09-10-2016, 10:52 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-18-2024, 12:58 AM by Random Talking Bush.)
(Unless you're requesting a fix or update for one of my existing scripts. That's fine.)
I think it's about time I get one topic to host these all in instead of them being all over the place. Every new addition I post in this thread will be linked to in this first post for convenience's sake.
All of my importing scripts are only for 3DS Max. Sorry to those using Blender or whatever. :x
Model Importing MaxScripts:
Gawd this model format is such a mess to work with. Data trees into data trees into data trees into... you get the point. Thankfully the formats haven't really changed much between games, so after getting it working for one game, only minor changes (if any) were done for the next (minus having to flip the endians for the PC/Vita version). Most of the original work for this script was from researching how howfie's ISM2 to LightWave conversion program worked, so major thanks to him for that!
Last Updated:
September 26th, 2017: Fixed a script error caused by my own stupidity, preventing half of the script from working correctly!
August 21st, 2017: Added a few more options for DDS/PNG toggle, folder path, and model scale (100x by default)
Added option to output face.anm information.
Merged the Console / PC and debug versions of the script all together.
Single-bind objects will now rig themselves to the first bone.
Re-implemented vertex alphas.
Fixed models with invalid bone IDs not loading (e.g. Harley's model in FFF:ADF), and also prints warning messages to the console.
Fixed certain models using the wrong material IDs (e.g. Dark Orange's wings in MDNVII).
What games will this work with?:
Dark Rose Valkyrie (PC / PS4)
Fairy Fencer F (PC / PS3)
Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force (PC / PS4)
Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 (PS3)
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 (PC / Vita)
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 2: Sisters Generation (PC / Vita)
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 3: V Generation (PC / Vita)
Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory (PS3)
Mary Skelter: Nightmares (Vita)
Megadimension Neptunia VII (PC / PS4)
MeiQ: Labyrinth of Death (Vita)
Moe Crystal (Vita)
Moe / Moero Chronicle (PC / Vita)
Monster Monpiece (PC / Vita)
Mugen Souls (PC / PS3)
Mugen Souls Z (PC / PS3)
Omega Quintet (PC, possibly PS4?)
Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God (PC / Vita)
Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls (PC / Vita)
Trillion: God of Destruction (PC / Vita)
What games will this NOT work with?:
Hyperdimension Neptunia (PS3) - Built on the Phyre engine.
Hyperdimension Neptunia PP: Producing Perfection (Vita) - Use the Tamsoft script below.
Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed (PC / Vita) - Use the Tamsoft script below.
Megadimension Neptunia VIIR (PS4) - Built on the Orochi engine, similar to World of Final Fantasy.
MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies (PC / Vita) - Use the Tamsoft script below.
Download MaxScript
Download DLC .ARC Extractor (for MDNVII or Dark Rose)
Yeah, yeah, I know I wrote this about a year ago for NST and didn't get around to finishing it until CTR's post-release. Anyway, this script is used to import the models from both Alchemy Engine Crash games, with the original rigging (as is with my scripts) and unfortunately not the textures (only material names are applied and placeholder'd, texture names are stored in the "materialinstances" IGZ files, which can be imported to print their information in the listener window).
What games will this work with?:
Crash Bandicoot: N-Sane Trilogy [PC / PS4 / Switch]
Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled [PS4 / Switch]
What games will this NOT work with?:
Any of the Skylanders games.
Download MaxScript
Download PAK Extractor [Originally by aluigi] (UPDATED 02/23/21!)
Download IGZ Texture Extractor
Currently works with .hack//Versus and both of their JoJo games (All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven), not their Naruto games yet since I never got around to fixing the crashing with my XFBIN extractor. Currently don't feel like going into detail for what may not be finished for a while.
Stuff is here. Go nuts.
Originally written to help rip models for a friend of mine on Steam (Lucian), this model format was surprisingly one of the easiest I've worked with, taking less than a day to start and finish. The textures are in the TPL format, and can be easily extracted with BrawlBox, which the importer should automatically detect and apply if they're in the same folder.
