeared to the underworld where he is suppose to rule it's demons,
But there are people looking for his power.
In Tyria, a world left by the gods there is a girl who seeks the power the revert herself from her demon horns and wings.
When she is noticed by someone of a cult that worships Grenth, god of death, he says that Orochi will have that power.
Mika, unknowing the true purpose of the cult joins them as they look for a way to summon him. Orochi is summoned in the graveyard of the city Divinities Reach by Mika and her companion but Orochi is looking for only for destruction.
Mika flees as she leaves the guild who notices the threat inmediatly called " A dance in Fire".
Pyrophorus, a mesmer was forced into ressurecting Orochi. and thus team Fire works together to defeat Orochi,
before he can take his final form which was an 8-headed dragon
However, Orochi learns too late that even he can fall in love.
Cinquefoil and Orochi fall in love before Cinquefoil know he's a threat to all existence, and she leaves Orochi inmediatly.
Led by rage Orochi generates a pseudo planetary core, powerful enough to wipe out each and every atom the earth was made up of, only to set an example of his outrage.
It is up to every hero of tyria to fight Orochi, but most are to weak and left to obey him, but when every king, queen finds out Orochi is too powerfull, all they can do is obey. it is up to the rebelling guild Fire to defeat him.
In their adventure to find a way to defeat Orochi, before Tyria's time runs out, and before Orochi takes his final form,
They do everything they can to recruit a new ally that is looking for redemption...."
Mika fled away always hunts down the team of fire, but she feels guilty for summoning Orochi.
She aims to get her pet back, and at night she cries because "Mawy" turned to a monster will never be the same. Pyro's attempt to take cary of Mawy leads to funny situations, however he is scared to death at night because Mawy's is always looking at him with red glowing eyes.
Eventually Mika's cover is blown when Mawy is running away, Mika's way. and when Pyro and Sylent try to catch him. They find Mika sleeping on a leaf. Mika wakes up unsheathes her weapon looking at everyone as a threat. but Sylent laughs and asks if the Moa belong sto her.
Mika starts crying a bit and says he will never get better. Pyro explains they are waiting for a legendary druid that can charm any animal. even monsters. Mika joins Fire and Pyro is trying to hold back his sexual remarks but wants to tell Mika is beautiful all the time.
One night Mika asks pyro who both can't sleep if he want to witness something beautiful.
They gaze at the nightsky and pyro forgotten Tyria has a beautiful nightsky tries to kiss Mika but Mika pushes him away. She says sorry and runs off again.
into the ground. Months later he can be ressurected again.
this he did not tell her.
After a while Mika returns to Fire and they are a bit untrustful about her since pyro havent said a word. but being really from super depressed to happy to see Mika.
Sylent asks for her to answer some questions. Mika explains she wants to get rid of her horns and wings. and pyro just thinks its beauitful. Sylent thinks of a way.
The druid lives near the tenqu village they will be able to calm down Mawy, but when they see Mika they raise their weapons. Mika, losing her hope sees one female druid approaching. and we she orders everone to lower her weapons she met a new friend. The druid mixes a potion wich is temporary but enough for a few days for Mika to live without the wings and horns.
In these days she falls in love with pyro and they tell eachother their adventures and laugh together. And then suddenly the wings and horns reappear and Pyro asks why she hates herself so much with them. And she explains its a curse she obtained while tried to resque her family from a demon invasion. It was them, or her. She was never a slave since she killed all the demons and their leader when she was converted and looked at her family who witnessed their daughter to be akilling machine. Mika could never look at them again and promises she will get rid of her horns and wings. A consumable is enough for them, not for Mika, but Pyro interupts her thoughts and says, it's about the inside that matters. And comforms Mika who slowly gets proud of who she has become.
Mika tells everyone why Orochi was summoned and it was a mistake.
And Sylent is thinking of a way to kill him
Orochi finds a servant that is always trying to escape from him.
Later Orochi throws a feast called "Timeless Apocalypse"Hold in Divinities reach.
on this party he gets annoyed by all the people obeying in fear and guiltely he crushes down onto a table in the kitchen. Here is where Cinquefoil, Who is a member of the Guild Fire that is infiltrating the feast to destroy Orochi, finds him but too late. Someone already stabbed him with a Legendary dagger. Cinquefoil is surprised and when she tries to get near him Orochi opens his eyes one last time and says: "I will always, love you. No matter what."
Cinquefoil carries Orochie and meets the servant. the servant is twitchy and doesn\t know how to behave. then he pulls up a gun to cinquefoil carrying Orochi. (Not really carrying, Orochi just follows behind being melodramatic about his death and being a weakling) And with all his power he defeats the servant and falling on his knees. Then he lays on the floor saying he doesnt want to suffer no longer, and he promises to make right for his mistakes. Cinquefoil doesnt believe him at first but when Orochi tells her the story how he is made Cinquefoil is led to his decision where she has to kill him. Crying Cinquefoil slowly pierces the dagger through his heart and Orochi dissapears into the ground. Suddenly everyone obeying turns into the risen and Divinities reach becomes a ghost town. Everyone tries to fight every abomination but they are really powerfull. On top of that the pseudo planetary core is ready to blow up the world and there is no way of stopping it. Only Orochi can, but he is dead, yet to be reborn.
Months of chaos, running, losing members, failing at attemps to gain allies, corruption takes over and then he returns. Orochi is a good guy now, and he makes haste to sylent inmediatly.
Sylent schocked he is alive and doubtful if he is the last face he will ever see is calmed down by the fact Cinquefoil appears and asks for his name. Orochi answers gracefully that he will make everything right. but it requires a sacrifice of pure white light. Dwayna's power.
But Dwayna probably disgraced by orochi being a servant of Grenth wich is her opposite is unwilling to use her power but she agrees balance must be found. In order to restore this she will make Orochi pure white light that will dissolve the core. Orochi agrees to his sacrifice as for he see's this as a rightful punishment. but Cinquefoil disagrees. and want to be the white light instead. They seek a a guardian Charr of the Mists that only have one option. They both enter a dimension of light, in a little orb that will become a planet and a moon.
First Orochi thinks nothing but that its being both dead rocks but when the guardian explains every host of an organism is life itself. and who are we to judge what love and communication is? And so the two accept and everything is restored.
I am going to use motion tracking and I compose my own music for it. (I have only one german song from the 20's I am going to use but it's a secret

I have never done an animation of this depth, but my original plan was to make a series of episodes.
Here is one episode (and the last) The movie is going to be alot different though.
All music is composed by me and I am sorry if it sounds obnocious to you.
The lightning and filters are REALLY bad so prepare yourself. (It was the first time in years I opened up an editor)
And here is an intro I was planning to use (sang directly into a podcast mic. PEOPLE, I HAVE GROWN MUCH BETTER THAN THIS.)
As you can hear, I am dutch ^^
Anyone willing to help with script writing, voice acting, animating or playing Guild Wars 2, HELLO! LET ME CAPTURE YOU! *throws pokeball*