I was checking The Spriters Resource for a long time, but I'm quite new for this forum.
I'm ripping sprites mostly from NES or MAME games for scrapped concept.
The main reason why I'm here is because my friend is making a documentation about bootleg Arcade game, SWAT Police.
The game is using stolen graphics from other games such as Shock Troopers 2, Burning Fight, Mutation Nation or Mercs.
Some of the graphics are identified and some of them are unsolved.
I thought about uploading the graphics and see if any of you know from which games the sprites originally comes from.
Mind if I'll ask where I can post a separate thread for this topic to not cause any trouble?

I'm ripping sprites mostly from NES or MAME games for scrapped concept.
The main reason why I'm here is because my friend is making a documentation about bootleg Arcade game, SWAT Police.
The game is using stolen graphics from other games such as Shock Troopers 2, Burning Fight, Mutation Nation or Mercs.
Some of the graphics are identified and some of them are unsolved.
I thought about uploading the graphics and see if any of you know from which games the sprites originally comes from.
Mind if I'll ask where I can post a separate thread for this topic to not cause any trouble?