Last Updated:
September 10th, 2016: Script released!
What games will this work with?:
Go Go Hypergrind!
Download MaxScript
I wrote this script up as a "just because" sort of thing. That and I grew up watching some Tokusatsu things when I was younger, so yeah. And because the model formats haven't changed a bit, this script which was designed for the first Battride War game just so happens to work with its two sequels and Summonride as well.
Last Updated:
August 27th, 2014: Added an alternative version for certain 3DS Max versions to fix rigging issues.
What games will this work with (PS3 only)?:
Kamen Rider: Battride War
Kamen Rider: Battride War II
Kamen Rider: Battride War Genesis
Kamen Rider: Summonride
Download MaxScript
Download NativePS.NCAT Extractor QuickBMS Script
Been meaning to finish this up for a while, considering all the work for this was done months ago. Use all three QuickBMS scripts below to unpack the files from either of the two games first, and after all that's said and done, the models will be in the aptly-named .MDL files, and the textures are the .PTEX files (which will need to be extracted using TiledGGD or the like). No automatic texture importing for this, but the material numbers will be listed in the polygon group names.
And before you ask, I do still have plans on uploading the rest of the playable characters and bosses from both games to The Models Resource.
Last Updated:
September 10th, 2016: Script released!
What games will this work with?:
Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X
Mega Man: Powered Up
Download MaxScript
Download .DAT/.LOC Extractor Script [By AlphaTwentyThree]
Download .LINK Extractor Script [Originally by AlphaTwentyThree]
Download CPK Decompression Script
At first I thought that Mario Party 10 was using the same model format that practically every other Wii U game was using, boy was I wrong. But because I'm a determined little bugger, naturally I wrote up a script so I can get at the model files from it. Note that this script will probably not work correctly with map models, that's something I'll look into fixing up at a later time. Characters should work just fine, though, but as always if there's one that doesn't import properly, don't hesitate to let me know so I can fix it.
Last Updated:
January 10th, 2016: Script released!
What games will this work with?:
Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival
Mario Party 10
Wii Party U
Download MaxScript
Download .BIN Extractor Script (for AC:aF and MP10)
Don't have much to say about this one, other than the fact that the data's stored in an awkward manner. And the archives are dumb. For now, use aluigi's script to unpack the GFPAK archives from here, otherwise check out the Pokémon ripping topic for the extracted models.
Last Updated:
November 27, 2022: Fixed GFBMDL bone parenting which was accidentally broken in a previous revision.
November 26, 2022: Fixed common trainer models from Scarlet & Violet ("model_vr") not importing due to an oversight.
November 20, 2022: Added support for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet.
February 6, 2022: Fixed models with more than 65536 vertices on a single mesh group (e.g. objects_area04_building01) failing to import. (Thanks, New3DsSuchti!)
Fixed trainer models erroring in non-ancient 3DS Max versions when importing out of the intended order. (Thanks, FreohrWeohnataKausta!)
Added an option to "simplify" materials upon importing, to assist with using the Render to Texture function to re-bake colourized Pokémon textures.
January 30th, 2022: Tweaked Pokémon Legends: Arceus models to correctly use Physical materials if using 3DS Max 2017 or above, and build / assign roughness and metalness maps accordingly.
January 28th, 2022: Added support for Pokémon Legends: Arceus.
Fixed models refusing to import in 3DS Max 2021 (the "twoSided" error was due to it trying to apply "Standard" material settings to a "Physical" material, which apparently is the new default).
November 15th, 2019: Fixed issues with the script preventing Sword/Shield models from loading.
What games will this work with?:
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Pokémon Let's Go: Pikachu! / Eevee!
Pokémon Scarlet / Violet - NEW!
