11-23-2016, 04:28 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-23-2016, 06:30 PM by cakespweez.)
Hey everyone out there. Been a fan and user of spriters-resource for a long time now, and finally decided to join the fold, as my interests in sprite ripping have intensified recently.
Asking for help on ripping NES sprites feels like I'm committing some cardinal sin here, as there do not appear to be any readily available tutorials for the system, yet there are oodles of sheets for it, implying that ripping for the system is so easy, who would need a tutorial?
Well, that's me. I'm a Wizards & Warriors freak, amongst other games, but particularly this series lately. I got inspired, for whatever reason, to rip all of Ironsword: Wizards & Warriors II, after beating it for the first time just the other day. A bit of reading here and some searching there, and now I have both YY-CHR and Tile Molester, and I feel like I have almost all the knowledge needed to proceed. My problem is: I can't for the life of me seem to load a palette on either program, which would help me immensely in figuring out what pieces are what.
I have determined that the easiest way ON PAPER, is to load a save state from the emulator and it will just load the palette as well. Sounds easy enough, but when I go to load a save state, none of the formats accepted seem to be any I can use. I tried getting NESticle to work, it didn't. I tried getting the original FCEUltra to work, it didn't. I use FCEUX, but it appears to use a completely different format for save states that neither program will accept.
Frankly, I feel like I'm going insane looking for what should be a really simple solution. I have finally caved and I am asking, nay, BEGGING for someone's help.
EDIT: It appears that this is getting some views but no replies
just as a bit of context, I've read the "omg how i rip sprites" page on Random Hoo Haas, by Ragey(?). That page has given me what I think are most or all of the tools I need to get started, but a more thorough explanation of getting palettes or even some links to working versions of NESticle or FCEUltra are all I need, I think. I've put quite a bit of time into figuring this out over numerous days and I think I'm just missing something small that someone here probably knows. If you're reading this and have any experience ripping NES sprites with these tools, I would really appreciate some advice. Pretty please with a cherry on top!
Asking for help on ripping NES sprites feels like I'm committing some cardinal sin here, as there do not appear to be any readily available tutorials for the system, yet there are oodles of sheets for it, implying that ripping for the system is so easy, who would need a tutorial?
Well, that's me. I'm a Wizards & Warriors freak, amongst other games, but particularly this series lately. I got inspired, for whatever reason, to rip all of Ironsword: Wizards & Warriors II, after beating it for the first time just the other day. A bit of reading here and some searching there, and now I have both YY-CHR and Tile Molester, and I feel like I have almost all the knowledge needed to proceed. My problem is: I can't for the life of me seem to load a palette on either program, which would help me immensely in figuring out what pieces are what.
I have determined that the easiest way ON PAPER, is to load a save state from the emulator and it will just load the palette as well. Sounds easy enough, but when I go to load a save state, none of the formats accepted seem to be any I can use. I tried getting NESticle to work, it didn't. I tried getting the original FCEUltra to work, it didn't. I use FCEUX, but it appears to use a completely different format for save states that neither program will accept.
Frankly, I feel like I'm going insane looking for what should be a really simple solution. I have finally caved and I am asking, nay, BEGGING for someone's help.
EDIT: It appears that this is getting some views but no replies