Pokémon Sword / Shield
Download MaxScript
Frankly, I'd rather you use gdkchan's SPICA or Ohana3DS Rebirth programs at this point in time instead since they've got much better support, this script is mainly here for archival purposes (or for X/Y models) ...and I honestly wouldn't recommend you use my Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire script since it's very buggery. But I digress.
Last Updated:
February 14th, 2016: Multiple bugfixes with the X/Y script.
What games will this work with?:
Pokémon X / Y
Pokémon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire (INCOMPLETE)
Download MaxScript (X/Y)
Download MaxScript (OR/AS)
Originally written by ItsEasyActually, I've helped out with this script by implementing rigging and support for a bunch of other games. I'll be updating this script later with CNO and possibly INO support, but I'll need to gather a ton of samples of both formats, first.
Last Updated:
November 7th, 2014.
What games will this work with (*.ENO / XBox 360)?:
Sonic Free Riders
What games will this work with (*.GNO / Wii)?:
Bleach: Shattered Blade (Unconfirmed?)
Sonic and the Secret Rings
Sonic and the Black Knight
Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
Sonic Unleashed (Wii)
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz
Super Monkey Ball: Step and Roll
What games will this work with (*.XNO / XBox 360)?:
Sonic the Hedgehog
What games will this work with (*.ZNO / PC)?:
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II
Download MaxScript
Everyone should know about this by now, but here's my importing script for everyone's favourite smashing all-stars game Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. I've worked on it every now and then, adding support for formats I missed and proper texture IDs and such, and now it's at a state where I can consider it essentially "complete". It's even got a built-in tool to help change texture IDs for use in modding (to prevent conflicts)! Use Sm4shExplorer to extract the game's files, it's the best way to do so (or use the ones in uploaded in the respective topic).
Last Updated:
May 4th, 2017: Fixed rigging being broken in one way or another for newer 3DS Max versions.
Added support for vertex types 0x21/0x23/0x26/0x29 (half-float rigging).
Changed internal naming from "size" to "type" for vertex/UV/face formats because that makes more sense.
Changed "if" setups for vertex/face information to "case of" just because.
What games will this work with?:
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Taiko no Tatsujin: Wii U Version
Taiko no Tatsujin: Tokumori!
Taiko no Tatsujin: Atsumete Tomodachi Daisakusen!
Download MaxScript
Download .NUT to .GTX Converter Script
Download .DRP Extractor Script (for Taiko)
It's Super Smash Bros., need I say anything else?
Yeah, I guess I do. This here is a model-importing script for Nintendo's newest (and best) entry to the Smash Bros. series, which I got a little help from Ploaj to make. If you want to help out for our ripping project, check out our respective thread!
...also New Pokémon Snap apparently uses the same formats, so that has also been tagged onto the importer.
Last Updated:
May 26th, 2021:
Added support for models from New Pokémon Snap.
Added a vertex color multiplier option.
Models now reset their pivot points and XForms to 0 for ease with modding.
Fixed an oversight causing rigging (mainly for custom models, but also Bomberman's remote bomb) and materials to import incorrectly.
Fixed certain models with 0 bones (the Mii's Rex hair and Geno hat) not importing.
Fixed models refusing to import in 3DS Max 2021 (the "twoSided" error was due to it trying to apply "Standard" material settings to a "Physical" material, which apparently is the new default).
What games will this work with?:
New Pokémon Snap
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Download MaxScript
Download .NUTEXB to .DDS Converter Script - [UPDATED 05/26/21!]
I wrote this script specifically to rip the character models from Hyperdimension Neptunia U, but seeing as the model formats were nearly identical, I updated it to support (blergh) Senran Kagura: Shinovi/Estival Versus and Natsuiro High School's models as well. Textures don't auto-import since they don't really use proper names, but the polygon groups list both that and what I believe are the "visibility group" IDs, so you should be able to determine how things are set up from that.
Last Updated:
April 4th, 2017: Fixed models with over 65535 vertex points not importing.
Fixed models with three UV mapping layers not importing correctly.
April 1st, 2017: Added support for Senran Kagura: Estival Versus (both Vita and PC versions).
Changed bone numbers to bone checksums instead.
Added a ton of replacement bone names to replace the checksums, don't expect hair bones (especially SK's) to be named correctly.
Optimized polygon group importing a bit so things will load a bit faster.
Fixed rigging being broken in one way or another for newer 3DS Max versions.
What games will this work with?:
Hyperdimension Neptunia PP: Producing Perfection (Vita)
Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed (Vita / PC)
MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies (Vita / PC)
Natsuiro High School: Seishun Hakusho (PS3)
Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal (PS4 / PC) [Use SK:EV PC option!]
Senran Kagura: Estival Versus (Vita / PC)
Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash (PS4 / PC) [Use SK:EV PC option!]
Senran Kagura: Reflexions (Switch) [Use SK:EV PC option!]
Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus (Vita / PC)
What games will this NOT work with (yet)?:
Gintama Rumble (Vita / PS4) - The script will need to be updated to support its TMD files.
Download MaxScript
Download SK:EV .CAT QuickBMS script (By mikulover39)
This is the script set I've spent the most time writing, rewriting and updating overall. This supports most (but not all!) of Telltale Games'... well, games, which you can see in the compatibility list below (unless otherwise stated, PC only). Make sure you have both the .D3DMesh and .SKL files in the same folder, and the textures in a separate "Textures" folder (for the earlier games, at least) for them to import correctly. Due to the sheer amount of changes done to the format over time, not all of them will have proper bone names or automatic texture importing, but I've done what I can for the former to be less annoying to work with.
Last Updated:
August 9th, 2022:
Added a whole bunch of bone and texture hashes from Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space Remastered.
(Yes, I know I should've done this ages ago.)
What games will this work with? [PC, unless stated otherwise]:
Back to the Future: The Game (30th Anniversary Edition) [PS4]
Batman: The Telltale Series (Season 1) [PC / PS4]
Batman: The Enemy Within (Season 2) [PC / PS4]
Bone: Out from Boneville
Bone: The Great Cow Race
CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder
CSI: Hard Evidence
Game of Thrones [PC / PS4]
Jurassic Park: The Game
Law & Order: Legacies
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
Minecraft: Story Mode (Season 1) [PC / PS4]
Minecraft: Story Mode Season 2 [PC / PS4]
Poker Night 2
Sam & Max Season 1
Sam & Max Season 2
Sam & Max Save the World (Season 1) Remastered
Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space (Season 2) Remastered
Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse (Season 3) Remastered - UPDATING SOON!
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People
Tales from the Borderlands [PC / PS4]
Telltale Texas Hold'em
The Walking Dead Season 1 [PC / PS4]
The Walking Dead Season 2 [PC / PS4]
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier (Season 3) [PC / PS4]
The Walking Dead: Michonne
The Walking Dead: The Final Season (Season 4)
The Walking Dead Collection [PS4]
The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series
The Wolf Among Us [PC / PS4]
Wallace and Gromit's Grand Adventures, Episodes 1-3
What games will this NOT work with (yet?):
Back to the Future: The Game [PC]
CSI: Deadly Intent
CSI: Fatal Conspiracy
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy [PS4]
Poker Night at the Inventory
Sam & Max Season 3
Tales of Monkey Island
Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures, Episode 4
Pretty much any non-PC/PS4 versions of the above
Decryption key for Sam & Max Save the World Remastered:
Code: ttarchext -k 92CA9A8185E46473A2BFD6D17FC6CB88995A80D8AAC297E796519FA89AD9AE95D776627FB4C4A6B9D6ECA99C6785B3DC92C49E64A0A292
Decryption key for Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space Remastered:
Code: ttarchext -k 92CA9A8185E46573A2BFD6D17FC6CB89995A80D8AAC297E797519FA89AD9AE95D777627FB4C4A6B9D6ECAA9C6785B3DC92C49E65A0A292
Decryption key for Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse Remastered:
Code: ttarchext -k 92CA9A8185E46673A2BFD6D17FC6CB8A995A80D8AAC297E798519FA89AD9AE95D778627FB4C4A6B9D6ECAB9C6785B3DC92C49E66A0A292
Download MaxScript
Download Hash Databases
Download D3DTX to .DDS Converter Scripts:
Batman, Guardians of the Galaxy, The Walking Dead Season 3, Minecraft: Story Mode Season 2, anything newer
Poker Night 2, The Walking Dead Season 2, The Wolf Among Us
The Walking Dead Michonne
Tales from the Borderlands, Game of Thrones, Minecraft: Story Mode Season 1, Back to the Future (PS4)
Originally by ItsEasyActually, this script was designed for used with extracting models from Wii U and Nintendo Switch games with the "common" format. I helped out with adding rigging support, fixing some issues, and adding Nintendo Switch compatibility to it.
Last Updated:
October 18th, 2024
Added support for models with additional vertex position sets (Super Mario Party Jamboree character faces).
Fixed UVs not working with Super Mario Party Jamboree models.
Fixed yet another vertex colour calculation issue with Switch models (e.g. Fire Rosalina's skirt being darker than it should be in SM3DW+BF).
What games will this work with?:
1-2-Switch [Switch]
Animal Crossing Plaza [Wii U]
Animal Crossing: New Horizons [Switch]
ARMS [Switch]
Brain Age / Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training [Switch]
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker [Wii U / Switch]
Club House Games: 51 Worldwide Classics / 51 Worldwide Games [Switch]
Disney Magical World 2: Enchanted Edition [Switch]
Endless Ocean: Luminous [Switch]
Everybody 1-2-Switch! [Switch]
F-Zero 99 [Switch]
Game & Wario [Wii U]
Game Builder Garage [Switch]
Go Vacation [Switch]
Kirby and the Forgotten Land [Switch]
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse [Wii U]
Kirby Fighters 2 [Switch]
Kirby's Dream Buffet [Switch]
Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe [Switch]
Kirby: Star Allies [Switch]
Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games [Wii U]
Mario Golf: Super Rush [Switch]
Mario Kart 8 [Wii U]
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe [Switch]
Mario Party Superstars [Switch]
Mario Tennis Aces [Switch]
Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash [Wii U]
Mario vs. Donkey Kong [Switch]
Miitopia [Switch]
New Super Mario Bros. U / New Super Luigi U [Wii U]
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe [Switch]
Nintendo Labo 01: Variety Kit [Switch]
Nintendo Labo 02: Robot Kit (somewhat, main game models use a different format) [Switch]
Nintendo Labo 03: Vehicle Kit [Switch]
Nintendo Labo 04: VR Kit [Switch]
Nintendo Land [Wii U]
Nintendo Switch Sports [Switch]
Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition [Switch]
Paper Mario: The Origami King [Switch]
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door [Switch]
Pikmin 3 [Wii U]
Pikmin 3 Deluxe [Switch]
Pokémon Rumble U [Wii U]
Pushmo World [Wii U]
Ring Fit Adventure [Switch]
Rodea: The Sky Soldier [Wii U]
Rune Factory 4 Special [Switch]
Splatoon [Wii U]
Splatoon 2 [Switch]
Splatoon 3 [Switch]
Super Kirby Clash [Switch]
Super Mario 3D World [Wii U]
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury [Switch]
Super Mario Bros. Wonder [Switch]
Super Mario Maker [Wii U]
Super Mario Maker 2 [Switch]
Super Mario Odyssey [Switch]
Super Mario Party [Switch]
Super Mario Party Jamboree [Switch]
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (effect files only!) [Switch]
Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido [Switch]
Tank! Tank! Tank! [Wii U]
Tetris 99 [Switch]
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild [Wii U / Switch]
The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom [Switch]
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening [Switch]
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom [Switch]
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD [Wii U]
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE [Wii U]
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore [Switch]
Vroom in the Night Sky [Switch]
WarioWare: Get It Together! [Switch]
WarioWare: Move It! [Switch]
Wii Sports Club [Wii U]
Wii U BIOS [Wii U]
Yoshi's Woolly World [Wii U]
What games will this NOT work with (yet)?:
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom [Switch] (Never got a chance to check these.)
Download MaxScript
Download Wii U .BFRES to .GTX Converter Script
- (Variants: BoTW Tex 1+2 Combined, BotW Tex 1 Only, BoTW Tex 2 Only, Top Mipmap deleter for Tex2-only extraction)
Download Switch .BNTX/.BFRES/.BFFNT to .DDS Converter Script - [UPDATED 09/19/22!]
Download Game & Wario Decompression Script
Download Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Decompression Script
Download Kirby (Nintendo Switch) Decompression Script - [UPDATED 03/03/22!]
Download Mario & Sonic Sochi 2014 Olympics Decompression Script
Download Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash + Aces / Mario Golf: Super Rush Decompression Script
Download Pokémon Rumble U Decompression Script
Download Tank! Tank! Tank! Decompression Script
Download Tank! Tank! Tank! ARC Extractor Script
Download Wii Sports Club Decompression Script
Download Bezel Engine Archive Extractor Script [Originally by aluigi] - (NEW 10/17/24!)
Download ZSTD Decompression Script - [ADDED 09/19/22!]
Oh hey, another easy format! (But then again, most formats will be easy if you've worked on dozens beforehand, heh.)
Here is a model importer for World of Final Fantasy. I originally started writing this script for the Vita version, but the lack of a sane filesystem was making it difficult for me to find things. Thankfully after a long wait, a PC version was released, so I figured it'd be better to shift my efforts towards that instead due to having higher-resolution textures and such. Only downside is there's no LOD models compared to the Vita version, but whatever.
Textures don't auto-apply to models yet (the information's in the .MDC files, but I have no clue how to parse those yet), but frankly most of the character models only have one texture anyway, so it's not that big of a deal (yet).
Last Updated:
December 4th, 2017: Added a check for compressed models so it won't crash if you forget to decompress 'em.
Implemented multiple UV mapping layers because I'm a twit and forgot all about it.
Download MaxScript
Download File Decompressor
Download TEX to DDS Converter
QuickBMS Scripts:
Archive Extraction:
Bezel Engine Archive - BEA Extractor [Originally by aluigi] - (NEW 10/17/24!)
Bomberman Hardball - MRG Extractor
Compile Heart (PC) - CL3 Extractor [Originally by Ekey]
Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy / Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled - PAK Extractor [Originally by aluigi]
Hyperdevotion Noire - PCK Extractor
Hyrule Warriors - Sound BIN Extractor
Hyrule Warriors - Voice/EXCL BIN Extractor
Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition - GZ Extractor - (NEW 05/28/22!)
Kamen Rider Battride War II/Genesis & Summonride - NativePS.NCAT Extractor
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD - PACK Extractor
Mega Man Powered Up & Maverick Hunter X - LINK Extractor [Originally by AlphaTwentyThree]
Megadimension Neptunia VII / Dark Rose Valkyrie - DLC ARC Extractor
Namco (Pokkén, Taiko no Tatsujin, Touch My Katamari) - DRP Extractor
ND Cube (Mario Party 10 & Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival) - BIN Extractor
NES Remix - VEW ARC Extractor
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U - PAC Extractor
Tank! Tank! Tank! - ARC Extractor
Wii U / Nintendo Switch - BARS Extractor
File Decompression / Decryption:
Bunny Must Die (PC) - De-XORer - [ADDED 11/07/23!]
Disgaea 5 Complete (PC) - DAT De-XORer
- (^ NOTE: ANM_HI_JP.dat needs to be split into smaller files, decrypted and then stitched back together due to a memory allocation issue.)
Game & Wario - Decompression
Hyrule Warriors - GZ Decompression
King of Fighters '98 UM OL - Image De-XORer
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse/Paintbrush - ZCMP Decompression
Kirby (Nintendo Switch) - CMP Decompression - [UPDATED 03/03/22!]
Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games - Decompression
Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash + Aces / Mario Golf: Super Rush - Decompression
- (^ NOTE: Use simontime's 0x50 decompressor for any files that don't work with this script!)
Mainichi Compile Heart - De-XORer
Mega Man Powered Up & Maverick Hunter X - CPK Decompression
Paper Mario: Color Splash - LZ Decompression
Pokémon Rumble U - CX Decompression
Senran Kagura: Peach Ball - TZP Decompression
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz - AVLZ Decompression
Tank! Tank! Tank! - LZSS Decompression
Wii Sports Club - Decompression
World of Final Fantasy (PC) - Decompression
ZSTD - Decompression - [ADDED 09/19/22!]
Texture Conversion:
Bayonetta 1 (Wii U) - WTB to GTX
Bayonetta 2 / Star Fox Zero/Guard - WTA/WTP to GTX
Capcom MT Framework (PC) - TEX to DDS Converter
- (Variants: Capcom MT Framework (Switch))
Crash Bandicoot: N.Sane Trilogy / Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled (PC, PS4 and Switch) - IGZ to DDS/GNF Converter
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze - TXTR to GTX
Godzilla (PS3) / Super Heroine Chronicle - DDS Extractor
Godzilla (PS4) - GNF Extractor
GriefSyndrome - CV2 to DDS Converter
Gundam Breaker 3 - TEX to DDS Converter
Hyperdevotion Noire - MDL Texture Extractor
Hyrule Warriors - G1T to GTX [Originally by chrrox]
Megadimension Neptunia VII / Dark Rose Valkyrie - TID to DDS
Mercenary Kings - ZXNB to DDS
- (Variants: Mercenary Kings - Decompressed XNB to DDS)
NieR: Automata / Bayonetta 1 (PC) - WTA/WTP to DDS
- (Variants: NieR: Automata / Bayonetta 1 (PC) - WTB to DDS
Nintendo Switch - BNTX, BFRES and BFFNT to DDS - [UPDATED 09/19/22!]
Pokkén Tournament - NUT to DDS
Ridge Racer (Vita) / Touch My Katamari - NUT to GXT/DDS
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U - NUT to GTX
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate / New Pokémon Snap - NUTEXB to DDS Converter
Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum 'n' Fun (Switch Version) - NUTEXB to DDS Converter
Telltale Games - D3DTX to DDS (Batman, GotG, TWDS3, MCSM2)
- (Variants: PN2/TWDS2/TWAU, TWDM, TftBL/GoT/MCSM1/BttF PS4)
The Wonderful 101 (Wii U) - WTB to GTX
Wii U - BFFNT to GTX
Wii U - BFLIM to GTX
Wii U - BFRES to GTX
- (Variants: BoTW Tex 1+2 Combined, BotW Tex 1 Only, BoTW Tex 2 Only, Top Mipmap deleter for Tex2-only extraction)
Wii U - TexConv2 DDS Repair
World of Final Fantasy (PC) - TEX to DDS
AssetStudio v0.16.47.SpriteMod [Originally by Perfare] - [UPDATED 01/17/22!] ( More info.)
Thanked by: Garamonde, Hallow, Kawasuzu, RatchetMario, NintendoFan37, The Prawn, Yunpol, Turbo Thunderbolt, Lilothestitch, Carpaccio, lemurboy12, Demonslayerx8, Shade, OS-PRIME, Doronetty, Pik, Struggleton!, TGE, SuperTVGRFan18496, sutinoer, DatHax, ShrineFox, RobTheWrecker, Resiliaxia, Kold-Virus, Sylk, SwiftieMuggle, supersmashball, gabrielwoj, KillzXGaming, Melodycloud, endathestar, CashmereNoh, Ziella, LukeWarnut, 06pori, KurainoOni, Centrixe the Dodo, DatOneTaiwanGuy, JetTheFox96, DogToon64, 8Yaron8, LuigiWithEverything, Hell Inspector, Lo0bo0, Latte, BillyBnMOfficial, DJFox11, Kurabupengin, justcamtro
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You said this *NO script can import from Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity? I'm going through the files of the Wii version and I can't seem to find any with a similar extension. Am I missing something?
(09-11-2016, 04:30 PM)Carpaccio Wrote: You said this *NO script can import from Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity? I'm going through the files of the Wii version and I can't seem to find any with a similar extension. Am I missing something? For now, you'll need to rely on memory dumps for those until I can figure out a way to get 'em extracted properly.
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Is there any way you might consider taking a look at Smash Bros. Melee? Even today, there's still no real importer for fighters that gets their weights and joints.
There was someone working on it, but after about the 3rd time he scrapped everything and restarted, I lost hope in his ever getting this format handled.
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(09-10-2016, 10:52 AM)Random Talking Bush Wrote: I'll be updating this script later with CNO and possibly INO support, but I'll need to gather a ton of samples of both formats, first.
I would really like to help out with this. If you need samples of CNO files, I've got a lot of them. I'll be more than happy to upload some for you  . However, they're all from the same game(The House of the Dead 4 for PS3), and for that, I apologize.
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(09-23-2016, 05:37 PM)nerufan1haku Wrote: any sm3dw files?
Some dude posted a link that had all of the unencrypted SM3DW models on the comments section somewhere.
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(09-23-2016, 05:50 PM)OS-PRIME Wrote: (09-23-2016, 05:37 PM)nerufan1haku Wrote: any sm3dw files?
Some dude posted a link that had all of the unencrypted SM3DW models on the comments section somewhere.
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(09-25-2016, 02:13 PM)nerufan1haku Wrote: (09-23-2016, 05:50 PM)OS-PRIME Wrote: (09-23-2016, 05:37 PM)nerufan1haku Wrote: any sm3dw files?
Some dude posted a link that had all of the unencrypted SM3DW models on the comments section somewhere.
Check the comments.
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(09-11-2016, 06:05 PM)Random Talking Bush Wrote: (09-11-2016, 04:30 PM)Carpaccio Wrote: You said this *NO script can import from Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity? I'm going through the files of the Wii version and I can't seem to find any with a similar extension. Am I missing something? For now, you'll need to rely on memory dumps for those until I can figure out a way to get 'em extracted properly.
Well guess that's a dead end for me. I have no idea how to do memory dumps, so until we can extract them properly, end of my project concerning this game. Really wanted to get SCR-HD, and Master Core ABIS.
09-26-2016, 11:05 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-26-2016, 11:06 AM by Random Talking Bush.)
(09-26-2016, 09:44 AM)Carpaccio Wrote: Well guess that's a dead end for me. I have no idea how to do memory dumps, so until we can extract them properly, end of my project concerning this game. Really wanted to get SCR-HD, and Master Core ABIS. I'll take another look at the formats sometime early next month. Hopefully I'll come up with something that can be used, and not stumble on unknown compressions or anything like that.
Anyway, I've added an .LZ decompression script for Paper Mario: Color Splash now. I've got dibs on ripping the sprites, though, but you won't see 'em up on the site until after October 7th.
RTB Have you heard of this game called Pokeland Legends? I'm trying to get 3D Models from it.
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I have tried that the Senran Kagura: Estival Versus's .tmd file and the scr not work
looks like not same as SV's module file
Do you need some sample?
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I see you've added support for Natsuiro High School to your Tamsoft script. How did you extract the .cat files? I've tried using all the bms scripts used on other Tamsoft games (posted over on xentax) but they don't work.
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Does anyone have sonic and mario rio 2016 games files?